
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age

What is more characteristic of our modern day than crazy and wholly indefensible "policies"? It seems one of the undeniable characteristics of our times that many of the West's most common practices and theories appear the result of insane conclusions. Perhaps this did not occur by accident. Instead, many of the founders of this modern age were troubled individuals who struggled with profound emotional and mental issues.
- Monday, August 29, 2011

The Christian Foundation of Modern Science

To suggest that modern science had a Christian beginning would seem to most folks as absurd. This is true for several reasons. First we are propagandized daily with the "fact" that science and religion have nothing in common, but mix like oil and water. Second, the educational system in America leaves many of its victims totally incapable of critical thinking, thanks to progressive education icon John Dewey. Third, the complete trashing of religion in general, and Christianity in particular, has become an enormous goal of the secular culture, with much success currently.
- Sunday, August 21, 2011

Obama, the Duke of Babylon & the Christian Origins of Marxism

Whether convenient to believe, or not--almost the entire worldview of leftism is derived from heretic, medieval Christians. And while it may be stupefying how much Obama's presidency mimics doctrinaire Marxism, the underlying socialist writings are likewise dull stuff, indeed. Yet, the actual origin of socialist ideas and symbolism is fascinating. Mistaken biblical exegesis of the Book of Revelation is responsible for much socialist ideology. Yet, one hardly thinks of Christianity when pondering Marxism's roots--especially bearing in mind how utterly godless it is.
- Sunday, August 14, 2011

Socialism’s God—Karl Marx: Was He Stupid, Insane…or Possessed?

Karl Marx lived from 1818-1883. The question addressed today is whether Marx accidentally created the most inefficient and murderous set of beliefs in history, or if something more dreadful was at work in his mind and heart. The crux is whether Marx simply gave up belief in God, or more darkly--decided to cast his lot with Satan against Yahweh, in spite of the implications? Surprisingly, Marx made a large number of statements seemingly in support of the Devil, judgment and hell. But the reader can decide themselves the question of this essay--whether Marx was stupid, crazed or diabolical.
- Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obama’s “Leadership” Style is Classic Liberalism: No Vision + Utter Incompetence = Total Failure

Things are so bad now in America that we have to ask--Could Barack even pull-off being Mayor of McDonald-Land? Barack's critics have been proven essentially correct in their initial analysis, that he had no leadership experience nor any apparent bent towards such. But consider to the degree in which his lack of leadership has been factually established in every scenario so far. Therefore we can say that not only did Barack bring no leadership skills into his presidency, but he has developed none after 2 years of experience. How pathetic! Therefore, Obama is a continuous threat to bring America down by the very next emergency or disaster he encounters.
- Monday, August 1, 2011

What is Liberty, That We May Defend It?

Is American Liberty under attack? Perhaps more so than any time since the Revolution. We see this daily in how our government regularly misleads us; making foolhardy economic decisions, then treating citizens alarmed at record deficits like madmen. It repeatedly tramples our rights as if we were slaves. The Constitution is displayed as an elaborate, ancient joke. Politicians present themselves as gods, above error, who dismiss dissent as if it were the babble of infants. Between irrational new laws, and the government's refusal to enforce common sense rules, Americans feel trapped and betrayed by increasingly tyrannical leaders.
- Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

Did you happen to catch Obama's recent budget speech where he advised the little man to step aside to allow the "experts"--that is, the professional politicians--to address the nation's most serious problems? If you didn't swoon after that miracle of delusion, you may want to go get tested for terminal cognitive dissonance. Here is what Barack said when asked why the vast majority of Americans did not support a higher debt ceiling:
Let me distinguish between professional politicians and the public at large. You know, the public is not paying close attention...
- Sunday, July 17, 2011

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

Is there any mindset which defines Obama's default attitude better than to say it is simply "adolescent?" No, for the following reasons. Barack's interactions with the real world evokes from him responses which can be described as: angry; superior, haughty, dismissive, dishonest, petulant, cocky, petty, vengeful, mocking, holier-than-thou, and full of faux-insights and dishonesty. In other words, Barack acts like a big kid pretending to be someone he's not, everyday on the job. This is not only aggravating to observe, and depressing to consider, but worse--extraordinarily dangerous for a leader.
- Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 4, 2011: Why America’s Founders Originally Rebelled & Their Thoughts Today

Somewhere between confusion and ignorance lies the teaching many Americans receive today on the motives of the Founders of the USA. The American Revolution was really a battle over ideas between the Old and New Worlds. And the chief idea being fought over in the 1770s was that of Liberty. Colonists considered themselves heirs of the rights of freeborn Englishmen. This powerful conviction was torn-asunder by the decisions of mad King George and an arrogant Parliament. The English realized too late that principled Americans would be willing to fight and die for such beliefs as the right to representative government and the sanctity of private property.
- Sunday, July 3, 2011

Need a Good Chuckle? Read the “Journalist Canon of Ethics” for Sidesplitting Comedy

Get ready for the shock of your life--Did you know there is actually a "Journalist's Canon of Ethics"? (attached at end of article) It was actually composed in 1922 and apparently used to be quite influential to beat writers of yore. Of course, today we realize that after memorizing Marx's Communist Manifesto, there is precious little room left in the typical reporter's hard-drive for any other interest. It is consequently fascinating that the New York Times has a separate area on its website breathlessly discussing journalist ethics! If one didn't know better, you'd think the writers at the Grey Lady actually gave a rat's hindquarter what was in the reporter's Canon of Ethics !!
- Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Separating Church & State is a Fool’s Errand: Consider Magna Carta’s Origins

It's the default theory of modern western pop culture that church and state must be completely separated for the good of mankind. Talk-show blowhards (read Bill Maher) make disreputable livings off such anti-intellectual bilge. Yet, both common sense and the historical record reveal this goal is a dangerous mirage. The record shows the West has led the globe in innovation for the last millennium. Further, that the West could not have arisen without Christian ideas and practices. Finally, logic reveals without continuing guidance from the unique perspective of the Church, the West is destined to fall.
- Sunday, June 19, 2011

Perpetual Media War Against Palin Exposes Imbecility of Mindless Critics

Sarah Palin's relentless tsunami of criticism resembles nothing other than simple playground bullying. The colossal, genuine vapidity of the "mainstream media" in ginning up predictably lame attacks upon Palin is like a scene from Voyage of the Damned. The elites assemble into a menagerie of rabid beasts, like a stable of bleating, cawing, mewling, and braying critters blindly belching up hateful anti-Palin bromides. This illiterate choir presents a tale, told by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
- Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dispatch of Suicide Hobbyist “Dr. Death” Kevorkian Offers Questions on Meaning of Life

With the death last week of Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian, famed medical practitioner and suicide hobbyist, we have an opportunity to contrast our culture's values against its classic sources. More pointedly, in examining the doctor's life and values, we ought to ask a tough question. That is, whether, when Kevorkian was being allowed to help those wanting suicide , if that better reveals our convictions than our supposed religion? Sadly, the answer may be, "yes." But there are strong reasons why his ideas will always lead to tragic outcomes. For example, such a blasé' attitude towards life explains why our society throws babies away like garbage in the name of "family planning." So maybe this is who we really are, deep down--a Kevorkian Nation, unified together in the name of convenience? This is the topic of today's essay.
- Sunday, June 5, 2011

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

The very notion of truth itself has been tied, stretched out and crucified for political advantage in America. This is why we are in a dreary swamp, a national malaise. Our current struggles are all the more remarkable considering most result from wrong ideas. A simple attitude adjustment, ie a "reality check"--would eliminate most of our seemingly permanent issues fairly quickly. Our troubles occur because disreputable political doctrines are raised over common sense. For example, huge deficits undermine America's ability to continue its military and humanitarian roles, home and abroad. And yet, the notion of serious spending cuts is regarded by liberals as more horrible than an offer to barbecue holy cows in downtown Bombay.
- Sunday, May 29, 2011

Obama Demands Israel Downsize: This is the New Humbler Foreign Policy?

imageIs it an illusion, or does Obama specialize in constant, shape-changing contradictions? He's thrilled over his own "epic achievements," daily shattering campaign promises. For example, Obama's idea of "helping" our ally Israel is demanding they unilaterally surrender massive areas of territory to quiet their enemies, despite being bordered on every side by mortal foes. Have we mentioned these countries already invaded Israel multiple times without cause? But such appeasement will lead to "peace"--of course! Imagine an analogy--an undersized boy is ordered by his stepfather to "stop lifting weights" to get stronger to fight back against a bully, since once he gives up training the bully will logically lose interest! Make sense?
- Sunday, May 22, 2011

Freedom of Conscience & the Conservative Movement

It seems the Right finds it hard tolerating genuine dialogue on timely issues. Therefore, important topics receive a prefabricated "correct position," or are simply avoided, instead of being addressed by principled debate. Any deviation is treated with utter suspicion, or outright contempt. This ought not be, and must change if Conservatism hope to reassert preeminence. This presumes a movement based upon a core of sacrosanct principles, of black and white areas, but also much gray zones demanding debate.
- Sunday, May 15, 2011

Killing Unarmed Osama is Against US Policy Allowing Even Nazis a Fair Trial

It made perfect sense to kill on sight Osama bin Laden. It was also perfectly wrong. Mistaken because we as Americans, heirs of the European Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment, decided last century that all accused men deserve a fair trial before execution. We staged trials for even the Nazis, but not because they earned it. Instead we did so in the name of Rule of Law, our common humanity, and to illuminate the dangers of ideological fanaticism. We use the legal sciences and forensic arts to give depravity its proper place within the larger story of history, making sense of it, drawing out lessons which cannot be gleaned any other way.
- Sunday, May 8, 2011

Forget the Birth Certificate—Where is Your Belly Button, Barack?

imageLefties across America heaved a communal sigh of relief when Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate was put online for the world to see. In fact, very few even seemed to mind the obvious eBay price-tag in one corner, or the Made in China watermark where a seal should have been, on the other. Even the fact the attending physician had the same name as Uday and Qusay's personal doctor did not seem to dampen the spirits of the celebrants. But a new Barack birth issue has already raised its ugly head, but this time it's physiological. Namely, whither goes Obama's Belly Button?
- Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why Liberals See Taxes as a Holy Sacrament & How This Destroys America

imageIs tax revenue really the entire strength of a nation? In the Genesis story of Joseph in Egypt, to save themselves during 7 years of famine, Egyptians sold themselves into Pharaoh's slavery in exchange for food, till all they owned was themselves. Likewise, today Obama proposes Americans avoid a contrived economic apocalypse by embracing his call for perpetual deficit spending and permanently skyrocketed tax rates. Like ancient Egypt, if Americans follow this vision, we will all end up slaves. Yet, we won't be saved since the logical outcome is government will again own everything as we morph into default communism.
- Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blind Leftist Devotion to Obama Results From Marxist Critical Theory

Recall, Obama was declared a genius of geniuses by the elites when he ran for president, based on admittance to Harvard Law and a few stirring speeches. Yet, once upon a time, some effort was made to connect education to that holy grail called "intelligence." After all, wasn't that the entire argument behind the support and development of the "Ivy League"? But as the average--meaning intellectually guileless--person now sees daily and proved by incontrovertible evidence, being an elite simply means you have been trained into sneering, illiterate idiocy.
- Monday, April 11, 2011
