
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Did China Send a Shot Across America’s Bow With the CA “Mystery Missile”?

Baffling the mainstream media and the US Government was the apparent launch of the "Mystery Missile" just offshore of Los Angeles, CA, Monday Nov. 8th, 2010 around 5 pm. The best explanation claimed an apparent solo rocket trail was actually the contrail from a multi-engine commercial aircraft. Upon examining the video, this explanation seems flimsy. Instead, many experts say footage shows the chemical exhaust of a very large missile. After the Government had no explanation, certain military experts said the rocket might have been launched from a Chinese sub to possibly send a message to Barack. If this is true, America is in even more danger than any could have guessed even weeks ago.
- Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Sarah Palin is Ten Times the Leader Barack Could Ever Hope to Be

"Obama against Palin --Are you nuts? Barack would wipe the floor with Sarah in every category without even trying!" Well, that's what many Americans said when comparing the two in 2008. But oh, my --how the worm has turned! With Barack spending his whole presidency falling in the polls (now at 37%), even his own party can only hope to be elected by pretending they don't know him.
- Sunday, October 31, 2010

Give Obama a Pat on the Back—of Butter—He’s Toast

Obama has utterly failed. He launched an entire presidency upon a tissue of lies, excuses, ignorance and a prickly cult of self-worship. But this proved so unstable it gave way beneath him mere weeks into his tenure. Now he free-falls into oblivion. Future historians might craft "theories" -- obscuring his incompetence, blaming it onto outside forces or resolute foes. But those who witnessed his malfeasance know better.
- Sunday, October 24, 2010

Islamic Law of Marriage

No set of rules in a country affects more residents than marriage and family laws, for everyone is touched by these. Specifically, it is within the Islamic law of marriage one can really see and understand the impassable gulf separating Western and Shari'ah (Islamic law) concepts of justice. Men and women are simply not equal under Shari'ah law, nor could they ever be.
- Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saudi Religious Laws: Or, Why Building an Arab “Outreach Church” Would Be Impossible

In the ongoing debate over the NY/NY Ground Zero mosque, it is claimed by the Muslims involved America stands to gain much from accepting the greatness of Islam. But can't we ask: Would Islam itself allow the building of an "outreach church" in Saudi Arabia? In order to teach Muslims about the beauty of Christianity? Absolutely not. In fact, such a move would not just be seen as absurd, but absolutely illegal, and treated as a capital crime under Saudi Shari'ah Muslim law. Consider this -- according to the US State Department, in Saudi Arabia, "No public non-Muslim houses of worship exist..." In other words, there are no churches in Saudi Arabia.
- Sunday, October 10, 2010

Non-Believers Under Muslim Law

Discussed in this essay are the laws and status of those persons in Islamic lands who are not Muslims. This group is mainly composed of Jews and Christians, called dhimmis. What is important about this topic is it communicates better than any other method the true historic beliefs of Muslims towards Westerners. Therefore, it indicates how a good Muslim should view a non-believer, especially if they ever achieve control of a formerly non-Islamic state, like America.
- Sunday, October 3, 2010

Crime & Punishment in Islamic Law

This article examines classic Islamic law, the "Shari'ah," regarding crime and punishment. Recently, the "Ground Zero Imam" Egyptian Feisal Abdul Rauf claimed Muslim and American law were essentially the same. He said, "What's right with America and what's right with Islam are, in fact, very much in sync...I call America a Sharia compliant state." But what would being a "Shari'ah compliant state" really mean? To understand this, we need to study the details of Shari'ah law.
- Sunday, September 26, 2010

Did Ground Zero Mosque Imam lie about Muslim Law vs. U.S. law?

In a jaw-dropping statement by Ground Zero Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, he claimed Muslim and American legal concepts essentially agree. He said, "America is a Shari'ahcompliant state." Is this true? Is the US primed for Muslim law? Or, is Rauf capitalizing on how little Americans understand Islam? Perhaps, in declaring subjective propositions, Rauf believes he has little to lose, but much to gain. Maybe Rauf is employing taqiyyah, (holy deception), to sell Islam to America?
- Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Ground Zero Mosque is Demanded—But Can Islam Itself Learn Tolerance?

image"If the devil wants in, he'll get in." -- Sons of Anarchy Why do major religions react in radically different ways to similar stimulus? For example, why would desecration of one religion's holy books bring mostly shrugs, whereas another religion threatens armed conflict when their guru is spoofed? It is part of the modern American myth to accept that "all religions teach the same thing, and lead to the same place." This patent falsehood can be traced to Joseph Campbell and like minds who helped spread this brain-numbing disease of universalism. But what is the organic source of Muslim rage? This issue must be raised by Western politicians and officials as we are increasingly forced to adapt to Muslim communities, beliefs and practices.
- Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obama, Immigration & Mosques: Rivers of Blood?

"The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils" --Enoch Powell A chilling, recently released undercover video shows a scene that ought put fear of potential cataclysmic revolution upon all Westerners. Pictured was a typical street in Paris, France. Both ends of the avenue were blocked by private security. Meanwhile, what appeared literally thousands of Muslims knelt in the prayer position as the adhān call to prayer rang out. No residents of the street could enter or leave their abodes as all perambulations on the street ceased. The voice-over explained while the act was illegal, authorities decided not to intervene.
- Sunday, September 5, 2010

Judge Hercules & Obama’s Ground Zero Mosque

In the current controversy engulfing survivors and families of the September 11th tragedy, unfolds a train-wreck of legal and moral claims about use of the still-leveled site. This pits supposedly well-meaning Muslims against stalwarts suspiciously opposed to Islam establishing a beachhead in the area. So, what is the right answer and who should prevail in the matter? Does a legal property right confer a larger "right" of development within a community, regardless of any other issues?
- Sunday, August 29, 2010

Obama’s Divine Right of Kings & The Ground Zero Mosque

imageWhen Barack stated Muslims had a right to build a Mosque on Twin Tower scorched earth, he accidentally revisited a key American Revolutionary debate: Does a king have a divine right from God to act as he pleases? Or, were the Founders correct claiming a Natural Law existed over all human decisions, judging each act? This question is the topic of this essay, and will include appearances by the Founding Fathers and favorite writer Locke, versus Karl Marx and Mohammad.
- Sunday, August 22, 2010

Obama & State Takeover By Union: Syndicalism

imageEven moderately observant Americans realize Obama's policies strongly favor unions. But why? Some believe simply because unions helped deliver his presidency. But, do more basic and sinister motives lurk beneath the surface? In Marxism, great emphasis is placed on use of unions to advance socialism. French historian of labor Michel Collinet claims... "The control of labor unions was, and still remains, the principle objective of Communist parties in industrialized countries."
- Sunday, August 15, 2010

Celebrate the American Revolution—Impeach Obama

image"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" -- Tom Jefferson Essential themes from the original American Revolution are resurfacing during Obama's short tenure. As always, the People are bigger than any one man, and so it is quite fitting we return to our roots to fight tyranny by rising up against Obama's imperial presidency, forcefully and legally removing him, just like rejecting Mad King George. Timeless revolutionary issues boil down to Natural Law arguments concerning rights to property, the purpose of government, sovereignty and tyranny.
- Sunday, August 1, 2010

Obama’s Grave Dereliction of Duty as an Impeachable Act

Many Americans believe a president must commit a serious illegality, ie "High Crime" to qualify for impeachment. Not true. In fact, dereliction of duty is also a qualifying reason. In fact, no greater argument exists for impeachment than utter failure to use common sense by a leader. For what could be more dangerous than an absolute inability to decide wisely? This article considers "Grave Dereliction of Duty" as a fundamental problem demanding impeachment and removal.
- Sunday, July 25, 2010

Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Either Incompetent, or Purposely Failing

Is there a single American who secretly thinks Obama's up to the task of the presidency? Or, does anyone believe Barack does not take bad situations and worsen them to magnify his power? These are rhetorical questions, of course. The only way Barack is an acceptable president is if you're an opponent of America's greatest achievements.
- Sunday, July 18, 2010

Obama & the Eighty-One Percent True Believers

Recent polls reveal a giant gap in Obama's approval between parties, with 81% of Democrats approving Barack's job performance, while only 12% of Republicans concur. Despite unprecedented failure, why do liberals strongly approve Obama's performance? Barack's hyper-political stance and stunningly inept decisions ought to repulse every patriotic American. Hasn't Obama been revealed as the JaMarcus Russell (failed NFL #1 pick) of American politics, losing every contest while steadfastly refusing to study the offensive play-book, or ponder team history?
- Sunday, July 11, 2010

Do Christians Who Voted for Obama Believe His Policies are Biblical?

Do you consider yourself a Christian who also voted for Barack Obama? If not for such Bible-believing supporters, Barack would have had no prayer at gaining the presidency. Perhaps many Christians think their faith can't influence casting votes in government elections. But what fruit has such political agnosticism borne? Are believing Barack-boosters now proud of themselves?
- Sunday, July 4, 2010
