
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Has America Embraced the Spirit of Anti-Christ?

This essay is written for all principled free-thinkers, not just Believers. It examines the terrible impact on society of apostasy, symbolized by deviation from the biblical model in the American family structure over the past 50 years. This illustrates the devastating results of widespread heresy. Americans have abandoned their ancestral faith and practice, a subject affecting all persons, including the indifferent and non-religious. Therefore we can say a spirit of anti-Christ is unleashed. This is not to be confused with "The Beast" of Revelations whom many believe will come to establish an infernal kingdom on earth before the end of times. Instead, this general spirit opposes Bible teaching, contradicting the doctrines of Jesus and the Apostles, here illuminated by changing practices on marriage.
- Sunday, April 3, 2011

Does the New ~Obama Doctrine~ Successfully Combine Christ & Caesar?

Hey everybody, lefties like to blow up things and kill people, too! Seriously--Can we blame liberals for clinging to the Good Ship Socialism when their pacifist boy king does a 180-degree turn with a full back-flip, landing with an assault rifle in his hands, ready for action? It does not seem yet that Democrats will reject Barack's startling metamorphosis in jumping into the Libyan fray faster than a robin pecking a stunned earthworm into paste.
- Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Did He Even Bother Running? Obama Leadership Vacuum Menaces Globe

Has any modern political figure ever squandered political goodwill in the manner of Obama--trading near messianic devotion from a hundred million for not even a cup of proverbial porridge in return? His political pratfalls occur only as often as he makes decisions. But even the most hardened Obama backers had to shudder and roll their eyes this week when Barack fixated on college basketball "brackets" instead of ongoing tragedy, chaos and the loss of tens of thousands. It became transparent--in a way in which only disasters bring clarity--that Obama is a boy amongst men, only haphazardly observing history's progress the way a house cat mindlessly follows a fluttering object.
- Sunday, March 20, 2011

Obama Unions a Microcosm of Liberalism: Parasites Devouring Their Host

When Obama predictably stood up for Wisconsin unions, he didn't create sympathy but merely cast a spotlight upon bygone methods and absurdly selfish goals. Unions typically represent the proposition that, regardless of the underlying economic state, their power and wealth is sacrosanct. Such obscene leftist power-brokering led to the demise of Detroit as the world's automobile capital. It is time we defang and emasculate these anachronisms of Marxism. Foolhardy attempts by Barack to steer America back to the glory days of Norma Rae's nest of socialist maggots is doomed to fail. Labor union cliches are so dated they are as embarrassing to hear recited as an ancient prayer from a long-dead cult.
- Sunday, March 13, 2011

Can US Founder’s Natural Law Help Defeat Obama’s Socialist “Change”?

An alarming fact patriotic Americans must accept is leftists fighting for "Hope 'n Change" are actually determined to steal as much liberty from others as possible. The current "Change" mandate has already been exposed as simplistic socialism. But in the midst of unsettling changes and alarming power grabs by our elected officials, as we see our traditional rights and freedoms being sent down the commode as so much effluent, is there anything to be done?
- Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Obama Refuses to Defend Marriage: Marxist Theology v. Natural Law

imageObama just announced he will not defend DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, designed to block gay marriage legalization. Barack stated the reason -- because it is "unconstitutional." But is it any coincidence Marxist doctrine teaches marriage is a subset of the state; whereas our Founder's Natural Law only countenances heterosexual unions? By stating he will not honor legally passed statutes, Obama openly rejects the rule of law. He has pushed the presidency from a defender of our laws into being its destroyer. The reason is that, despite any disagreement Barack has with particular pieces of legislation, he swore an oath to defend the whole Constitution. If he were to challenge this law in a law-abiding manner, this would at least respect our institutions. But to simply declare a particular law "illegal," is certain to sow future chaos and an antinomian spirit into our Republic.
- Sunday, February 27, 2011

Obama Assaults Democracy by Rejecting Popular Consent

imageDoes the "Will of the People" matter when government is run by a cadre of demigods? After all, is it really immoral to force Americans to do the good and avoid the bad? Contra, one can argue the very cornerstone of US constitutional theory is summed up in the doctrine of Consent of the Governed, since without acknowledging the popular will, every other act by government is tyranny. Yet, former constitutional instructor Barack Obama constantly ignores and even flouts this principle in action. Remember the Declaration's immortal words:
- Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obama & The Human Stain: Or How Political Correctness Gave America a Con-Man President

imageThe Human Stain, Philip Roth's seminal novel regarding Political Correctness, racism, and the insipid hypocrisy of leftist morality, is a fitting backdrop to Barack Obama's improbable presidency. In the story, Professor Coleman Silk, a half-Black Jewish professor, posing as a White man, is taken down by the mechanical application of PC rules to an accidental insult he gave to two African-Americans. Now, we can introduce the 800-pound donkey in the room. Let's ask a simple question: Could Barack have been elected president without the doctrine known as Political Correctness?
- Sunday, February 13, 2011

Obama, Egypt & History of the Muslim Brotherhood

imageAs Egyptians ponder revolution, the globe awaits how this will effect energy prices, Middle East relations, and world stability, especially considering agitation by the Muslim Brotherhood. It is mystifying how Obama supports these protesters, while admitting he hadn't yet called Mubarak--America's ally and Egypt's president. Remember Obama's deer-in-the-headlights routine when Iranians protested rigged elections. So what is different this time? As with all things Barack, if we scratch beneath the surface of superficial incompetence we find a genuine commitment to real leftism. It is axiomatic what excites Obama is some form of revolutionary liberalism, hence his "Change" mantra, and all subsequent progressive policies and past associations.
- Sunday, February 6, 2011

What ‘Obama the Unready’ Could Learn From Alfred the Great

Would Barack be better named "St. Peter Obama" -- considering how overwhelmingly he embodies the Peter Principle? On that question there can be no debate. He offered himself unready for any leadership position, and was then rewarded for his incompetence. Not only is Barack no Ronald Reagan, he can't even lead. As such, Obama hearkens back to another unfortunate historical character -- Æthelred the Unready. Æthelred was an English king who so completely misused his opportunity he became synonymous with lack of preparation and poor decisions.
- Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Obama Resurrecting Nazi Fascist Economics?

imageDon't look now, but Obama again sails into uncharted waters by naming Jefferey Immelt, CEO of General Electric, head of his jobs committee. Imagine, if this was announced by George W, liberals would have screamed like fat kids at diet camp. But the national response is light applause and yawns, proving once again--it's not what is done, but who does it--that matters to leftists. Fascinatingly, such collusion between government and big business recalls Nazi fascist economics. Such blurred lines between public and private sectors is the subject of this column.
- Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Leftists Are Far Likelier to Use Political Violence Than Conservatives

Tea Party members are violently ignorant, racist rednecks, hell-bent on revenge! Isn't that the media's unvarnished opinion? And if anyone were to use a weapon for a political crime, it would be --by default --a person from the right side of the aisle. Correct? This is true because modern liberals are the holders of humanity's precious, dwindling stock of peace loving common sense and love for homo sapiens. While it is the idiotically reactionary Conservatives who need to act out their violent fantasies. Bill Maher recently claimed Conservatives think --"Wouldn't it be fun to kill the people who disagree with us?‚"
- Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zealots Against US Constitution & Free Speech Must Be Shamed From Public Life

An amazing phenomenon is transpiring in American, circa 2011: Politicians insist Free Speech must be censured, while pundits claim the US Constitution is outdated! Advocates of "The Constitution Has Expired" club are invariably modern liberals, aka socialists. Therefore, no better illustration exists for their utter lack of intellectual vitality, and blatant ignorance of US history. These progressives pose extraordinary danger to America and ought to be forced from public life. Because the only hedge America has between civilization and anarchy is our precious Constitution.
- Sunday, January 9, 2011

America’s New Year’s Resolution—A Covenant For Civic & Personal Renewal

America is struggling to maintain our economic health, dignity and confidence. We therefore need to make a renewed commitment, a covenant, to return to the virtues of the American way of life. A majority are upset with the direction America is headed. Many think the US has fallen off track because of overly liberal or morally corrupt leadership. The notion we must become like Europe and accept an under-performing economy, welfare lifestyles, a reduction in military might, and huge growth in bureaucracy outrages many. As well it should! For the government exists for our benefit and protection. Contra, we do not owe government the duty of living as mindless automatons feeding its ever- increasing expansion and might.
- Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hitler’s Triumph of the Will & Christ

Do Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther and Christ really have anything in common? Consider the story of Hitler's battle against Luther over the soul of Germany. This event reveals the political side of religion in Hitler's Germany, found in the Nazis and their propaganda film Triumph of the Will (1934), placed against Luther's greatest work -- Bondage of the Will (1525). Hitler sought to move Germany beyond indomitable Luther and his Bible by sheer humanistic effort. Here was a politician trying to advance his cause by undermining traditional religion, which still occurs today, perhaps more than ever.
- Sunday, December 26, 2010

GOP Must Destroy All Obama Legislation—Like Rome’s Damnatio Memoriae

What in the name of Zeus does the GOP think it's going to achieve by bargaining with Barack Obama and his socialist posse? Instead of pretending we have much in common, why don't the Republicans get a clue and listen to the results of the last election, and heed Conservatism--and allow liberals to keep listening to Prozac? It is time to use the ancient Roman act of Damnatio Memoriae, or public condemnation, to bury old Barack along with all his self-indulgent and imbecilic decisions. The following article explores this option.
- Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tea Party Charter: Defense of Property & Revival of Virtues Equals Liberty

imageIt's obvious that a society highlighting freedom must also honor virtue. For without the cooperation of law-abiding citizens, government devolves into a police state or anarchy. As virtue ebbs across America at every level, from kindergarten to the Oval Office; from pulpit to boardroom, an uprising demands an American revival. This is the Tea Party, a spontaneous lawful revolt demanding a return to our ancestral ideals and constitutional freedoms. This group represents a reformation of the quintessential American virtues: a defense of life, liberty and property.
- Sunday, December 12, 2010

Radical Leftist Julian Assange Plays God Leaking US Documents

Question: Does it matter that most of today's Western rebels are driven by socialism? Or that the lobotomized mainstream media never isolates this trait when reporting these rogues? In the West there is no larger group of man-made disaster-makers than modern liberals. Cursing the world with their withering self-righteousness, socialists and Marxists like Julian Assange have been a global plague since the French Revolution.
- Monday, December 6, 2010

TSA Circus Reveals Dangers of Marxist Politically Correct Security Rules

Enormous problems exist in TSA airline screening resulting from the nonsensical mixing of Political Correctness into safety procedures. Specifically, the problem is doctrines of progressive social engineering have become so powerful a centerpiece in minds of the elites that our very safety is threatened by this misbegotten ideology. Unsurprisingly, Political Correctness (PC) is not a randomly occurring phenomenon. Yet many will be shocked to discover PC is a product of social Marxism directed by expatriate German intellectuals in America after WWI.
- Monday, November 29, 2010

Can Obama Help Promote Islam on a One-Way Trip to Mars?

imageIt's true The Obama has been an unmitigated disaster as president. Very few now dispute this fact after the Nov 2nd Massacre. But what does this fact mean in a larger setting? Upon reflection and analysis, Barack's failure rests at his own feet because he is the current clod in office. But we can't avoid the larger implication--modern-liberalism itself has been tested and found utterly fraudulent. This is very dangerous as modern-liberal socialism is now our default national policy in all matters, and government actions based upon ignorance and lies can only result in failure and ultimate disaster.
- Sunday, November 21, 2010
