
Klaus Rohrich

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism. His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others. He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto. Older articles by Klaus Rohrich

Most Recent Articles by Klaus Rohrich:

The myth of ‘white privilege’

To listen to the juvenile whack-jobs ranting about ‘white privilege’ one would think that black slavery was still pretty much alive and well in America. The latest pabulum maintains that white people merely have to show up, blow their white folks’ dog whistle and wealth and power just falls into their laps.
- Friday, April 21, 2017

When the climate hysteria goes away its steep costs will remain

As we enter the 19th or 20th year of the so-called 'hiatus' in global warming, it's becoming fairly clear that the idea of catastrophic climate change is a tad fanciful. I'm sure the potential for climate change certainly exists, because that's what climate does, but the evidence for this change to be attributed to "carbon pollution" caused by human behaviour is growing ever thinner. I see a time in the not so distant future when the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) will go the way of the VCR.
- Saturday, April 1, 2017

This is why America is ‘exceptional’

We just witnessed the swearing in of America’s 45th president, Donald Trump, a man who has never run for public office, yet who managed to tap into the hearts and minds of the American people with his message that he will make America great again.
- Saturday, January 21, 2017

‘You guys’ stoppit!

The restrictions on free speech in today’s universities are nothing less than the attempt to take control of language to prevent the free exchange and discussion of ideas.
- Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Who are the ‘clingers’ now?

It’s interesting to note that the majority of my friends find President-Elect Donald Trump offensive. Over the Christmas Season I was asked numerous times by friends and acquaintances what I thought about Donald Trump.
- Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hillary’s toast

All the theoretical scenarios being bandied about regarding the 2016 Presidential race are based on the assumption that Hillary Clinton will be the Democrats’ candidate for president. I believe this is a case of wishful thinking mixed with intellectual torpor, as I think Hillary Clinton will not be the Democrats’ candidate.
- Thursday, February 18, 2016

‘Natural causes.’ Really?

I have become extremely sceptical of all that takes places in modern culture and am thus looking at the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with more than a hint of suspicion. How convenient that one of the most conservative members of the Supreme Court, the one that’s been an open sore to the Obama administration throughout its tenure, just lies down and dies, thus creating a vacancy on the court that could have ramifications for America’s future too depressing to contemplate.
- Wednesday, February 17, 2016

COP 21—Canadians fleeced, again

With just a soupcon more of its traditional insensitivity, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), ended its ruefully named “Conference of the Parties 21” (COP21) in Paris on Saturday. I’m sure COP21 was indeed a conference of parties, wild parties, featuring only the best of everything for everyone there. Oysters, pate d’foie gras, Dom Perignon, Courvoisier, hmmm.
- Monday, December 14, 2015

An orgy of self-righteousness

The last two days have demonstrated that no one in the chattering classes, from the White House down to the editorial board of the Gnarled Gulch Post-Sentinel, seems to be overly concerned with actually finding a solution to the threat of terror facing the West. A case in point is The Donald’s latest proposal to temporarily prohibit all Muslims (politically correct pronunciation: 'moo·Slims) from entering the United States to discourage further terror acts within our borders.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Muslim in the White House?

It’s interesting how a theoretical question set off an avalanche of weaseldom from all the usual suspects, as well as a welcome display of principled philosophy on the part of two GOP presidential hopefuls.
- Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Exceeding the limit

There are few things more irritating or destructive than a self-righteous liberal with self-endowed moral authority. The current refugee crisis in the Middle East, arguably the result of policies propagated by a smug, self-righteous American president is a case in point. This crisis has been festering for upward of a half decade and has already displaced millions of people in the Middle East and resulted in several hundred thousand deaths. Yet none of the liberal brain trust has thought that allowing the crisis to mutate into ever more savage dimensions would have consequences for the rest of us.
- Friday, September 11, 2015

The President is ‘The Other’

For those who drank the hope and change Kool-Aid, here’s some bad news: the ‘fundamental transformation of America’ is in full swing and as they used to say in show biz, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”
- Monday, July 20, 2015

Proving the founders wrong

I am a long-time admirer of American Exceptionalism, as I understood America to be the very first society in history to recognize that our freedoms arise from something innate within us and not from the government. Or as the Founders put it, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
- Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Into the Witless Protection Program

It appears State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki has been promoted to the position of Director of Communications at the White House, or as I like to think of it, the Witless Protection Program. Don’t get me wrong, I think Psaki is a perfectly capable individual and it may be wrong to blame the stupid statements for which she is well-known on her, as she was merely fulfilling the mandates of her job by parroting the Administration line.
- Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I am Canadian

In these days of identity politics and hyphenated nationalities it’s easy to forget the simple slogan a Canadian beer company has been using for the better part of two decades: “I am Canadian!”
- Monday, February 23, 2015

The loonies have taken over the asylum

You really know the world is wonky when top-level US Government officials like Marie Harf, the State Department’s deputy spokesperson, suggest that America is unable to stop terrorism and that instead we need to examine the “root causes” that create this turmoil in the first place. Harf stated that, “We cannot kill every terrorist around the world, nor should we try.” Why not? I’m reasonably certain that ISIS is taking a polar opposite view and would be delighted to kill each and every non-believer on the planet.
- Friday, February 20, 2015

Lies, damned lies & statistics

Last week Gallup CEO Jim Clifton took issue with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) claim that unemployment in America was now hovering somewhere in the vicinity of 5.6%. Clifton said these numbers were “totally misleading” and maintains that the real percentage of unemployed Americans is closer to double the BLS figure.
- Monday, February 9, 2015

The Caliph of America

For the past six years there has been a debate among conservatives around the competency of Barack Obama. One side claims he’s evil; another holds the opinion that he’s terminally incompetent. For a long time, I waffled between the former and the latter, at one point even thinking that both propositions were correct.
- Friday, February 6, 2015

Federal Libs grasping at straws

Pierre Trudeau’s son has attempted to put the shine back on the Liberal fire engine by holding a two-day retreat in southwestern Ontario, a part of the province that in recent years has lost a spate of manufacturing jobs. The Liberals are hoping to highlight the Harper Conservatives’ poor stewardship of the Canadian economy by focusing on Ontario’s rust belt.
- Monday, January 26, 2015

Potemkin Village People

It’s interesting how many times Obama makes speeches using human props in efforts to prove his point. I recall being nonplussed watching him the first time in front of the White House with thirty or forty people lined up behind him, all dressed in white lab coats.
- Thursday, January 22, 2015
