
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

In star-spangled spirit, tea parties will prevail

I watched a History channel program about the War of 1812. Folks, I can not explain why, but the segment about the battle of Baltimore at Fort McHenry and the writing of our national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner moved me to tears.
- Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Obama/media vs. Arizona/America

Folks, our country is in big trouble. What kind of man do we have in the White House? President Obama is a Harvard-educated lawyer. Thus, since he attended such a renowned school, I can only conclude that Obama willfully and knowingly distorted/lied about the plight of Hispanic-Americans in Arizona and the state's immigration law when he said, "...but now suddenly if you don't have your papers, and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're gonna be harassed, ..."
- Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tea party music: Tea Are The World!

I got the idea while traveling and performing nationally on Tea Party Express Tour II. At rallies in every city, conservative musical artists gave me their CDs. Singer/songwriters emailed their songs; all understandably proclaiming theirs to be the greatest tea party song ever written.
- Monday, May 3, 2010

Black Republican Rebukes Steele

RNC Chairman Michael Steele said that the GOP has not given blacks a reason to vote Republican. As a black conservative Republican, I ask, what is the GOP suppose to do -- serve soul food at Republican events?
- Monday, April 26, 2010

Blacks, the media & the tea parties

I am exhausted. I returned home after performing at tea parties in 42 cities from Searchlight, NV, to Washington DC in 19 days while on Tea Party Express III tour. I'm black conservative singer/songwriter, entertainer, author and spokesperson Lloyd Marcus.
- Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tea Party Express III Tour: More blacks tea partying!

Lloyd Marcus checking in from the Tea Party Express III tour bus headed to Detroit. We did six electric atmosphere rallies in one day in Michigan. Everyone was excited because our efforts forced Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak to retire. Score one for We The People.
- Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party Express III: vital voice of we the people

U-Turn Joe and Wrong Way Don. These were the affectionate nick names given to Tea Party Express PAC Coordinator, Joe Wierzbicki and Director of Merchandise Donald LaCombe nine national tours ago. Before the fancy wrapped 45 foot professional tour buses, Joe drove a Budget truck leading his caravan of over thirty vehicles. Donald was Joe's navigator reading the map. This was before GPS. Thus, their nick names U-Turn Joe and Wrong Way Don. Their first four tours were in support of our troops.
- Monday, April 12, 2010

Racist hate mail attacks Tea Party Express

I am Lloyd Marcus, black singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem traveling nationally on the Tea Party Express III tour. While riding on the bus to our first rally of the day in Davenport, IA, I opened the following email from Hallie Kempt.
- Friday, April 9, 2010

She’s back…on the Tea Party Express!

TV star, Victoria Jackson formerly of "Saturday Night Live" flew in from CA to participate in our Nashville rally. Victoria performed at a few of our west coast rallies. The audiences love Victoria's outspoken honesty, humor and funny songs.
- Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tea Party Express honors our military

The left is outraged when we question their patriotism and support of our military. Perhaps, our doubts about their sincerity has something to do with their behavior. Democrat politicians accused our troops of rape and murder. Just before we won in Iraq, democrat Harry Reid declared the war lost. The left ran a New York Times full page ad calling a decorated U.S. General a liar for reporting our troops were making progress in Iraq. And, how many U.S. military support rallies have you seen hosted by the left? The answer is none.
- Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Great people on Tea Party Express

I cannot begin to tell you how honored and blessed I feel to be on the Tea Party Express tour and a part of a team of extraordinary people. Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber are names you know. You may not be familiar with Tea Party Express singer/songwriter Diana Nagy.
- Sunday, April 4, 2010

Black Dem race exploiters trash tea party

So, I am on the Tea Party Express bus traveling to our next rally in Omaha, NE when the faces of black Democrats Maxine Waters and Charley Rangel appear on TV on the Fox News channel. Both were saying racism was at the core of the Tea Party protester's disagreement with Obama. Please excuse my crudeness, but I wanted to puke.
- Saturday, April 3, 2010

Diversity on Tea Party Express

Lloyd Marcus here checking in while on the Tea Party Express III tour bus with a 300 mile ride ahead of us. We had two rallies in Utah and we are headed to Grand Junction, Colorado.
- Thursday, April 1, 2010

Embedded Black Says Tea Parties Not Racist

Hi Folks, Lloyd here. Day two of Tea Party Express tour III. Yesterday, we launched in Searchlight NV, Harry Reid's town. Sarah Palin was awesome as usual. Even though I had just performed and was still standing at the foot of the stage, I only got to chat a bit with Todd, Sarah's husband. Great guy! The Secret Service and the crowds, made it almost impossible for me to get to Sarah. Still, I was able to make eye contact and a brief handshake with Sarah. The people absolutely LOVE HER.
- Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A black man, the progressives’ perfect Trojan Horse

As millions of my fellow Americans, I am outraged, devastated and extremely angry by the Democrats' unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming "no" from the rooftops, they forced Obamacare down our throats. Please forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very appropriate to describe what has happened.
- Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ratigan & media attempt to brand tea parties racist

As a black proud Tea Party patriot, I am extremely offended by MSNBC TV show host Dylan Ratigan's baseless accusation that the Tea Party Movement (my white brother and sister fellow patriots) embraces Nazis and racists. Ratigan's attack epitomizes the liberal media's commitment to protect Obama and his radical agenda at all costs. They have a genuine disdain for freedom, capitalism and We The People. No tactic is too low. Ratigan's rant:
- Thursday, March 4, 2010

NAACP Image Award reaches new low

I was there in Washington, D.C. with my dad when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. I was a little boy. Highlights I remember are yellow school buses parked as far as I could see, MLK's speech, and black actress Lena Horne's electrifying one-word speech. Horn approached the podium and simply screamed the word "FREEDOM!" holding it for a long time. The crowd of 250,000 plus went wild with laughter and applause.
- Monday, March 1, 2010

Three female Tea Party Musketeers

Housewives and moms Lisa Feroli, Diana Evans and Suki Carder epitomize what the Tea Party Movement is all about; We The People taking back our country in whatever ways our passion and talents lead us. This dynamic trio have created and host a new political forum which they have named, "Eat and Greet." The forums are held in a restaurant in each Central Florida congressional district. All candidates running for office in that district are invited to attend. Each candidate is given two minutes on the microphone for an opening monologue. Diana, Suki and Lisa are polite but firm. When they say two minutes, they mean two minutes.
- Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blacks, youths, and we the people at CPAC

I performed my "American Tea Party Anthem" and "Twenty Ten: We're Gonna Vote Them Out" at CPAC as a representative for TeaPartyExpress.org. I was struck and excited by the high number of youths in attendance (over 50% were under 25 years old). With liberal iron fisted dictatorship regimes ruling most of America's campuses, how did these kids survive attempts to indoctrinate them?
- Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tea Party movement untamed

It appears everyone and his brother is seeking to categorize, direct and control the incredible increasing powerful phenomenon known as the Tea Party Movement. Some say it is doomed to fail because it does not have a single charismatic leader. Some say taking a stand on social issues such as abortion is death to the movement. Stick to the Constitution is their mantra.
- Tuesday, February 16, 2010
