
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

Tea Party Express Tour II: The Five Dollar Lady

Nov. 4th, Wichita, KS — The crowd of about thousand applauded greatly for my performances of the "Tea Party Anthem" and "2010." After the rally, I was scheduled to leave my bus tour family for a day to fly to Washington DC. I had been asked to sing "God Bless America" at a huge rally protesting the latest health care nightmare bill at the U.S. Capitol.
- Thursday, November 5, 2009

Approached by a leftist at Tea Party Express Rally

This was classic. About a thousand enthusiastic patriots showed up for our rally in Fort Collins, CO. They loved my performance singing my "Tea Party Anthem" and "2010." Fans of my articles on the internet were also in the crowd. Some drove hours to meet me. I signed numerous autographs and posed for pictures with my patriot brothers and sisters.
- Thursday, November 5, 2009

LIVE from aboard the Tea Party Express II

I'm going to let the cat out of the bag. I confess. The bulk of the folks attending the Tea Parties across America are good old fashion God fearing Christians. They work hard, love their families and their country. If they are racist, you cannot prove it by me.
- Monday, November 2, 2009

Kenny, the American way

A knock came to my front door. It was a small built, average height white guy in his late thirties, early forties dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. "Excuse me sir, I need work. I have seven kids and a wife to feed." Kenny proceeded to tell me in his thick southern accent about his many skills; construction, lawn care, tile, mechanics and more. Due to downturns in the economy, Kenny was having great difficulty keeping steady employment.
- Tuesday, October 20, 2009

As spokesperson for black America, Al Sharpton…you’re fired!

As a black Rush Limbaugh fan still fuming from the lynching of Rush for false charges of racism by the liberal media led by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, I thought what can I do to end this tyranny of political correctness. For me, the Limbaugh Incident was "the straw that broke the camel's back" as my mom used to say.
- Sunday, October 18, 2009

They lynched Limbaugh… now us!

They did it to Rush Limbaugh. Who will be next? I am sure Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and others on the Left are struggling to contain their overwhelming feelings of glee and power. They did it! Their campaign of lies and slander portraying Rush Limbaugh as a racist achieved its goal. Rush was dropped from a team bidding to purchase an NFL football team.
- Thursday, October 15, 2009

If Rush Limbaugh is a racist, are his 20 million listeners also?

I have been a faithful Rush Limbaugh radio show listener for almost 20 years. I have never heard Rush make one racist comment. As a matter of fact, I am a black man who has been inspired and encouraged by Rush on numerous occasions. Rush is part of a partnership bidding to purchase an NFL football team. I am highly offended watching the liberal media's all out assault on this great American. In their efforts to block Rush from ownership of a team, the liberal media and the Left are attempting to brand Rush as a racist.
- Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Internationally known black American launches campaign to end the hyphenating of America

Lloyd Marcus is a black conservative activist, national spokesperson, entertainer and singer/songwriter of the "American Tea Party Anthem." Marcus announced publicly at a tea party that he will not refer to himself as an African American. "In this current climate of heighten racial tensions, rejecting hyphenating and simply calling myself an American is a step in the right direction towards my goal of uniting all Americans" says Marcus.
- Monday, October 12, 2009

Family feud: Tea Party movement

A reporter tried to pull me into it, "What do you think about this tea party organization not liking that tea party organization?" I said disagreements are inevitable because human beings are involved. Everyone has their opinion regarding the best direction of the movement.
- Friday, October 9, 2009

Unexpected outgrowths of the Tea Party movement

Is God back? While watching the Glenn Beck program, three women — yes, I said three — boldly proclaimed their Christianity and how their decision to follow Christ has affected their politics. Other than religious programs, people do not talk about their faith on TV without being portrayed as fanatics or nut cases. It was truly refreshing. Could this mean God is back from exile from the public square?
- Monday, October 5, 2009

Never underestimate the divine factor

It is always too soon to give up, cut your risk, throw in the towel. You never know what tomorrow will bring. The morning I arose to discover Obama won the presidency, I was depressed. I knew this liberal was wrong for America. Only my faith and trust in God revived my positive mindset. God did not wake up and say, "Oh no, Obama won!" Though I did not understand nor could I see His divine purpose, I said, "All is well."
- Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stop allowing the left to set the rules

imageI am so sick of the Left being allowed to make the rules. Imagine the absurdity of a competition in which one side is allowed to set the rules against their opponent. The Left tells us what is racist. The Left tells us what we can and cannot say. The Left published a cartoon depicting former black Secretary of State Condolezza Rice as an Aunt Jemima; another depicted Rice as a huge-lipped parrot for her Massa Bush. Neither were considered racist by their creators or publishers, or even widely condemned on the Left.
- Monday, September 28, 2009

Why is the left so angry at blacks who love America?

imageI appeared on CNN Newsroom hosted by Don Lemon. He was fair and allowed me to make my points. I stated three things in the interview. One, I refer to myself as an American rather than a hyphenated African-American. Two, the tea party protests are against President Obama's policies, not his race. The protesters are decent hardworking concerned citizens. Three, the American people are not racist.
- Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Black Tea Party Express tour team member experiences racism

I traveled on the Tea Party Express tour bus as a singer/songwriter, entertainer and spokesperson; 16 states, 34 rallies in two weeks. I experienced vicious racial verbal attacks, not from the tea party protesters. The racial hate expressed against me all came from the left, people who support president Obama's radial socialist agenda.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2009

UNITED WE STAND, Remembering-Never Forgetting 9.11

Excerpt from the United We Stand album/cd: "Amid our nation's shock & horrific images on TV, there were numerous examples of heroism and the resilient optimism of the American Spirit. President George W. Bush, despite the chastisement of his advisers, risked personal harm by coming to ground zero in New York. He climbed up a wall with a fireman.
- Friday, September 11, 2009

Do angry mobs bake and bring brownies?

Since Aug. 28th in Sacramento, Calif., I have been traveling across America performing on the Tea Party Express tour. Patriots are attending by the thousands, families, grandparents and kids. Everyone extremely enthusiastic, grateful and concerned for their country.
- Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time to end the hyphenated American thing

The announcer introduces me to the audiences of thousands, "Singer/songwriter of the national America Tea Party Anthem, Mr. Lloyd Marcus!" I enthusiastically enter the stage, "Hello my fellow patriots! I am not an African American...I am Lloyd Marcus...AMERICAN!" The mostly white crowds go wild with applause and cheers of approval. I feel their relief and gratitude of a black man who loves his country and is not hostile or resentful toward them.
- Sunday, September 6, 2009

Black conservative Lloyd Marcus travels to save America!

Both of us type "A" personalities, my wife Mary and I forced ourselves to take a break from emails, computers, faxes and writing. We spent a leisurely Wednesday at our favorite New Smyrna Beach here in Florida. While chillin' in our beach chairs, a seagull landed about ten feet away. I tossed a piece of fried chicken about five feet from him.
- Friday, August 28, 2009

Open letter to white liberals from a black American

Dear White Liberal America, Thank you very, very much. You see us poor helpless inferior blacks, oh forgive me, I must be politically correct, "African Americans," and you want to help us using your superior intellect. After all, we could not possibly succeed in this racist, homophobic and greedy country without your assistance.
- Thursday, August 27, 2009
