
John Lillpop

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals. John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

Older articles by John Lillpop

Most Recent Articles by John Lillpop:

From Riches to Rags in 10 Months: Plaxico Burress & Wall Street

2008 has been a year of spectacular ups and down for Plaxico Burress, a professional football star. His journey from riches to rags is amazingly similar to that experienced by professionals who play with other people's money in the game of life on Wall Street.
- Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saxby Chambliss Whips Democrat, Saves America

In the first election since Barack Obama was swept into office on November 4, the good people of Georgia gave a huge THUMBS DOWN to the notion of a super-majority by Democrats in the United States Senate.
- Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Should Congress Accept Bold Offer from Ford CEO, Alan Mulally?

After getting scalded for cruising into Washington, D.C. on a private jet in order to beg for billions in corporate welfare, Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor Company, has finally seen the light and is thinking straight.
- Tuesday, December 2, 2008

With This Ring, Barack Spreads the Wealth—to Michelle!

imageIndeed, the ring that Barack Obama has gifted Michelle with is made of rhodium, the world's most expensive metal and encrusted with diamonds. At a time when millions of Americans are in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure, with unemployment spiraling out of control, and with ordinary people struggling mightily just to survive, President-elect Obama has seen fit to spend $30,000 on a ring for Michelle.
- Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oklahoma: Where Freedom, Rule of Law, and Patriotism Still Matter!

imageWith many of the several states headed toward ruination under the guise of being "progressive", the Great State of Oklahoma is moving in exactly the opposite direction. Which means that Oklahoma is becoming a shining example of what can happen when citizens work diligently to protect and defend the ideals and culture that have made America great. For instance, Oklahoma voters supported John McCain by nearly 2-1 over Barack Obama.
- Sunday, November 30, 2008

Red Flags from Mumbai—Will American Liberals Heed Warnings?

imageWhen Prime Minister Manmohan Singh assumed power in India in 2004, one of the first steps his administration implemented was to weaken the anti-terrorism laws on the books. Singh's concern was that innocent Muslims were being victimized by government discrimination. Since then, India has been hit by a series of terrorist attacks, culminating with the crisis in Mumbai which cost five Americans their lives.
- Saturday, November 29, 2008

Governor Sarah Palin, Still a Superstar!

According to the referenced story***, Governor Sarah Palin's star has not lost any of its twinkle. In fact, she is being inundated with offers for books, movie cameos, and talk show appearances.
- Friday, November 28, 2008

Is “Black Friday” Racist?

Last July, Dallas County commissioners discussing traffic ticket collections were jolted when Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, used the term "black hole" to describe the recurring problem of lost paperwork.
- Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nothing to be Thankful For?

imageWoe unto me! All is lost, there is nothing to be thankful for this year! Is that the lament falling from your own cranberry blasted lips this holiday? Listen up, buster and bustess! There is plenty to be thankful for, if you are willing to look hard enough.
- Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let the Big Three AND The UAW Die!

UAWCongressional Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would love to send the crippled automobile industry $25 billion in loans, not to help America but to run interference for one of their major special interest groups: Labor unions. Particularly, the United Auto Worker's Union, which has negotiated unemployment for 250,000 workers and perhaps millions more in ancillary businesses. Sending even a single penny of taxpayer money to Detroit would be an act of utter foolishness because the Big Three pay some workers $75 an hour when competitors pay $40 per hour; pay upper management mega millions in annual salary and perks when competitors pay their best and brightest hundreds of thousands; and because Detroit produces a non-competitive, inferior product.
- Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama On Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Don’t Change?

President-elect Barack Obama has produced yet another dramatic "first" for the history books: He is the first African-American president to weasel on a campaign promise before even being sworn in!
- Friday, November 21, 2008

Janet Napolitano for DHS?

imageGovernor Napolitano looks for stranded peasants as part of "Get out the Vote" effort for Obama America is occupied by as many as 38 million illiterate peasants, AKA illegal aliens, and President-elect Obama has the gall to nominate Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano to head the Department of Homeland Security? The same Napolitano who has done her level best to shield illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens?
- Thursday, November 20, 2008

Would Direct Talks With al-Zawahri Help, Mr. President-Elect?

imageThis time, Islamofascists have just gone too far. It was bad enough when Al-Quaeda knocked down the Twin Towers and crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. But Osama bin Laden's right hand terrorist, Ayman al Zawahiri, went over the edge with a racially insensitive assault on President-elect Barack Obama in which al-Zawahri called the president-elect a "house Negro," along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. *
- Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Television Review: D.L. Hughley Breaks the News

CNN is not generally regarded as much of a source for comedy or light entertainment. Truth be told, they are not too good at serious news either, mostly because of liberal bias.
- Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Are Obama’s Daughters Too Good for Public Schools?

That public schools in America are a bloody disgrace is a fact that hardly anyone disputes these days. There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence pointing to high school graduates who cannot read their diplomas or do simple arithmetic.
- Tuesday, November 18, 2008
