
John Lillpop

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals. John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

Older articles by John Lillpop

Most Recent Articles by John Lillpop:

Revisionist History 101

In a December 14 editorial titled, Revisionist history about the Iraq war, editors at the San Francisco Chronicle supported the notion that "Bush lied, people died." However, those same editors failed to hold Democrats in Congress accountable.
- Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Patrick Fitzgerald Asks for Delay in Release of Obama Review. Why?

image(BREAKING NEWS--Chicago) In a shocking departure from "politics as usual," President-elect Barack Obama announced that a review by his lawyer, Gregory Craig, found that Obama had no direct contact with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich about the sale of his Senate seat, made vacant as a result of Obama's purchase of the U.S. presidency. In another stunning development, Obama reported that his due diligence obsessed lawyer also found no evidence that Obama's transition aides did anything inappropriate; legal advisers were found to be especially clean.
- Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New York Governor Paterson Fails to See Humor in SNL Skit

image -- Satire Just a few short months ago, Tina Fey and the SNL satirical crew were having a ball portraying Governor Sarah Palin as an empty headed dim wit who gunned down innocent mooses (sic) for the sheer joy of killing something. When a conservative Republican was being carved up, the SNL writers and Tina Fey were hailed as brilliant purveyors of humor by mainstream media and other leftists who chortled with delight at each wound inflicted on Governor Palin.
- Monday, December 15, 2008

He Whose Name We Dare Not Speak at X-MAS

Back in the good old days, the first inkling of the "Christmas Spirit” usually found its way into in one's conscious awareness on or around Thanksgiving.
- Sunday, December 14, 2008

W. To Roll out TARP for Democrats and the UAW

After Republicans in the U.S. Senate won a hard fought battle to block a $14 billion welfare subsidy to auto manufacturers, President Bush decided to act unilaterally in defiance of his conservative colleagues by siding with Democrats and the UAW. To do so it was necessary for the president to reverse his earlier opposition to using funds designated for the Troubled Assets Recovery Program (TARP) for the auto bail out.
- Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is Santa a Democrat or a Republican?

- Satire - While nearly everyone has weighed in with speculation as to the likely party affiliation of Jesus, not much has been written about Santa Clause.
- Saturday, December 13, 2008

What If the ACLU Had Existed Christmas Eve, 0000?

- Satire - As we Americans struggle to preserve our rich cultural traditions surrounding Christmas, there are times when the struggle seems too hard, the load too heavy.
- Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day Without Pay Angst Dooms “Day Without a Gay” Fiasco

imageGay activists had hoped to sock it to America right where it hurts the most: In the wallet! Which is why liberal air heads designated December 10 as a national "day without a gay," when gays and lesbians from sea to shining sea were supposed to call in sick, refuse to shop or eat out, and otherwise show just how their massive absence would devastate America.
- Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is W. Ever Going to Govern like a Conservative?

With only about five weeks remaining in his presidency, George W. Bush is not going to change his legacy as the most liberal "conservative" president in history.
- Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Raging Constitutional Debate: Can Obama Pardon Himself?

image- Satire - From the Washington Times, yet another nasty example of corruption from Illinois: ”A former Illinois bank official, now claiming whistleblower status, says bank officials replaced a loan reappraisal that he prepared for a Chicago property that was purchased by the wife of now-convicted felon Tony Rezko, part of which was later sold to next-door neighbor Barack Obama."
- Tuesday, December 9, 2008

America Must Not Trust ANY Politician from Illinois!

imageThe arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on corruption charges, including allegations that he solicited bribes to fill the vacated Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama, confirms what thinking Americans have always known. Illinois is, and has always been, a congregation of corrupt politicians, vipers who buy and sell political offices and favors to the highest bidder, with little or no regard for the integrity of our democratic process.
- Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Obama’s “Hands On” Speech Writer

image - Satire - Jon Favreau is a precocious young lad who has been invited to work in the West Wing of the White House as the Director of Speechwriting for President-elect Barack Obama. All of 27, Mr. Favreau began his writing career for Senator John Kerry’s presidential campaign. On a happier, more successful note, Favreau was Barack Obama's chief speechwriter throughout the 2008 campaign.
- Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh, Come Let us Abort Him!”

The Christmas story is truly the most remarkable and beautiful story ever told. The fact that an omnipotent Creator would deliver His plan of salvation for humanity through an innocent child wrapped in swaddling clothes is both moving and telling.
- Monday, December 8, 2008

Smatterings of a Republican Renaissance?

Republicans took a real thumping on November 4, which inspired left wing pundits and Democrats to dance with glee on the grave of the Grand Old Party. Republicanism as we knew it was dead, kaput, done, according to those who wish it were so.
- Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pelosi’s Quandary: Jobs or Cross-eyed Mosquitoes?

Until now, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been adamant in insisting that funds from a $25B package intended for making automobiles more environmentally friendly NOT be used to help bail out the auto industry.
- Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is Nancy Pelosi too “Progressive” for America?

Now that Nancy Pelosi has shattered the gender barrier, glass ceiling, and incredulity index all in one fell swoop, Americans are starting to worry that she may be just a tad too liberal to be second in the succession line for the presidency.
- Friday, December 5, 2008
