
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

There we go: Bernie joins the Obama speaking-fee pile on

I'm not sure why this took so long. Maybe the young, fresh, face of the Democrat Party, Bernie Sanders, is getting slow in his old age. Whatever the reason, the old socialist coot of the Senate dawdled while Elizabeth Warren was letting everyone know how 'troubled' she was. She was vexed, obviously, by former President Barack Obama's decision to accept a whopping $400,000.00 for one Wall Street speech.
- Friday, April 28, 2017

Obama scores another $400K speaking fee, and multi-millionaire Elizabeth Warren is 'troubled'

Earlier this week, I pointed out the Barack Obama is a filthy one-percenter. That's nothing new, of course. He's been getting rich - by selling class warfare rhetoric and claiming the "rich don't pay their fair share" - for years. Still, considering what a big issue Hillary's speaking fees were in the last election, I wondered when we'd hear from Bernie Sanders.
- Friday, April 28, 2017

While firing 100 sports-related employees, ESPN runs 'Five poets on the new feminism'

On Monday, ESPN announced it would be firing a gaggle of writers, on-air talent, and radio personalities. As subscribers and ratings decline, the former sports network has been forced (repeatedly) to trim its stable of on-air talent, writers, and radio personalities. Initially they claimed 40-50 jobs would get the axe. Yesterday, we learned ESPN's employee bloodbath would involve over 100 people.
- Thursday, April 27, 2017

ESPN to fire more than 100 on-air employees today

ESPN used to be the crown jewel in the Disney Corporation’s portfolio. It was thought to be the network cable subscribers couldn't - and wouldn't - live without, so it was a perennial cash-cow. Even if the movies, toys, and theme parks underperformed, ESPN could be counted on to generate mountains of Mouse-moolah.
- Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Filthy one-percenter prepares to accept an astronomical $400,000.00 for one speech

Democrats, as we all know, loathe the so-called "one percent." We all know their ranks are clogged with over payed movie-stars, "woke" CEO's, and career politicians who, like Harry Reid, inexplicably manage to make millions in the public service arena, but that's not the point. Those one-percenters are OK because they toe the left-wing line. Being wealthy is only a problem if you try to stand up to their agenda.
- Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Media: 'People totally regret voting for Trump.' Reality: 'Nope.'

Trump is a monster. Now that he's in office, the American people can see the error of their ways. If they had it to do over again, Trump would never become President because his voters are experiencing such intense buyer’s remorse.
- Monday, April 24, 2017

Glorious socialist utopia of Venezuela illegally seizes GM factory

Uh oh. Michael Moore has a problem on his hands. The glorious utopia known as Venezuela - a country where socialism has wreaked such havoc that prisoners are literally eating each other - has illegally seized a General Motors factory. Will Moore run down there to fight for the workers, or will he stand up to support his favorite form of government?
- Friday, April 21, 2017

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Expect a Supreme Court resignation 'this summer'

From day one of the Trump candidacy, I've said "If he denies the Democrats a Supreme Court appointment, his presidency is worth it." No matter what else happens, the SCOTUS was and is the key to salvaging the country. Had Hillary been allowed to alter it, it would have been disastrous. Fortunately, President Trump won and Neil Gorsuch is now on the bench.
- Thursday, April 20, 2017

AP doing its best to strip Fresno shootings of any unpleasant Islamic connections

As you've probably heard, a man in Fresno California shot and killed three men because "he decided to kill white people." It seems he was responsible for another killing and, after the police tapped him as their suspect, he went completely haywire. That's terrible, but at least it wasn't terrorism. That's the word from Fresno police and the AP, who are doing everything they possibly can to ignore any uncomfortable Islamic connections.
- Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Paul Ryan's favorability craters on the heels of the healthcare fiasco

Last month's healthcare fiasco was, without question, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's baby. He fought for it, promoted it, inexplicably rushed it to the floor, did everything he could to corral reluctant legislators. Heck, there are reports that he was down on his knees begging congressmen to vote for it. It didn't work. In the end, all he could do was looked on as it collapsed.
- Wednesday, April 19, 2017

'Calexit' leader abandons movement to live permanently in Russia

If you were hoping to see California leave the United States, become its own country, and guarantee that Democrats never win another national election, you've just been dealt a blow. It seems the leader of the "Calexit" movement has had it with the living "under the American flag" and has decided to seek greener pastures. Those pastures will likely be covered in permafrost and soaked with vodka because, yes, he's decided to pack his bags and make Russia his permanent home.
- Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Hillary on 2016 loss: 'That was my last race'

If you watched any news over Easter weekend, you probably heard a lot about two giant bombs. The first was the MOAB that fell in Afghanistan. The second was Hillary Clinton's doomed 2016 campaign.
- Tuesday, April 18, 2017

This is quite possibly the greatest TV commercial ever created

Maybe it's that queasy, inescapable, instinct that tells us millennials are awful. Perhaps it's just a desire to see the adults back in charge after a decade of ...weirdness. It could be that people are yearning for a time when men were men instead of strange adult man-children.
- Thursday, April 13, 2017
