
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

After demanding Comey be fired, Keith Olbermann - and his party - have gone 'mother*******' insane

Poor Keith Olbermann.... Once upon a time, he was the king of the left-wing brain trust at MSNBC. Then, he started screaming. Now, he's a "former" broadcaster. He's also a twice "former" ESPN host who once had legions of fans and a web domain that wasn't owned by the Daily Caller. These days, he pretends to lead "the resistance" while filming little YouTube rants in what looks like a construction paper-lined closet at GQ headquarters.
- Wednesday, May 10, 2017

President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

Democrats demanded James Comey be fired after he announced he was re-opening the Clinton investigation. Republicans demanded James Comey be fired when he refused to charge Hillary.
- Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Condi Rice: Trump handling North Korean situation 'as well as anybody could'

As always, the? folks over at MSNBC were, this morning, fishing for something to use against President Trump. This time, they tried to get a 'weaponizable' quote from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice by asking her if maybe, just maybe, Trump was "leaning too hard" on the Chinese. China is, obviously, seen as a key factor in dealing with a nuclear North Korea, since it's one of the few countries on Earth that can apply any non-violent leverage to Kim Jong Un.
- Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Paul Ryan promises tax reform will get done 'this year'

Are you like me? Do you think they could have done one heck of a lot better on that health care bill? Are you waiting for the GOP brass to embrace a genuine free market solution? Yeah. I thought so.
- Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dianne Feinstein & Joe Manchin admit: No evidence of Trump/Russia collusion

Democrats are desperate to show something - anything - that proves a link between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russians. Every single left-wing media outlet has been focused on it while Dem-friendly surrogates, donors, and PACs have been searching for it. Democrat politicians, many with access to highly classified material, have made the accusations but still, to this day, there is simply no proof it ever happened.
- Monday, May 8, 2017

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber blames ACA collapse on Trump. ...Yes, really.

If you spend any time following politics, you'll run across idiotic arguments. When backed into a corner, those who operate in the political sphere often employ a "throw anything at the wall" defense where they desperately hope to wriggle their way out of a tight spot with some outlandish claim. It rarely works. Usually, they just end up sounding like morons.
- Monday, May 8, 2017

Trump admin: nominations of appellate and district judges to be 'near monthly' event

As I've argued many times before, the Supreme Court was the real win last November. If President Trump were to be impeached tomorrow (he won't be, but if he were) the appointment of Neil Gorsuch would make it all worthwhile. Factor in the rumors that he'll get another bite at the SCOTUS apple this summer, and it's conceivable that a two-term Trump administration could see a total of four such opportunities.
- Monday, May 8, 2017

Norks accuse CIA of assassinating Kim Jong Un at some point in the future

No one knows quite what to make of this. Maybe the Norks have gotten wind of an actual, honest-to-goodness CIA plot. Perhaps someone in the North Korean government wants Kim Jong Un gone, so they're offering the CIA helpful suggestions about how to do the deed. It's also possible that they finally got around to screening "The Interview" and they're under the mistaken impression that it's documentary.
- Friday, May 5, 2017

Guess which pile of unmarked cash Iran is using to build up its military...

Back when the Obama administration was doing the full court press in support of its Iran nuclear "deal," we were told that, sure, some of the money would fund terrorism, but most of it would go into Iran’s economy. We knew this, because that’s what the trustworthy folks running Iran told us. As former Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken put it...
- Friday, May 5, 2017

In response to Hillary's new blame game, Andrea Mitchell lays out her many failures

So, did Hillary just squander her final shot at offering the mainstream media a genuine apology? A quick glance at today's news seems to suggest that may be the case. We've already heard from David Axelrod. Now that we have this clip from Andrea Mitchell, I'm starting to think they've shifted gears from "tired of Hillary's garbage" to "completely fed up with her whole shtick."
- Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Rush: Why does anyone vote Republican, if the spending bill 'is what happens when we win?'

Yesterday morning, I discussed the atrocious spending bill that's currently wriggling its way through Congress like a heartworm through a mangy dog. It appears that the GOP has, once again, caved to every imaginable Democrat demand because they're simply too cowardly to fight for their alleged agenda. After winning the House, Senate, and Presidency, they put forth a plan that gives their opponents everything they wanted - and today, the Democrats are taking a victory tour of the news channels where they grin like Cheshire cats.
- Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Heartwarming: When singer's mic fails, 18,000 Canadian hockey fans fill in on U.S. National Anthem

I've been to a lot of NHL games. When you're born in Detroit, they slap your butt to get your lungs working, then they pretty much issue you a set of Red Wings tickets and a little jersey. That's just how it works in Hockeytown. I've said it before and I'll say it again, hockey fans are a different breed. There's not a happier, nicer, more congenial crowd in professional sports.
- Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Trump: Next SCOTUS pick will come from the same list released during campaign

By now, you're no doubt aware of the rumors regarding the impending retirement of an unnamed Supreme Court Justice. No one really knows who's planning to step down but, since the rumors are all coming from Republicans, the smart money is on Anthony Kennedy. As we've discussed before, that means President Trump will get another chance to nominate a replacement, thus driving Democrats into a rerun of their recent hate-fueled frenzy.
- Monday, May 1, 2017

Chuck Schumer is thrilled with the budget agreement - because the Republicans caved on pretty much everything

Last week, Dan outlined the insanity of the Republican party's apparent decision to let Democrats continue to run the federal show. At the time, the GOP was fretting about a possible government shutdown that could occur if Congress couldn't agree on a spending plan. Since most congressional repubs are terrified of a real fight, you started to hear talk of concessions almost immediately.
- Monday, May 1, 2017
