
A.J. Cameron

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.

Most Recent Articles by A.J. Cameron:

A Disappointing WSJ Op-Ed on the Class of 2012!

About 15 years ago, I began reading the Op-Ed section of ‘The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).’ The initial op-ed I read addressed how elected politicians, specifically Democrats, were preventing domestic oil companies from drilling for oil in America because of an agenda. Isn’t it sad that fifteen years later, we are still victims of elected politicians’ shenanigans regarding an incongruent and abusive anti-oil policy? Subsequently, I have enjoyed reading the Op-Ed section of the WSJ. While I agree with a majority of the editorials posted in the WSJ, every once in awhile there is an editorial with which I disagree, or that disturbs me.
- Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Don’t Muff it, Mitt!

Mr. Romney, it appears that despite the fact that approximately seventy percent of the GOP base does not approve of you as the GOP candidate for the 2012 General Election for the Office of the Presidency, you will be the standard-bearer of the Party. Depending upon what you do over the next six months, you may be the last presidential candidate of a united GOP. If you don’t want this as your legacy, don’t # it, Mitt!
- Sunday, May 6, 2012

Using a Dictator to Bring the Disparate and Desperate Together!

With a more physically fit American version of narcissist Idi Amin occupying ‘the people’s’ White House, have you wondered why a loving, all-knowing God has allowed this travesty to occur? Is the bully puppet of the U. N., IMF, Bilderbergers, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc., going to drive the final nails into the coffin of our once proud republic, or does God have an ulterior motive in imposing the imposter upon us? Could God be using this ‘insult to our Founding Fathers’ wannabe dictator to rally our disparate and desperate citizenry together for a greater good?
- Monday, April 30, 2012

An Abundance of Poverty in the Land of Plenty!

It is an ironic dichotomy that in the land of plenty, we are burdened with an abundance of poverty. I’m not speaking of financial poverty, especially to the degree to which so many are subjected in other parts of the world. I’m speaking of the lack of genuine, spiritual, faith-based morality, upon which our extraordinarily blessed republic was founded. I am speaking of the lack of honesty, the lack of genuine compassion, and the purposeful stealing of hope, that has been the American Dream. How have we sunk to such depths in a country that was established upon Judeo-Christian principles?
- Saturday, April 21, 2012

Divide and Conquer – The Life and Slimes of the Lying King!

Conservatives owe Hillary Rosen a big ‘thank you’ for revealing how her boss, the Lying King, despises stay-at-home mothers. As deliberate as this regime is in advancing its unholy agenda, you realize that the confederate masterminds within the White House crafted Ms. Rosen’s remarks in an effort to isolate Ann Romney as an out-of-touch, rich _itch.
- Friday, April 13, 2012

The White House Locker Room and the Bounties against American Taxpaying Citizens’ Freedoms!

I trust you enjoyed a spiritually awakening Easter or Passover, and are spiritually prepared to take the field against the American infidels in government, regardless of party affiliation. To that end, don’t we need to speak bravely to the truth and be prepared for the dirty hits from those entrenched in power? Much is being made of New Orleans assistance coach Greg Williams’ bounties against opposing players, and rightly so! What isn’t being given much attention outside of the ‘tin-foil hat club’ is the bevy of blindside bounties employed by ‘Eur-Obama’ and covetous members of Congress to steal the freedoms and money from average American taxpaying citizens through Euro-Socialist sabotage!
- Monday, April 9, 2012

Musings Regarding DictatorCare Following the Oral Arguments to the SCOTUS

If you are familiar with anything I’ve written, you know that I believe that divine intervention is the only prayer we have of escaping the purposeful destruction of our blessed republic. Constitutionalists were heartened when several justices strongly questioned the constitutionality of the individual mandate (dictate) interwoven into DictatorCare, but the miracle was what wasn’t imbedded within the voluminous DictatorCare. In the rush to ram a soviet-style dictate upon a resistant populace, a severability clause was not included within the over 2,700 pages.
- Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pray the SCOTUS Invalidates DictatorCare!

Consider the hypocrisy and blasphemy of this White House confederacy. While it assaults Catholicism, Christianity and Judaism, it is organizing a ‘prayerful witness’ to encircle the Supreme Court while it hears arguments for and against DictatorCare, as if the SCOTUS is a modern-day Jericho.
- Monday, March 26, 2012

GOP, Gutless Opposition Party!

While I was taking a break from writing this op-ed column, my e-mailbox was peppered with messages about House Concurrent Resolution 107 with the Senate, drafted by Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC). Following a litany of the Lying King’s consistent and persistent treading upon people’s legal positions and our constitution, it appears that when Congress’s ox is gored, that action demands a quick and direct response.
- Monday, March 12, 2012

It is Time ‘We, the People’ are Represented!

Do you remember how excited you felt the morning of November 3, 2010, the day following the mid-term General Election? What the heck happened? I hope people finally realize that voting ‘Republican’ not only isn’t the answer to the problems we face, but, in many cases, it can be the problem. Policy must trump party for common sense to prevail. It is time ‘We, the People’ (not the wee people) are represented, as our Founding Fathers intended!
- Monday, March 5, 2012

What Were They Thinking?

It appears the Lying King, Obama, and the HHS dominatrix, Kathleen Sebelius, have finally pushed the envelope on abortion and reproductive issues within ObamaCare beyond acceptable limits of their Left-leaning Catholic allies. It is fantastic that the Catholic Bishops are taking a moral stand against the reproductive agenda of the Lying King and the dominatrix, but this issue should never have gotten to this point. The allies find themselves in a very conflicted situation, a situation they helped to create. In their rush to ram through the social justice injustice agenda within ObamaCare, the Left-leaning Catholic allies allowed themselves to be deceived on the abortion issue by the master manipulator in the White House. The question is, with the documented track records of Obama and Sebelius, what were their Catholic allies thinking when they aligned themselves with these abortionistas?
- Monday, February 6, 2012

The Domestic Threats More Dangerous Than Barack Obama!

In the first two years of the Obama Presidency, the U. S. citizen was captive to the worst ‘representative’ government since the founding of our republic. The ultra-Left leaning President conspired with his fellow ‘Satancrat’ serpents in both Houses of Congress to force American citizens to bite ever deeper into the forbidden fruit of Socialism. Since seizing control of both Houses of Congress in 2006 through 2010, the Democrats cavalierly ignored the Constitution and their oaths of office to the U. S. citizen in ramming through their damning agenda, severely damaging our republic.
- Monday, January 30, 2012

Let’s stock D. C.!

With all of the challenges we face as a nation, we need to take some time to put some distance between our challenges and us, recharging our batteries. It is ironic that when you do put some mental and emotional distance between you and your challenges, random thoughts can come to mind to take the edge off of your day. When you hear the word ‘stock,’ what comes to mind? Do you think of Wall Street, or stocking your pantry for the coming shortages, or livestock? Do you think of the stocks of medieval and colonial American times that were used as a form of punishment and humiliation? While kicking back with a few buddies at a favorite watering hole, the thought occurred to me that it might be time to reinstate an old custom, ala Longshanks in Braveheart, erecting stocks … in D. C.
- Monday, January 16, 2012

The Non-Recess Recess Appointment and the GOP AWOL (Absent Without Leadership)!

I realize House GOP has its hands full in battling the Lying King in the White House and a do-nothing, Demoncratically-controlled Senate that has refused to pass a budget in almost 1,000 days, but what, in Heaven’s name, is going on with the House and Senate GOP leadership? Yes, Speaker of the House Boehner battled the duplicitous duo of the Lying King and Dirty Harry on the extension of the Payroll Tax Cut and unemployment benefits, but that was due to the pressure from the TEA Party contingent within the GOP, not from a position of leadership. By any measure, in the face of the purposeful shredding of our Constitution and the dismantling of our democratic republic by the Lying King, it is increasingly apparent that the GOP suffers from a profuse absence of leadership.
- Monday, January 9, 2012

Politics is Every Citizen’s Personal Responsibility!

Every thinking, patriotic citizen realizes that our country is under assault by elected politicians, front organizations that support these traitors, and the media, but how many ‘patriots’ are actually engaged in taking responsibility for remedying this situation? One of my favorite quotes is ‘You can’t turn on the right people without turning off the wrong people.’ This concept will be tested through this column.
- Friday, December 30, 2011

Good Morning, America!

As the media recaps 2011, let’s project beneficial, transformational change into 2012. It is November 7, 2012, and regardless of which Progressive is elected to the Presidency, the TEA Party movement within the GOP has helped the GOP significantly increase its numbers in both Houses of Congress, giving the GOP a veto-proof majority in both Houses. As a result, our economy will be on the cusp of revival, driving the creation of jobs within the non-union, private sector, leading to increased revenues to government coffers and renewed patriotism. It will truly be a good morning in America!
- Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Obviously, we have many grave issues that demand our continual scrutiny, and 2012 will greet us with excitement and challenges, but during this blessed time of the year, I wish to pause to focus upon the ‘reason for the season.’ God has his hand in our lives and this is a special time to show our heartfelt appreciation.
- Friday, December 23, 2011

It’s TEAbow time!

It's overtime, we’re down by trillions of dollars, the White House, Congressional Progressives and the environmental Nazis inside the EPA have shut down our economy, and we’re out of timeouts (continuing resolutions). It's TEAbow time! It is time to take control of the political line of scrimmage in the House and Senate, building a pocket for our new quarterback in the White House, and opening holes for common sense legislation.
- Friday, December 16, 2011

The $1,000.00 per Family Tax Holiday Canard!

Ca*nard [ka-nar] –n, A false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report, or rumor. Synonyms: exaggeration, fabrication, fib, hoax, rumor, spoof, swindle The state of Kansas was invaded earlier this week to be the backdrop for the Anarchist-in-Chief as he continued to insult thinking Americans with his Bilderberger Progressive lies. He and his elves of exaggeration play Santa Claus with other people’s money for those too gullible, brainwashed and/or selfish to know what reality is.
- Saturday, December 10, 2011
