
A.J. Cameron

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.

Most Recent Articles by A.J. Cameron:

Amnesty is an Insult to the Chumps Who Obey the Law!

As with every action taken by the Obama cartel of hood rats, and many of the actions taken by previous mini-monarchial presidencies of both major political parties, the ultimate goal is/has been to destroy the constitutional republic of the United States of America.
- Monday, April 8, 2013

The Bilderberger, U. N., IMF Assault Upon Faith, Marriage and Sovereignty!

There was a lot said last week about the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and homosexual marriage. The core of the attack by the Bilderbergers, U. N., IMF and sinister, sister organizations upon the USA are the same attacks that have been so successful in Europe, Canada and elsewhere.
- Monday, April 1, 2013

Is Speaker Boehner Deliberately Throwing the House to Pelosi in 2014?

With all of the corruption inside Washington D. C., one shouldn’t be too surprised when the previously unthinkable becomes thinkable, if not a reality. As Boehner’s capos, Cantor and McCarthy, stun Republicans with their Democrat-like abuse of fellow Republicans within the House of Representatives, one is compelled to ask, ‘Is Speaker Boehner deliberately throwing the House to Pelosi in 2014?’
- Friday, March 15, 2013

Politically and Legislatively Waterboarding the U. S. Citizen/Taxpayer!

During WWII, my mom served in the U. S. Army and my dad served in the U. S. Navy, and several other family members and friends have served in different branches of our military, so I have a healthy respect for those who serve to keep us safe and free. Even with this respect for those who serve, especially those who have given their lives, or experienced horrors typically confined to those within the military, at some point, any self-respecting individual will not allow those who are serving, or have served, to use their service and/or experience to influence important issues of the day in a selfish and unjust manner. Unfortunately, a national hero continues to trade upon his prior horrors and heroism to advance an unholy agenda and/or attack upon those who have the temerity to disagree on issues, effectively politically and legislatively waterboarding the U. S. citizen/taxpayer!
- Friday, March 8, 2013

The Unofficial Merger of the GOP and Democrat Party!

People continually complain that with the different faces who have disgraced the Offices of the President and Vice President, the one hundred (100) seats within the Senate and the four hundred thirty-five (435) seats within the House of Representatives, nothing improves for the masses, only for those who are elected and special interests. This is frustrating and we need to assess why, so we can change this ‘continuing resolution’. It appears that the GOP and the Democrat Party have merged.
- Monday, March 4, 2013

Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater!

As genuine conservatives become weary in the battle against the Satanic hood rats within the two major political parties, we edge closer to becoming a modern day Nazi or Communist America. Many of these weary conservatives may opt to focus solely upon fiscal issues at the expense of social issues. What these conservatives fail to realize is that they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, or in place of the bathwater.
- Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Understanding the Chain-of-Command!

It can be maddening to witness the total abdication of professionalism by those within the traditional media in addressing the entire political spectrum. This abdication is manifested in how Obama, every Communist Democrat and Republican, thug union leader and stealth Muslim Jihadist within our government are protected and celebrated while genuine patriots and/or Conservatives are savagely attacked for having the audacity of acting morally, honorably and constitutionally. Isn’t it time to understand the chain-of-command of the true terrorists inside our borders?
- Friday, February 22, 2013

Trolley Folly in Kansas City, Missouri!

Too many politicians, unions, attorneys, accountants, engineers, architects, etc., appear to migrate towards non-government organizations (NGOs) with federal grant money (U. S. taxpayers’ money) and manipulators with nefarious agendas for their own personal benefit. When these seemingly disparate connivers meet up, common sense and representative government are crushed. These assaults upon people’s freedoms are not limited to the hood rats inside our nation’s capital, the District of Corruption. The D. C. dictatorial disease can be felt at all levels of government as well. Consider the ‘trolley folly’ in Kansas City, Missouri.
- Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rove and Obama, Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, …!

Were you really surprised when you learned of the war initiated by Karl Rove against the TEA Party Movement and other conservatives within the ‘Grand Old Party’? Doesn’t he dance at the direction of the same puppeteers that Obama and all of the other anti-conservatives do? All his declaration of war does is confirm the depth of the elites and/or Communists within the Republican Party. To paraphrase a playground song,
- Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Open Letter to Senator Marco Rubio!

Senator Rubio, this is an open letter to you and those who will be voting on the ‘pathway to citizenship,’ a/k/a AMNESTY, being rammed upon the American citizenry.
- Friday, February 1, 2013

Public Servants, My Aching B___!

Many individuals in government refer to themselves as ‘public servants’. When you think of someone being a servant, isn’t he/she supposed to be subservient to the wishes of his/her employer? Isn’t the American public the employer for those in government? With how those in government conduct themselves, how could any one of them consider himself/herself a public servant? Public servant, my aching b___!
- Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Lightning Bolt of Insight Regarding Obama and the Media!

Amazing things happen when you pray to the Holy Spirit for vision and clarity. If you are old enough to remember enjoying playing with a kaleidoscope, you know how a slight twist of a wrist can dramatically alter the view. After reading several emails from CFP friends and hearing several comments on talk radio, I enjoyed a lightning bolt of insight regarding Obama and the media.
- Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Willful Ignorance of Reality on Both Sides of the Political Divide!

Have you asked yourself how we have devolved to such a pathetic low … morally, ethically, constitutionally and economically? It is easy to point fingers at the activist infiltrators and perpetrators of the Communist assault upon us, but that is only half of the equation. Our current malaise could not have occurred in a vacuum. There is and has been a willful ignorance of reality on both sides of the political divide for decades.
- Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The More Obama Gives, the More He Steals!

One has to marvel at how Mr. Obama has so thoroughly duped the dupes that they can’t or won’t admit that what he and his capos are doing is systematically destroying the United States of America.
- Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Trust Your Instincts and Never Trust a Politician!

Doug Hagmann’s columns generate an interesting array of comments that span the spectrum, from belief to disbelief. Not surprisingly, some believers appear to have their doubts. All I can suggest is that people need to trust their instincts and never trust a politician.
- Monday, December 31, 2012

Self-control vs. Gun Control and Government Control!

The tragedy of the Newtown, CT massacre is troubling and I believe it opens the door to discussing what few in the Goebbels media and the Communist Left are eager to address. The Left consists of self-appointed demagogues who seek to impose their control on those whom they deem to be inferior while not being accountable to anyone but their narcissistic selves. Control is the operative word, and those on the Left seek to replace God with government, dismissing self-control in favor of government control.
- Monday, December 24, 2012


As we are held hostage to the fiscal cliff ravages of the savages atop our Federal government, the Gutless Opposition Party elite are throwing patriotic Americans of all income levels under the bus, AGAIN! Even though the ‘rank and file within the House Republicans have revealed a spine that their leadership lacks by not supporting ‘Plan B,’ it is apparent that the House Republican leadership is intent upon ceding our rights to the Communists within the Democrat Party. Regardless of the outcome of the ‘compromise’ between the Speaker of the House and our Dictator-in-Chief, it is readily apparent Speaker Boehner is no William Wallace of ‘Braveheart’ fame. In fact, he is the antithesis of Braveheart; he is Caveheart!
- Friday, December 21, 2012

Irreconcilable Differences!

The time has come for conservatives to serve papers of divorce from the Republican Party. To remain within the Republican Party is akin to being a battered woman (or man) who remains with her (or his) abusive spouse. Living in the Kansas City metro area, we have been bombarded with accounts of the Kasandra Perkins murder by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker, Javon Belcher, and conservatives are not far removed from being murdered politically by the abusive elites atop the GOP. We have gone well past irreconcilable differences, to the point that a clean break must be made for our religious, political, fiscal and families’ safety and welfare.
- Thursday, December 6, 2012

Buffett, the Puppet and the Puppeteer!

It is Groundhog Day and the ‘Bugeater’* of Omaha has spoken again! The third wealthiest man in the world is espousing the benefits of raising tax rates on the wealthy yet again! I wonder how many tax attorneys and tax accountants Mr. Buffett has working for him to identify how he can pay more in taxes. For starters, he could pay the one billion dollars he has been resisting to pay to the IRS! If Mr. Buffett is so headstrong in not paying his taxes, why is he a cheerleader for the regime’s higher tax-rate mantra nonsense? Is he a puppet for Barack Morsi Obama?
- Wednesday, November 28, 2012
