
David C. Jennings

David Jennings is an ex-pat Brit. living in California. A Christian Minister he advocates for Traditional & Conservative causes. David is also an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club and writes for the supporters club in America David Jennings can be found on Twitter His blog can be read here

Most Recent Articles by David C. Jennings:

New education guidelines in Scotland have no regard for marriage

The provincial Scottish government drafted school age education guidelines towards the end of last year that continue to secularize the concepts of marriage, parenting, health and sexual education, also known by their acronym RSHP or RSHPE.
- Tuesday, January 14, 2014

American Street Preacher arrested again in Britain

American evangelist Tony Miano was arrested on Wednesday in Dundee, Scotland after preaching the gospel legally in a public forum. He was the second of two preachers to address shoppers in the high street during the busy lunchtime period.
- Saturday, January 11, 2014

Adventures in ObamaCare

Here in the Southland, nestled in the midst of the collided conurbations of Los Angeles and San Diego, we have avoided the cold snaps that have swept across most of the nation and avoided the worst of the government disaster known as ObamaCare.
- Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Not having an honest debate with a liberal

On New Year’s Day, Kyle Becker, writing at Independent Journal Review, published the amusing but true list of eight things liberals do to avoid having an honest debate. Given that his focus was on the American left, I wanted to pull the camera lens out, so to speak, and have a look at this from a broader perspective including my own experiences and what the British do differently.
- Sunday, January 5, 2014

British Housing Plan pushes the bubble towards Pop!

The Conservative Government's help-to-buy scheme may be well intentioned, but it runs the risk of fuelling a housing bubble as property values rise and banks lend more aggressively because of lower risk. This threatens to produce a repeat of the economic catastrophe seen in 2008.
- Friday, January 3, 2014

Crosby irritates Tory progressives as he drags the party back to the beliefs of the base

Just 5 ½ weeks ago The British Conservative Party (Tories) appointed Lynton Crosby to begin work on the party’s 2015 parliamentary re-election campaign. Troubled by weak poll numbers and a base defecting to a principled new UK Independence Party (UKIP), the Australian “master of dark political arts” has been drafted in to save the government’s position of power.
- Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wrapped to look like Seasons Greetings

A quiet Christmas Eve at home, a pre-made turkey meal with a shandy (a mix of beer and lemon-lime soda) followed by some Pepperidge Farm chocolate cake. Then off to Twitter for a few minutes before bedding in for the night to wait for Santa. Then I saw it...
- Friday, December 27, 2013

The Twelve Days of Obama Christmas

In keeping with the celebration of the season it seems appropriate to modernize this great Christmas Carol with accomplishments from the White House taking their rightful place in history, five years into this President’s reign.
- Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Return of the Girl Guide and their pledge to God!

The battle for freedom rages on was an opening line in the trailer for Return of the Jedi in 1983. Now the call from the wilderness is return of the Girl Guide and their pledge to God. Select British Girl Guide groups continue to defy the national organization by refusing to change the part of their pledge that says “to love my God”, and replacing it with “be true to myself and develop my beliefs.”
- Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty Founder shot down, global media piles on!

So the A&E Channel has decided to suspend a leading player in its hit reality TV series Duck Dynasty because he gave a magazine interview in which, responding to questions, he stated a support for Traditional Marriage, an opposition to homosexuality, and quoted Bible scripture. Following this, media criticism has piled on from around the globe.
- Friday, December 20, 2013

Same-Sex Marriage goes on the British fast-track while being derailed elsewhere

In Britain this week Women’s and Equalities Minister Maria Miller announced the fast-tracking of gay-marriage meaning it would be moved up from the summer to begin on March 29th next year. But at the same time the Supreme Court of India & the Australian High Court overturned existing laws.
- Sunday, December 15, 2013

Passports for Sale

One of the weaknesses of the European Union is that individual member states have the power to essentially pass laws and impose the consequences on the remaining members of the union. Such is the case with Malta, who has decided to sell rights to a Maltese passport (which equates to free travel in Europe) for the significant sum of 650,000 Euros.
- Friday, December 13, 2013

New UK nuisance law includes targeting Carol Singers

As we swing in to the heights of the holiday season, caroling teams in the UK had better employ a police look-out less they are deemed a nuisance by grumpy home-dwellers that end up reporting them for creating a disturbance.
- Monday, December 2, 2013

Black Friday - Welcome to America, & why does Britain want this?

A curiously increasing custom stateside is Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the traditional kick-off of the American Christmas holiday season. But whereas there is no Thanksgiving in Britain (because it celebrates British pilgrims who left the UK behind), the nation’s retailers are still trying to emulate the American way.
- Saturday, November 30, 2013

London Mayor self-alludes to Thatcherism –but he’s no clone of Maggie!

London Mayor Boris Johnson is no stranger to controversy mostly because he tends to speak his mind in an abrupt style that makes a point and has little time for those who might prefer something a little more eloquent. Subsequently his most recent comments this week, which drew the ire of Lib.-Dem. leader Nick Clegg in The Guardian & elsewhere, do not surprise anyone other than with the originality of the statement.
- Friday, November 29, 2013

Leaders reach Iranian deal again, Israel still unhappy

Two weeks ago the leaders of ‘The Six’ met in Geneva to come to an agreement with Iran on curbing its nuclear weapons programme – you know , the one they’ve been saying they don’t have for all these years. As details leaked out Israel shot it to pieces and it seemed to fizzle out.
- Monday, November 25, 2013

British government ban on Christian radio ad upheld

Britain’s Court of Appeal upheld a ban of a radio ad this week that had initially been banned by the then Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt and the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre on the grounds that it was directed toward a political end. Media political advertising is not permitted in the UK.
- Saturday, November 23, 2013

Euthanasia pushes forward in Scotland, while a new Brussels group pushes back

Margo MacDonald, an Independent member of the Scottish Parliament, has re-introduced legislation to legalize assisted suicide in Scotland for anyone aged 16 and over. Ms. MacDonald, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, previously introduced the bill in 2010 when it was soundly defeated 85-16.
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013
