
Diane Weber Bederman

Diane Weber Bederman is a blogger for 'Times of Israel', a contributor to Convivium, a national magazine about faith in our community, and also writes about family issues and mental illness. She is a multi-faith endorsed hospital trained chaplain.

Most Recent Articles by Diane Weber Bederman:

The Judeo-Christian ethic versus the Instinctual Amygdala

Freud wrote in 1928 that if not for religion there would be mayhem: “If one imagined its prohibitions removed, then one could choose any woman who took one’s fancy as one’s sexual object, one could kill without hesitation one’s rival or whoever interfered with one in any other way, and one could seize what one wanted of another man’s goods without asking his leave.”
- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Enough with the Trump-trashing

The media cannot get enough of President-elect Trump. Nothing he does is acceptable and his personality! His behaviour! While outside America President Obama talks about him as if he were a child, a miscreant as well, unable to focus on serious issues because well, he isn’t serious. What would have happened if Bush had called Obama not serious? And the media eats it up. They love to hear Trump being told what to do by the out-going President in a way that Obama would never have accepted on his way in. I listen to members of the media speak disparagingly of the new President-elect and wonder who do they think they are?
- Thursday, November 17, 2016

Suicide by democracy

We are living in an era of dis-ease. Our belief systems are under attack. We witness the horror of terrorism spreading in countries who do not share our values, as well as the spread of terror in democracies around the world. We are up against tribal societies whose ethic is one of honor and shame and where blood revenge is in the veins,
- Sunday, November 13, 2016

It’s all about FREE-Dumb

When my mother was getting on in years (She lived to see 90 and three great grandchildren) she said to me that she was glad that she was closer to death-she would not have to live to see the next generation! I must be getting on in years, too, because I can’t imagine what the West will look like in years to come. I have been listening to the comments and opinions expressed by and about the Millennials and the Snowflakes-yes you heard right-the latest generation has been labelled Snowflakes.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Facebook Repression of free Speech

Employees at Facebook want to remove Trump posts under the rubric of hate speech, yet Jew hatred is permitted. These are the people who decide for all of us on Facebook what is and is not acceptable speech.
- Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hillary-Are Iran and Saudi Arabia Deplorable?

Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump of being divisive. And now, of course he is an abuser of women. She calls him racist, xenophobic, fear-mongering and Islamophobic. And then refers to his supporters as deplorables and irredeemable. And then there are the Catholics who need reforming according to her campaign and what about those Hispanics? This is not divisive?
- Saturday, October 15, 2016

Islamophobia? Where is Hinduphobia?

The great Ronald Reagan once said that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” These wise words are more true today than ever before. We are the free men and women of the West.
- Friday, October 14, 2016

A letter to Trump

Dear Mr.Trump I have been listening to Mrs. Clinton share her economic plan. She pointed out that you did not pay taxes for 20 years. She left out that this was an opinion and not a fact-a problem with so many on the left (fact-free anecdotes) because of your declared loss from your casino failure. She couldn’t for the life of her understand how anyone can lose money on a casino.
- Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Vote Trump-Defend Western Culture

Islam is a totalitarian ideology aimed at establishing tyrannical power over non-Muslims. It is similar to Nazism and all educated people know this-particularly the media elites, academics and politicians. Yet, they are going out of their way to diminish the danger of this particular ideology at this time in our history. We all know that terrorism is coming from Islamic ideology. We all know that many Muslims now living in the West are demanding in the name of FREEDOM OF RELIGION that we, the host countries, change our ways for them –so they feel better, feel included, as if they were back home.
- Monday, October 3, 2016

First Assumptions: Islam Compatible with the West

In the book Orientalism Edward Said wrote about the importance of the First Assumption; that the statement upon which the argument is based is correct, factual. Otherwise the thesis falls apart.
- Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Time to put fear-mongering away

I remember when Jonathan Kay wrote a piece in the National Post calling those of us against the niqab racists, xenophobes, fear-mongers and Islamophobes. It seems those of us against the niqab are beyond the pale and we must stop this fearmongering.
- Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Nostalgia for the Native Way of Life

David Brooks recently wrote in the New York Times about how the millennials turn to community and away from autonomy. There is a possibility, he wrote, that “our culture is built on some fundamental error about what makes people happy.”
- Monday, August 15, 2016

If Black Lives Really Mattered

Black American lives are more important than anyone else’s. And the worst thing that ever happened to America was the arrival of white people. So goes the new refrain.
- Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The audacity to question

I remember many years ago watching Oprah Winfrey when she interviewed a man who specialized in teaching parents how to protect children from abuse. He said when your child comes to you and says “Mommy I don’t like Uncle Johnny,” too often Mommy will say, “Don’t be silly. Uncle Johnny is a lovely man. He loves you.
- Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Notice:There's a separation between Mosque and State

For those who many not be aware, there is in Canada a separation between mosque and state. Our public school system is secular. As in non-religious affiliated. Except on Ontario where we have a Catholic system that dates back to the BNA Act of 1867. The beauty of Canada is that all religions are treated equally. No one religious group getting better treated than another.
- Thursday, July 21, 2016

What is the difference between child suicide and assisted suicide?

Think about this. In June we heard that there was a rash of suicides by school age children in Woodstock, Ontario, following on the footsteps of horror stories about First Nations children taking their own lives. Statistics Canada figures show that suicide is the second-leading cause of death among young people aged 15 to 34 and rates among youth are unchanged, despite efforts by clinicians to provide more targeted support.
- Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Terror in Nice-Wake Up Canada-Time for a Revolution

John Lennon wrote in 1968 in response to the riots in Paris "You say you want a revolution..." My answer, today, is "Yes." I want a revolution. A peaceful revolution. From the right. From sea to sea to sea. From those of us who cherish our freedoms, our values and morals.
- Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fascism: Nazism and Islamism: Never Again?

"We will rule the nations, by Allah’s will, the USA will be conquered, Israel will be conquered, Rome and Britain will be conquered…' We say Never Again and Never Forget; but it's happening again because we have forgotten.
- Saturday, June 25, 2016
