
Judi McLeod

-- Judi McLeod, Founder, Owner and Editor of Canada Free Press, is an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the print and online media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared throughout the ‘Net, including on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

Most Recent Articles by Judi McLeod:

Cackles from Chappaqua Getting Raucously Louder

The cackles from Chappaqua, New York are getting louder, fuelled by the glug, glug of Hillary Clinton' s swigs of Chardonnay. With Clinton's Chappaqua cackles comes a strident message to all Donald Trump voters: 'You suckers thought the election was over on November 8, 2016--but thanks to James Comey, Robert Mueller and ME, the campaign carries on.'
- Thursday, July 13, 2017

Obama’s Resistance Coming To Tear Down The West

The biggest tragedy of modern day history is that a president who came into office hating America, and held fast to his tenure for eight long years before being replaced by a president the American lib-left is teaching the world to hate.
- Thursday, July 13, 2017

Now Fake News Forming Its Own Union

Struggling online news outlets would have to be more than just hopelessly naive to believe that a relatively new 'New Media Alliance' leading the battle for survival up against Internet giants Google and Facebook is fighting for them.
- Monday, July 10, 2017

We Want God, They Want Anarchy

Humanity has a thirst that Coca Cola and Pepsi can never quench; a hunger no fast food outlet can satisfy because it’s a ravenous hunger of the heart. No politician, no propagandizing media has ever been able to stop mankind’s age-old stampede to the Holy Face of God. Just as iron filings are drawn to the magnet, humans, wired from birth by a supernatural force, continue to seek out their Creator.
- Monday, July 10, 2017

Anarchists of G20 Protests ‘Marxist Perfection 101’

The latest G20 gathering in Hamburg, Germany is the biggest Fake News event of them all. Throngs of more than 100,000 face-masked, protesting anarchists have taken over the stage for the #zeigtHaltung -- ‘Hamburg’s got attitude’.
- Saturday, July 8, 2017

CNN Jumps Into Bed With Al Jazeera

Reddit should be smelling a big rat by now. The stench is coming from something even more putrid than Fake News Central CNN trying to hide under the rug on their blackmail attempts against the Reddit user behind the gif of President Trump wrestling a CNN image superimposed on WWE founder Vince McMahon.
- Thursday, July 6, 2017

Canada’s Disturbing Independence Day Gift to America

Rebel media.com CEO Ezra Levant is right in tweeting that Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “chose July 4th as the day to announce he'll pay $10,000,000 to an unrepentant Al Qaida terrorist who killed an American.”
- Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Boo Hoo Baby Brian Karem Just Couldn't Take It Anymore

There's the 'cable guy', the 'Morning guy' and now ' nudie guy', reporter Brian Karem, who's telling the world that he blew up at spokeswoman Sarah Sanders because he "can't take it anymore".
- Friday, June 30, 2017

FBI Agent Indicted in Shooting Death of Rancher LaVoy Finicum

The truth will always out. The truth will always out even when top authorities squat on it for five long months in efforts to suppress it from ever finding sunlight. “An FBI agent has been indicted and accused of lying about firing shots at slain Oregon militia member LaVoy Finicum during a fatal roadside encounter, according to (a) report.” (NY Daily News, June 28, 2017)
- Thursday, June 29, 2017

To the BLM, hippies and nudists more equal than ranchers with cattle

No rancher’s cattle straying away to graze the grass on land the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers their own will ever get away with it. While seven ranchers still languish in jail awaiting trial from incidents connected to the 2016 Malheur National Forest Standoff where rancher LaVoy Finicum was shot down under questionable circumstances, up to 30,000 aimless hangers on to the Rainbow Family of Living Light have outfoxed he BLM once again.
- Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Not so fast, Mr. Scaramucci, CNN anything but classy

An early morning Tweet posted by Anthony Scaramucci, an adviser to Trump during the presidential campaign and a member of his transition team's executive committee, after CNN removed from its website, scrubbing all links from its social media accounts, a story involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with potential ties to several associates of President Donald Trump:
- Saturday, June 24, 2017

Planned Parenthood’s Desperate Attempt to get Jon Ossoff Elected

If the truth, rather than media propaganda got to tell the story, this is what really went down in Tuesday’s special Georgia election: Planned Parenthood poured big money in trying to elect Democrat pro-abortion crusader Jon Ossoff to Congress in Tuesday’s special election in Georgia—but ended up instead aborting aborting his election chances.
- Thursday, June 22, 2017

Democrats trapped in their hate-filled corner

So-called ‘White Obama’ Jon Ossoff’s defeat in the special election for Georgia’s 6th Congressional district yesterday makes it clear that the Democrats are going down in the water for the third time with no lifeguard coming to save them.
- Thursday, June 22, 2017

OFA Organizing for Anarchy Recruitment

Five months after his blatantly hypocritical ‘I-wish-the-new-president-well’ departure from the White House, Organizing for America is raising money for Obama as Leader of the Resistance poised to take President Donald Trump down.
- Tuesday, June 20, 2017
