
Budget Battle Royale

Thursday was filled with chaos in the capital. By a razor thin margin, the Republican-controlled House voted in favor of the $1.1 trillion "CRomnibus" funding bill. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was forced to cajole conservative GOPers to switch their votes after it appeared it was headed for defeat earlier in the day. All of the machinations were aimed at preventing a government shutdown beginning at midnight.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

White Liberals Are Bad For America’s ( Public Safety ) Health

I watch numbly as liberals hoist local thugs and distant terrorists in their endless quest to create phony civil rights causes. This is actually a side-handed complement to the epic progress achieved during the Civil Rights Movement era.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Surfs Up: My Support For Waterboarding

The harsh realities of warfare, especially the current non-state actor style we face, stand brutally immune to limp wristed liberalism. We face pathologically enraged enemies who cannot be treated with kid gloves- period. I type this as someone who isn’t a neo-conservative. I’m a realist when it comes to stopping foreign psychopaths and as such, don’t believe in enabling them. Here’s former Vice President Dick Cheney’s input on the matter:
- Friday, December 12, 2014

The Immorality of War

I don’t understand the so-called immorality of fighting a war with the same intensity and conviction as those who’d wage war against us. This call to stand on a “higher, more moral Plain” and conduct as a nation really disturbs me. I guess it’s because I’ve witnessed man’s barbarism against his fellow man for no better reason than he doesn’t like the way you pray, who you pray to and what you want to result from those prayers. Morality is a concept susceptible to the interpretation of the individual and/or his tribe. Islam differs greatly from Christianity but both have moral codes.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Narrow our job skills gap by building educational pipelines

WASHINGTON, D.C.—An unfortunate irony to emerge from our lackluster economic recovery is that even as millions of Americans remain unemployed or underemployed, too many employers are unable to find qualified candidates for open positions.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

More Hot Air

On a CBC show with Peter Mansbridge last week U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon chastised Canada for not doing enough to prevent climate change.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Rich Nations Get Cold Feet Over $100 Billion Climate Fund Promise

Developed countries do not wish to provide a road map before 2019 for their financial commitments to fight climate change. But at the Lima talks they have demanded that the linked actions of developing countries to reduce emissions be announced and reviewed well before, by 2015 itself. This has led to a logjam on the issue of finance in the negotiations. But, it has also got all the factions within the over-arching G77+China group of 134 developing countries aligned close. --Nitin Sethi, Business Standard, 12 December 2014
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Mark Kessler - Coming Out of the Closet Part 4

Fox News Network's Alan Colmes had a special guest on Tuesday, December 2, 2014. As so often happens on television, the guest was "coming out of the closet", though this had nothing to do with sexual orientation.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Leftist Lynch Mobs from Ferguson to Rolling Stone

Leftist Lynch Mobs from Ferguson to Rolling Stone America is a nation of laws, not of racist lynch mobs. Its trials are based on facts, not on narratives. The presumption of innocence matters more than the narrative and the social justice hashtag. Without it all we have left are racist lynch mobs with smartphones marching through Manhattan.
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Racial Divide and Distrust

There's a new show on TV called "Blackish". Recently an episode dealt with the father wanting to be the office Santa and the boss giving the honor to a Hispanic female. What astounded me was the rant that the black Grandmother gave on hearing the news. She spouted off about how the Hispanics get to jump ahead of blacks, "taking everything, even our jobs".
- Friday, December 12, 2014

So Just How Stupid Are Liberals Anyway?

Seeing as how liberal stupidity is a given, the question becomes one of degree--just how stupid are liberals? Are they off-the-charts stupid, or simply low-wattage-dim-bulb stupid?
- Friday, December 12, 2014

Canada's puny military

Canada is not a super-power, therefore it doesn't need super military weapons even if it could afford them. However, as a middle power Canada needs enough weaponry to pull its weight in international hot-spots and to be capable of assisting our allies in their fight against ISIS and other terrorist gangs.
- Thursday, December 11, 2014
