
Left Tries to Blame Ebola Crisis on Republicans

Left Tries to Blame Ebola Crisis on Republicans
A new ad put out by the left-wing Advocacy Project seeks to link Republican budget cuts with the spread of the Ebola virus, a shameful fear tactic that could take hold among a populace rightfully concerned about this epidemic. While media organizations such as Time Magazine and Real Clear Politics have reported on the existence of the video, all they did was cite the ad, not challenge the veracity of its information. In doing so, they're acting as vehicles for spreading its misinformation.
- Saturday, October 18, 2014

Houston's mayor is a villain, not a hero

Houston's mayor is a villain, not a hero
This week the country learned that in the politically red state of Texas is the liberal, blue city of Houston, which is led by Mayor Annise Parker, an avowed lesbian.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Obama's Deadly Ebola Lies

President Obama's lies about the communicability of the truly terrifying Ebola virus are recklessly putting American lives at risk. And yesterday Obama did the unthinkable: he cancelled a precious campaign fundraiser to address an issue of intense interest to the American people. At a photo-opportunity disguised as an emergency cabinet meeting the president did what he always does: he lied and lied and lied.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

EU Hangs On with Hookers, Drug Dealers & Gun Runners

Karl Marx was wrong about virtually everything, but he was spot on when he said, "history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." For the third time in six years, the European Union (EU) is on the verge of recession, a tragedy fueled by slow or non-existent growth, a strong possibility of continent-wide deflation, and debt burdens that remain onerous, if not catastrophic.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Venezuela, Russia’s New Ally on the UN Security Council

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose country was just elected by the United Nations General Assembly to serve a two year term on the Security Council during 2015 and 2016 in place of departing Argentina, gave a preview of the anti-West, anti-capitalism rhetoric we can expect his country to contribute. He blamed the United States for the recent decline in global oil prices, noting what he claimed was the intent to hurt Russia.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

CDC director: No travel ban, because it would harm African economies

Yesterday, Representative Tim Murphy (R-PA) had a chance to question CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden during his Congressional testimony. If you thought Frieden would use the occasion to reassure the American public with regards to his intentions and capabilities, you would be very wrong. Instead, he presented a picture of a deeply flawed organization whose main purpose has been subjugated to international political considerations.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Party time in D.C.: Federal tax revenues top $3 trillion

You may be pinching pennies because cash is tight in the Obama economy of slow GDP growth, stagnant wages and high taxes. But you should be willing to be happy for others who have no such problem! Your congressman has plenty of money to spend! More than ever, in fact. Let him know he's welcome:
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Sheila Jackson Lee: You know whose fault Ebola is? Republicans

On the one hand I think it's outrageous and despicable. On the other hand, I shrug, because I know: This is what they do. To a Democrat, everything is political, and every problem that ever occurred would surely have been prevented by the wonderfulness of government if only Republicans had given them more money.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Poland To Veto EU’s 40% CO2 Reduction Proposal

If the EU summit next week maintains the European Commission’s proposal on reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent by 2030, Poland will have to veto it, Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Janusz Piechociński told Polish Radio on Thursday. “If this initial proposal will look as it does now, then Poland will have no choice but to veto it,” Piechociński said. “For the Polish economy minister and the majority of EU economy ministers the 40-percent option, which destroys half of Europe’s industry, is unacceptable,” he added. --Warsaw Business Journal, 16 October 2014
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Here’s Why Budget Cuts Have Nothing to Do With Developing an Ebola Vaccine

Some government health officials have joined Democrats in blaming the lack of an Ebola vaccine on budget cuts orchestrated by Republicans. However, more federal funding likely would not have led to creation of a vaccine to combat the deadly disease, since pharmaceutical companies had little incentive to do so.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Just ramblin’ and amblin’

So; where do we go from here? We have Obama actually cancelling junkets and in general confusing the bejeezus out of everybody because he’s paying attention to Ebola. Maybe it’s because he said his policies and administrative programs are going to be tested in the midterm elections.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

The Obamas to Greet Incoming Passengers from West Africa!

The Obamas to Greet Incoming Passengers from West Africa!
--Satire --A HUGH BETCHA EXCLUSIVE In the face of overwhelming public sentiment that a travel ban should be imposed on incoming flights from Ebola-plagued West Africa in order to protect Americans from this killer disease, the President has decided to double down on his adamant refusal to consider such measures to protect his own citizens.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Feds Celebrate $3 Trillion Tax Haul; Wallets Weep

Feds Celebrate $3 Trillion Tax Haul; Wallets Weep
This Washington Times piece did an nice overview of FY2014: The Treasury Department unveiled its Fiscal Year 2014 numbers, which showed that the government's revenue, for the first time ever, hit the $3 trillion mark. However, the government still overspent its revenues, leaving a $483 billion deficit.
- Friday, October 17, 2014
