
Murrieta Patriots Reject Busloads of Illegal Aliens

Over the weekend a few protest rallies erupted in Temecula, and at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station on Madison. The concern over the unconstitutional dumping of illegal aliens, many of whom may be infected with communicable diseases, has placed Murrieta, California, at the forefront of the immigration battle.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

For Too Many, It's a Very Unhappy Fourth of July

As Americans pause to celebrate the 238th signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, it well may be one of the saddest Fourth’s in decades. The six and a half years of the Obama regime has failed to unleash the nation’s capacity to recover from the 2008 financial crisis and has left the nation saddled in debt and dependency.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Breaking EPA's climate science secrecy barriers

Can you imagine telling the IRS you don't need to complete all their forms or provide records to back up your claim for a tax refund? Or saying your company's assurances that its medical products are safe and effective should satisfy the FDA? Especially if some of your data don't actually support your claims--or you "can't find" key data, research and other records, because your hard drive conveniently crashed? But, you tell them, people you paid to review your information said it's accurate, so there's no problem.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Compassionate Racism of Liberals

Conservatives today are constantly being labeled racist for opposing the radical leftist ideology of President Barack Obama. Psychologists believe in the projection theory, which is that individuals like to project their own negative behavior on those they hate. No other issue seems to prove this theory more than the anger liberals express towards conservatives while accusing them of racist motives.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Illegal Immigration Bio-Warfare

Over the weekend I spent time at two protest rallies over the illegal immigration issue, but my reasoning as an opponent against the influx of illegal aliens into our country is not just because I believe that it is dangerous to our sovereignty as a nation to allow our border to be wide open. I am also concerned because of the health of our communities, and the safety of those that believe they are coming to the promised land (or to the United States as an invader).
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

HHS Security Force Call Themselves the Nazi-associated Name "Brown Shirts"

A peek into Obama America's future? In a Drudge linked article on Fox News it was reported that not only are Department of Health and Human Services security personnel threatening medical workers with imprisonment for talking to the media about potential contagious threats at a Texas refugee camp housing illegal alien children, but they have also taken to calling themselves the Nazi-associated name “Brown Shirts”.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Abandoning Capitalism

In 2009, filmmaker Michael Moore released "Capitalism: A Love Story," taking target at the free market with worn out arguments that mirrored more the attitude of the old, and failed, Soviet Union, than it did the principles of the United States. Capitalism is a system based on individuality and freedom, where the producer or laborer gets to keep more of what they earn, and own.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2014

True The Vote Files Suit Against Mississippi

OXFORD, MS. -- True the Vote (TTV), the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today filed suit in federal court against the Mississippi Secretary of State and the State Republican Party, asking the Court to immediately order that election records be shared to inspect for illegal votes ahead of certification for the June 24 U.S. Senate Primary Runoff Election (True the Vote, et. al v. State of Mississippi, et. al. (3:14cv144-MPM-SAA)).
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

SCOTUS Says "No!" to POTUS

Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. -- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 78, 1788 The genius of the United States Constitution lies in the checks and balances of power, not the award of power to the people or any dedicated interest (or elitist) group.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Krugman Ignores IPCC on Climate Economics

One of the recurring themes in my posts here at IER is that apologists for government intervention in the name of fighting climate change routinely ignore what the “consensus” says. Then these same people have the audacity to wag their fingers at the “deniers” out there who disagree with them.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Should Americans Continue Paying Taxes to the IRS

Think I am kidding, uh? How would you like it if you were to wake up tomorrow and, by the grace of God, the country had totally abolished the IRS and from here on out, you were spared the rigors of paying any more taxes ever again? This would be, for most of us I assume, cause for massive celebration - an unimaginably joyous and magnanimous occasion probably inducing the largest party in the history of the nation, the world maybe, bar none, would it not?
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Death by Delay

“The difference between taking a part of my life, and taking my whole life, is just a matter of degree.” Anon There was a time, before the baby-boom generation took over, when we took pride in the achievements of our builders, producers and innovators. There was always great celebration when settler families got a phone, a tractor, a bitumen road or electric power. An oil strike or a gold discovery made headlines, and people welcomed new businesses, new railways and new inventions. Science and engineering were revered and the wealth delivered by these human achievements enabled the builders and their children to live more rewarding lives, with more leisure, more time for culture and crusades, and greater interest in taking more care of their environment.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Thousand Footfalls Go Unheard

We have it on no less an authority than Cole Porter that not only do ‘the dragonflies, in the reeds do it, ‘but so do ‘sentimental centipedes do it’ – fall in love, that it.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pamela Harris fought the law, and she won

HE LOST: Gov. Pat Quinn was defendant in the case Harris v. Quinn, which challenged a state rule forcing home-care workers to pay labor union dues.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I still like "Dominion Day"

I am a proud Canadian. I love our history, traditions, freedoms and unique geography.
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014
