
Dirty EPA Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

The Environmental Protection Agency is full of dirty tricks. Under the Obama Administration (and the tutelage of first Sheila Jackson and now "tailgunner" Gina McCarthy (Are you now or have you ever been a member of Koch Industries?) the EPA has spiraled out of control, conducting human experimentation reminiscent of Joseph Mangle, Declaring Milk to be an oil thus forcing dairy farmers to purchase expensive "toxic spill" equipment, declaring silver particles a "pesticide", has unilaterally reduced the amount of particulate matter allowed in the air in defiance of its' own research results, Reduced sulphur levels for no good reason.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Living on the Edge – it’s no longer business as usual

It’s time for all patriotic Americans to abandon the notion that we are being overwhelmed by the Left and their socialist agenda. We're living on the edge of a new day - a day of new challenges, yet one of new opportunities. The urban.com dictionary defines "living on the edge" as "living a dangerous and/or unusual everyday life."
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter and the American Tradition of Revival--It Can Happen Again!

On Easter, the God of spiritual redemption and revival is celebrated. Coincidentally, no single factor has been more influential in the conception and formation of America, than Christian revivals in US history. The first colonial Americans were religious dissenters and reformers.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Tower of Pisa policies

Built on a foundation of sand, the Leaning Tower of Pisa would have toppled over long ago, if not for ingenious engineering projects that keep it from tilting any further. The same thing is true of ethanol, automobile mileage, power plant pollution and many other environmental policies.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Backdoor Carbon Taxation in Saskatchewan

In an interview with Theo Caldwell published in The Daily Caller, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall expressed his pride for the carbon capture project at the Boundary Dam coal-fired power station in the southeastern portion of the province. This is most unfortunate, although he might just be trying to make the best political situation out of a bad policy foisted on him by the supposedly "conservative" federal government.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

Wrong is the New Right

Others have already pointed out the absurdity that gay marriage is becoming a right in places where plastic bags and large sodas are becoming against the law. This sort of next wave civil rights step is only an expansion of freedom if you aren't paying attention.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

The Nut

My boyhood best friend and mentor, Jaybird, had a gift for storytelling that no one could match, especially when he spun yarns about what he loved most: fishing. Following is my remembrance of the old black man’s story about a monster fish that he could not catch.
- Monday, April 21, 2014

An Easter message from President Reagan

Easter is far from a political holiday, but each American has been blessed to be a citizen of the freest nation this world has ever known.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

Potassium: Like Sex and Money, Just the Right Amount

“Why would anyone be so foolish to carry on this asinine habit for so long?” This was my immediate reaction to an article, published by LiveScience and reported at the European Heart Rhythm Association. In effect, the article shows how a most innocent habit, carried out for a long period, can send you to hospital.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

Try to Ignore Earth Day

Try to ignore Earth Day, April 22. It won’t be easy. The print and broadcast media will engage in an orgy of environmental tall tales and the usual end-of-the-world predictions.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Threat of Ideology

The ideology of American "Liberalism" threatens the well-being of our nation. Under the pretext of "improving" the social fabric of the country, it wrecks, one by one, the cornerstones of our freedom and prosperity. Not unlike in former Soviet Union and its satellites, it attempts to replace free markets, competition, and individual self-reliance with governmental control of the economy, central planning, and redistribution of income. Predictions of allegedly beneficial effects of that "Liberal" power grab on the American society are not that different from notoriously false promises of socialistic order. And not surprisingly so.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hosanna in the Highest!

In the hustle and bustle of a chaotic world, it is easy to compartmentalize the various aspects of our lives. We have family, work or school and leisure activities during our waking hours, and we can tend to place God in a box, of sorts, so that we can pursue our earthly endeavors.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

An Easter Message from Israel

Dear Friends, While we, the Saturday People, celebrate Passover, you, the Sunday People, are celebrating Easter. At sunset, as Easter Sunday ends, the last day of our Passover holiday this year begins.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Obama press conference — a smug, shameful liar on display

Did you see the latest Obama presser? If so, I’m sorry, because you watched a man who’s made lying an art, his life’s work and legacy, elevating the heretofore shameful practice of degeneracy to levels that could make a polygraph smoke.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Drug Cartels Long March on El Salvador

More than two decades after the civil war in El Salvador ended, the nation remains fractured -- a situation being worsened by increasing drug cartel presence and influence. In its recent presidential election, Salvador Sanchez Ceren of the governing left-wing Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) barely defeated Norman Quijano of the right-wing National Republican Alliance (Arena). With more than three million votes cast, the margin of Ceren's victory was only 6,364 votes, or 51.1 to 49.9 percent.
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

What Really Happened at the Bay of Pigs

(You always hear and read of a "fiasco," a "defeat" a "disaster" at the Bay of Pigs, 53 years ago this week. But you rarely hear about the cause. Here it is.)
- Sunday, April 20, 2014

‘Pope Pelosi’ on Good Friday

Even though Progressives in anti-Christian forces make sure to get t their messages out each and every Holy Week, this year’s came as a jolt to many Christians. “Pope Pelosi”. That’s how the the mighty Drudge Report headlined the story about Pelosi partnering up with Bishop Marc Andrus to--”honor the dignity and work of immigrants” by washing the feet of two children at San Francisco’s Saint John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in San Francisco. You could call that “making like the Pope” or even “Aping the Pope”, but never “Pope Pelosi”. We don’t know whether Bishop Andrus caved in to Pelosi pressure or whether he relished having her beside him for a foot washing ceremony used to dredge up the Immigration Issue, and most of us don’t much care.
- Saturday, April 19, 2014
