
Yes, marijuana kills people

The proposition is absurd on its face, yet many people embrace it because it either fits their political ideology or just their determination to alter their consciousness. It's the notion that people can use a "recreational" drug and it will be relatively harmless to them and others.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Obama: Maybe I'll just let you 'keep your plan' until I'm not President anymore

ObamaCare is a moral imperative. God wants you to have ObamaCare. You're racist if you're not in favor of enacting ObamaCare. These are all things we've heard from the left over the course of the last three years. Conservatives who would dare stand in the way of the Affordable Care Act were monsters to be slain with extreme prejudice.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Kerry Playing With Fire In Middle East

In a few days or a few weeks, the Obama Administration will present Israel and the so-called Palestinians with something referred to as a "framework agreement."
- Friday, February 7, 2014

The Interview: Obama dances around O'Reilly -- Stumbles over Lincoln

The pre-game interview missed the mark so badly that it was hard to tell if it was not actually just another droll press conference with Jay Carney. O'Reilly had his ducks all in a row with well-chosen questions which Obama simply ignored for the most part.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

An IT guy gives relevant computer buying advice

"Separating the useful information from the steaming BS can be tough." That's the word from Calgary-based IT pro Christopher Bray, who sat down at his keyboard recently to give some insight into what to look for when buying a computer in 2014. Bray, who moonlights as my oldest son, was responding to a request from another relative who was flummoxed at the choices out there.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Hyundai Tucson soldiers on as a solid small SUV choice

It may be getting a little long in the tooth compared with its newer competitors, but Hyundai's Tucson "cute ute" SUV/crossover is still worth inclusion on your shopping list if you're looking in this market niche.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Online gaming bans spur black market, create long-term ills

LAS VEGAS, NV — Prohibition doesn’t work. As our history books show, the Volstead Act prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s, closed the doors of legal, regulated businesses and opened a Pandora’s box with unintended consequences.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Stunned by Barack Obama

I didn't think I could be stunned by Barack Obama any more. But I was wrong.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

On Being a Xenophobe and a Bigot

Humans are creatures of habit and do not like to uproot – unless, of course, you are an American with a sense of adventure and pioneer blood coursing through your veins. With its vast lands, lakes, rivers, prairies, and mountains, mobility in America by any means is not a problem. Ask the die-hard pioneers who braved snow, rain, mud, droughts, deserts, mountains, wild animals, and predatory outlaws to find their magical piece of land where they could settle and raise a family.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Puerto Rico: The Next Detroit?

On Tuesday, credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Puerto Rico's general-obligation bonds to BB+, a level that is considered junk status.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

John Boehner's Incremental Amnesty Surrender Strategy

Mathematicians have long contended that if you give a million monkeys a million typewriters and an infinite amount of time, eventually the simians will produce the King James Bible. Maybe so, but why inflict such a difficult challenge from the get--go? It could severely damage monkey morale.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Hate is the Force that Gives the Left Meaning

The American left has never had it this good. It has never had two terms of an unabashed and uncompromising leftist in the White House dedicated to its agenda functioning as a dictator without the military uniform, making and unmaking laws at a whim, siccing the IRS and Federal prosecutors on political enemies and transforming the country at a breathtaking pace.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

IRS memos reveal: Way more than a 'smidgen' of corruption

Remember President Obama's claim during the Super Bowl Sunday interview with Bill O'Reilly that there is "not even a smidgen of corruption" going on with the IRS? Why, he explained, they were merely trying to fix how they deal with some confusing rules that caused bureaucratic mistakes.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Unpopular Obama promises Senate Dems he won't hurt them by trying to help them get re-elected

Hey, Democrat candidates. Remember the good ol' days? There was a time when Obama's approval rating was so sky-high that virtually every left-wing politician in America was salivating at the mere thought that the President might look their way and wink. If you managed to get a handshake or a photo-op, you'd be as giddy as a schoolgirl meeting Paul McCartney (the cute one) in 1964. A chosen few had curried so much favor that the Commander in Chief would actually answer the call by tearing himself away from the golf course to help campaign. This was seen as a major coup.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

Iran's bomb in the basement

It is happening in slow motion, to be sure. But we are witnessing how a nuclear armed Iran is changing the face of the Middle East.
- Friday, February 7, 2014
