
Neither Prime Minister has a coherent and consistent position on carbon pricing

Dropping the ball on Benghazi

ABC and WaPo “Poll” Misses the Mark Institute for Energy Research | June 9, 2014
EPA, Chamber of Commerce, regulation, carbon,

The flood of unaccompanied minor children Guest Column | June 9, 2014
Crisis in the southwest

Two-wheeling in New Zealand Travel New Zealand | June 9, 2014
Seeing New Zealand on two wheels gives visitors the opportunity to see many regions of the country from a different perspective

Treats Its Citizens Like Criminals

Battle Against Common Core Heats Up Heritage Foundation | June 9, 2014
South Carolina and Oklahoma follow Indiana, which exited Common Core earlier this year.

CTF Pleased with PC Commitment to Balanced Budgets Canadian Taxpayers Federation | June 9, 2014
Ontario has become an economic basket case

Barack Obama:

Will Obama be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors? Or, will he be declared unfit, mentally and/or emotionally, and removed pursuant to the 25th Amendment?

Maybe America's future is in good hands after all

Renewables Are Too Expensive Jack Dini | June 9, 2014
Even the Europeans are backing away from their own mandates rapidly

A moral equation that only a self-loathing narcissist like Obama could justify

The Virginia Energy Plan: Cohesive, comprehensive, and aggressive energy strategy for Virginia

"Minimum wage is just a government-imposed price-fixing scheme that creates winners and losers"

Liberal Gov't used $1.6M from fund supporting Safe Schools and Autism Programs to pay private law firms

Beltway Republicans vow revenge on Ted Cruz Dan Calabrese | June 9, 2014
The only reason the government shutdown didn't work is that the rest of the Republican caucus lacks the conviction of Ted Cruz

...So she feels your pain

So there's no need to make a big deal out of this...

A dishonest political narrative is a terrible thing to waste

How Barack Obama Ends Wars Frank Gaffney Jr. | June 9, 2014
With the Bergdahl exchange, Americans are on notice

It is time for the re-introduction and enactment of Kemp’s magnum opus with a Gold Standard Act of 2014

Federal land management policy has shifted from managing working landscapes to a recreational landscape intended to delight visitors

Antarctic Sea Ice Grows To New Record Extent Guest Column | June 9, 2014
Earth Scientists Split On Climate Change Statement

Will try to rule Egypt with a justice that will satisfy Egyptians... or so we hope.

What causes garlic breath? (video) American Chemical Society | June 9, 2014
Break down the chemistry of garlic, and how to beat the bad breath it causes

Obamacare’s New Implementer-in-Chief Heritage Foundation | June 9, 2014
If lawmakers feel limited in their ability to attack the law—a silly, but real sentiment—they should focus on the inevitable taxpayer bailout of the insurance companies

A Very Tall Child Jim Yardley | June 9, 2014
Bowe Bergdahl

The revolution will be televised…and green Rolf Yungclas | June 9, 2014
Van Jones's affiliation with the Revolutionary Communist party or any other revolutionary Marxist organizations

PC operates like a narcissistic mother and has her golden children and her scapegoats
