
A definitive and comprehensive investigative report into the curious origins of a video blamed for the attack in Benghazi

Whipping Our Universities into Shape Al Kaltman | May 19, 2014
The Obama Administration’s Selective Approach to Free Speech

Every Donk for himself

Obama campaigned on VA wait times in 2007

Why wasn't he mad before this was a scandal?

The liberty and energy connection Marita Noon | May 19, 2014
Why mountaintop removal, fracking, and tar sands make America Great

The victory by Modi presents opportunities but also challenges for Israel.

Boy Scouts of America, prohibition against openly homosexual scouts, activists now want homosexual scoutmasters

Ostracize Bigots Guest Column | May 19, 2014
Discrimination and bigotry

AT&T buying DirecTV for $49 billion Dan Calabrese | May 19, 2014
A bundle!

Political lie detection tips Herman Cain | May 19, 2014
How you can tell when a politician is lying. Well, besides the lips moving

Oversee its use for the development of the economy, the security of the nation, and the protection of private property, the keystone of capitalism.

Comprehensive Con Job Arnold Ahlert | May 19, 2014
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Americans are being conned, and despite every effort on both sides of the ideological divide to willfully deceive them, they know it

German Government Falsifies IPCC Summary On Climate Policy

Saving for Retirement—Without the Government Heritage Foundation | May 19, 2014
Thrift Savings Plan

Cuban media hails decision; UN Watch condemns "UN handing propaganda victory to a dictatorship"

Is Obama a Pagan King in a Land of Yesterdays?

Thanks, Screech Jimmy Reed | May 19, 2014
Continued kindness overcomes self-pity

The Climate Change Fundamentalists Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | May 19, 2014
Through their excommunication of serious-minded scientists who dare to raise questions and their increasingly strident and dogmatic proclamations

Obama, objective of governing is never to govern well. Simply not to be blamed when governing proves the inevitable failure you get with inept leadership

There are large gaps between current and historical trends and what the NCA is projecting

MSNBC Joins With Democrats to “Grow Hope” Roger Aronoff | May 19, 2014
As the elections near, MSNBC will begin to look much more like an infomercial for the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party’s Brain Damage Daniel Greenfield | May 19, 2014
The problem isn't Hillary's brain damage. It's the Democratic Party's brain damage

Real leadership

Pro-Israel Australian Jewish community wielded too much power

The loony anti-Keystone campaign Paul Driessen | May 19, 2014
It is the symbol of Big Green's diehard opposition to hydrocarbons and modern living standards

Million Jobs Plan

The picture presented by Ambassador Dermer of Israel’s strength and the Israel-US relationship likely does not match the US administration’s view

Isn’t it time we started praying for - impeachment?

