
Bomb that killed Tucson scrap metal worker identified News on the Net | September 25, 2015
Police have not said why and how the device ended up in a scrap metal shop.

One month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: August 2015

Kremlin insists U.S.-led coalition coordinate with Syria army

The federal grand jury on Wednesday handed down an indictment against Border Patrol agent Swartz, charging him with second-degree murder.

Obamacare tried to re-engineer the rules of medical care and health insurance. Instead, the legislation only served to raise costs, and shrink the choices people have.

President Obama met with then-Vice President Xi Jinping at the White House in 2012.

Lying for the Cause Viv Forbes | September 25, 2015
The Climate Industry flourishes on government funds and is dominated by vested interests and their media trumpet

John Boehner Will Resign From Congress Heritage Foundation | September 25, 2015
House Speaker John Boehner announced today he will resign as speaker in October

According to the left there is no ‘war on cops’ Arthur Weinreb | September 25, 2015
Saying there is no war on police in a society where threats made against men and women in blue are not considered serious and encouraged by those in the highest level of government, is absurd

Pope Lays Out Global Marxist Agenda Cliff Kincaid | September 25, 2015
Socialism and communism. But they would rather call it “sustainable development,” in order to confuse people about how the American way of life is being targeted for extinction

FOIA was the one political enemy the Clintons couldn't figure out a way to neutralize

Radical Pope Matthew Vadum | September 25, 2015
Pope Francis scolds America for the ingredients that made it great

DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer

Zuckerberg can't make Facebook friends with China on President Xi's US visit: was the absent social media CEO blocked?

Carly Fiorina: Hillary Donor? News on the Net | September 25, 2015
If Fiorina, unlike Trump, has deliberately misrepresented her campaign contributions, what else is she misrepresenting?

Canada bullxxxxprees Guest Column | September 24, 2015

The Pope encouraged Congress “to protect, by means of the law, the image and likeness fashioned by God on every human face.”

What mystery? He's in league with you!

Kabuki Debt Ceiling Nonsense Jack Puglis | September 24, 2015
Stocking Congress with progressive Republicans, who talk a conservative game but act in concert with progressive Democrats, is an excellent, ancient, tried-and-true strategy

Kerry continues to tie the fate of the Islamic State to the fate of Assad--which will assuredly fall on deaf Russian ears

Pope says nice things about the poor, but the practical result of ditching capitalism for socialism will be more poverty, suffering, and death

Elevation of global warming/climate change to top issue by President Obama and Pope Francis wears the same label that they put on global warming. It did not come from the Almighty or from science. It is “man made”.

What Can’t happen Here Did Dr. Robert R. Owens | September 24, 2015
How did America fall for the second oldest con in the world, "Give me your freedom and I'll give you security?

Another Climate Prediction Fizzles

CHINA: Disappearance of Attorney Zhang Kai News on the Net | September 24, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Vatican has most restrictive immigration policy

A government funding bill that stripped Planned Parenthood of its federal dollars failed to advance in the Senate today.

Changes to Ontario ‘Death Tax’ Puts Additional Burden on Grieving Families Canadian Taxpayers Federation | September 24, 2015
Estate Administration Tax (EAT)

Is your water safe to drink? Guest Column | September 24, 2015
Lishtot’s inexpensive, reusable green light/red light device takes about two seconds to tell you if the water is drinkable or not.

Nuke deal or no nuke deal.
