
Serves as a warning for other provinces

VWGate Threatens To Sink Germany’s Climate Crusade Guest Column | September 24, 2015
'Global Warming Zealots Are To Blame For Deadly Diesel Fiasco'

Is Another Fiscal Cliff Coming? Why Conservatives Are Concerned Heritage Foundation | September 24, 2015
“It is our budget or bankruptcy.”

Pearson’s video has been viewed over 1.8 million times on YouTube.

Stampede kills more than 700 at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca News on the Net | September 24, 2015
"We have a stampede accident in Mina, and civil defense is dealing with it," said Brig. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, an Interior Ministry spokesman.

Ioane Teitiota argued for four years he should stay in New Zealand because of rising seas that threaten to deluge Kiribati, making it unsafe for him and his family

Mandatory Muslim Immigration in the EU Arnold Ahlert | September 24, 2015
The European Union's plan to force poorer nations to accept thousands of refugees

Washington Post Comes to Bowe Bergdahl’s Defense Roger Aronoff | September 24, 2015
By characterizing Bergdahl not as a deserter but an unwitting victim, even a whistleblower, mainstream media hope to salvage Obama's damaged reputation for his outrageous decision to trade one soldier for five high-ranking Taliban terrorists

No more "I'll tell you when I'm president."

Forget any kind of reconciliation or unity between Fatah and Hamas. Although the international community is demanding two states for two people, the Palestinians are calling for three states for two people

MSM demonizes conservative teen David L. Hunter | September 24, 2015
Washington Post columnist Lonnae O'Neal attacks 13-year old Coreco JaQuan Pearson

The Rise of Islam in Our Children’s Minds Gary Hunt | September 24, 2015
Is This the Destruction of America?

...And Biden is the obvious choice.

The government is still trying to force the nuns to either violate their deeply held religious convictions or pay crippling fines to the IRS.

The Danger of Political Correctness

Snide is Satan’s way. Snide is the wily way of the average Marxist.

Is The Party Over? Ray DiLorenzo | September 23, 2015
Both parties have proven that government is no longer by, for and of the people. Is it any wonder why Trump is doing so well?

Coal Is Still Integral to Many Countries and Regions in the World Institute for Energy Research | September 23, 2015
Rather than support coal’s use in this country, President Obama is instituting onerous regulations that will kill the coal industry domestically and cause electricity prices to skyrocket as he proposed in 2008

Obama announced last month his Clean Power Plan, which aims to cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions 32 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels.

Atrocities against Christians in the middle east Guest Column | September 23, 2015
The American Muslim community is mostly silent on issues regarding their own religion

The Brazilian Court Hotel in Palm Beach resides just steps away from the luxurious, world-renowned shops of Worth Avenue and the sapphire waters and sugar-white sands of the Atlantic Ocean.

The “one in five” number also “includes victims of both rape and other forms of sexual assault, such as forced kissing or unwanted groping of sexual body parts.”

PIK’s in Overdrive Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | September 23, 2015
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,

‘ShoutYourAbortion’ campaign explodes on social media News on the Net | September 23, 2015
Bonow shared her own story on Facebook along with the hashtag and since then thousands of women across the globe have detailed their experience.

Yogi Berra did something else pretty wonderful too Dan Calabrese | September 23, 2015
Before he was behind the plate at Yankee Stadium, he was storming the beach at Normandy.

The pain of ObamaCare gets worse Herman Cain | September 23, 2015
Real life.

British artist bitten by Transylvanian bug Tim Saunders | September 23, 2015
Come and be bitten by the art bug in Transylvania

Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming

Guantanamo Bay: US frees ‘Bin Laden bodyguard’ News on the Net | September 23, 2015
A Saudi man said to have once worked as a bodyguard for Osama Bin Laden has been freed from Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon said.

According to the New York Times article, U.S. military personnel who did report suspected child abuse to Afghan commanders and their own chain of command were told by the latter that “nothing else could be done.”
