
Tips to limit your exposure on Facebook

Courtesy of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Defying the narrative

No better endorsement could have been possible

Time for a Constitutional Line-item Veto Bob Shoup | March 27, 2018
Simple, easy to read, and Constitutional line-item veto bill. Passing it could save trillions of dollars

Canada needs more investment, not another government agency Canadian Taxpayers Federation | March 27, 2018
Make Canada a place where it's easy to set up shop, easy to do business and easy to turn a profit.

So, lighten the f—k up and give President Trump some breathing room. Save your “pining, puling, mumping” moods for those who deserve it – say Congress.

Browser and search engine team up to help you stay private on the internet Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 27, 2018
Vivaldi Technologies, DuckDuckGo: Looks like there may be a new sheriff in the wild, wild west of the world wide web

Bill 71 Guest Column | March 27, 2018

Natural Gas Plants Under Attack in Several States Institute for Energy Research | March 27, 2018
Coal-fired power plants were first and now natural gas-fired power plants are getting the ax, particularly in states with high mandates for renewable energy

Mustang Bullitt looks like more than just a fun movie tie in Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 27, 2018
Schreyer effect.

Omnibus versus Budget Douglas V. Gibbs | March 27, 2018
We need to be as tough as Trump has been. We need to stand by our President . . . but, at the same time, he needs to know he's only allowed a couple of mulligans on his score card

Leftists, which include civil rights movement black betrayers, are striving to make Dr King's dream of racial unity an impossible dream. Leftists are insidiously evil.

More to the point, the Canada Summer Jobs controversy has moved many of those who support the status quo to concede that people have a right to dissent from it

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Bolton Appointment Sends Powerful Message to Globalists, Dictators and Appeasers Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 27, 2018
John Bolton has spent his career fighting the globalists in and out of the U.S. government who are willing to sacrifice America’s best interests at the altar of global governance

Homelessness and the Trump tax cuts John Eidson | March 27, 2018
My friend Susan, my cousin Ralph, and George Clooney Their lives torn asunder by the cruel tax cuts of a heartless president, 58,000 homeless proletariats are living in taxpayer-provided tents on the streets of the People’s Paradise of Los Angeles

Rally of Liberal Gun Control Pawns Douglas V. Gibbs | March 27, 2018
Saturday's anti-gun marchers in the March for Our Lives rallies would have made good Nazis, and good communists, and good mindless automatons behind any tyrannical leader. Their gullibility was on full display
