
But...but...our narrative!

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party News on the Net | January 17, 2018
Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day

Bridging tumor moats with potent drug delivery particles American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
Chemotherapy could someday have fewer side effects if loaded into a "protocell" nanoparticle that specifically burrows into the deepest tumor regions

‘Sniffing’ out counterfeit liquors American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
A portable device with an advanced sensor can "sniff" out counterfeit liquors

Scaling to new heights with gecko-inspired adhesive American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
A gecko-inspired adhesive could someday make it easier to defy gravity

After Acosta repeatedly tried to bait him with insinuations that he's a racist

Penguin Info for Awareness Day Travel New Zealand | January 17, 2018
As well as a tourism destination, the National Aquarium of New Zealand is a rehabilitation centre for most of the Little Penguins

“I wish I had killed more of the mother-------,”

The only video you’ll ever need to watch about gluten American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018

The lawsuit accuses campus police of "deliberate indifference to the plaintiffs' safety," saying officers permitted "hordes of violent rioters to swarm the university campus in a violent rage."

The Antitrust Case Against Facebook, Google and Amazon News on the Net | January 17, 2018
A few technology giants dominate their worlds just as Standard Oil and AT&T once did. Should they be broken up?

And until the progressive-left can figure out the way to blame Donald Trump for Saturday’s nuclear button push in Hawaii, the screams of women world-wide will remain the loudest Trump smear of the moment.

Reversing the Damage Done by Chairman Barack Cliff Kincaid | January 17, 2018
The emerging Cult of Obama, protected by the media, is starting to look a lot like the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao

California's Economic Forecast is Dismal

Challenge countered

White House press briefing Fox News | January 16, 2018
Press secretary Sarah Sanders addresses the media

We are hopeful this forced speech law will be overturned by the Supreme Court


Durbin is untrustworthy, sleazy, and willing to stretch, bend, or break the truth whenever it suits his needs

Breaking the tender heart of CBS reporter John Dickerson, who can't bring himself to believe it

Mika, Joe, Wolff, two Bannons, and Thunderdome!

So much winning

An ex-Trump adviser, several news organizations and Trump’s favourite Fox News morning show have dumped on Trudeau in a wake of the jobs grants controversy
