
Because the 35 percent tax on repatriated profits is gone

The Green Empress has No Clothes Viv Forbes | January 18, 2018
But King Winter has exposed the weak underbelly of Germany’s energy policy. Empress Merkel now faces a hostile political climate with no clothes

1st President to Speak Via Live Video Feed

Let’s see how many CNN stars drop with a heart attack or are led off to mental health institutions in the next “3-5 years”.

Trump's 'Fake News' award winners are ...

Sanctuary City Politicians May Be Prosecuted Matthew Vadum | January 17, 2018
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says the Justice Department is on the case

Whatfinger is the younger, more vibrant up-and-coming contender who only needs a title shot to hoist the belt. I hope it gets it, too, because the current media status quo has conservatives heading for a knockout.

Tattletale Dicky Durbin Jim ONeill | January 17, 2018
I recommend that you do not tell any secrets to Dicky Durbin--he tattles


In a Washington Post op-ed so dishonest, they should put him on staff!

Or, in all likelihood, a fan of a certain team from a village on the west bank of Lake Michigan

• Apple says the new tax law will help it will contribute $350 billion to the U.S. economy over the next five years.
• It says it will create 20,000 new jobs and open a new campus.

Also, the economy's going great guns. Go figure

"What the hell was that?"

But...but...our narrative!

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party News on the Net | January 17, 2018
Republican Party was actually responsible for nearly every advancement for minorities and women in U.S. history—and remains the champion of equality to this day

Bridging tumor moats with potent drug delivery particles American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
Chemotherapy could someday have fewer side effects if loaded into a "protocell" nanoparticle that specifically burrows into the deepest tumor regions

‘Sniffing’ out counterfeit liquors American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
A portable device with an advanced sensor can "sniff" out counterfeit liquors

Scaling to new heights with gecko-inspired adhesive American Chemical Society | January 17, 2018
A gecko-inspired adhesive could someday make it easier to defy gravity
