
The players have a right to continue or end their protest—which they likely will do when they encounter the prospect of significantly lower-paying labor in other economic sectors

Riiight. We're sure that show no one heard of was really popular

"Every time I mention that I supported Trump in this election, people get viscerally angry with me, and they don't think it's possible that there's anyone who thinks differently than they do."

Big time Democrat hypocrisy on display AGAIN! James Simpson | October 19, 2017
But will the media cover it?

Doesn't regret going to Viet Nam....

This outrageous opinion sets a dangerous precedent to make the United States a sanctuary for the killing of unborn children at taxpayer expense

He also denied that he was ever in a conflict, despite having previously introduced legislation that proposes changes to pension regulations

Forty-four BlackBerrys, 70 computers and a fossil valued at $1 were among the items stolen from the federal government last year, according to public accounts

Forty-four BlackBerrys, 70 computers and a fossil valued at $1 were among the items stolen from the federal government last year, according to public accounts

Man in Pikachu Costume Arrested After White House Jump News on the Net | October 19, 2017

LIVE Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders White House Briefing Right Side Broadcasting | October 19, 2017
Right Side Broadcasting

Academics say degree of sensitivity will 'curtail academic freedom'

Brussels spat: a new row over Britain's financial obligations has blown up as Theresa May prepares to meet EU counterparts

The Turkish-Russian rapprochement does not by itself reduce the leverage available to the West in its relations with Turkey

Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas

A College Republicans meeting at the University of California, Santa Cruz was taken over by protesters screaming that the group’s existence is a threat to the safety of students.

Bring on ‘tax cuts for the rich’ Herman Cain | October 19, 2017
It's actually just what we need, especially once you know how Democrats define rich

Steve Bannon: I’m like a Bulldog Dag Barkley | October 19, 2017
Don't you mean a Bull in the China Shop?

And that fact does not bode well for our Republic
