
The Climate Change “Consensus” Isn’t What the Washington Post Thinks Institute for Energy Research | February 10, 2015
Carbon tax, climate change, consensus, Washington Post

Dr. Ben Carson Is Nobody’s Extremist! Nadra Enzi | February 10, 2015
The Southern Poverty Law Center is staking its reputation on mislabeling Dr. Ben Carson as an "extremist."

Welcome to a coming free West run by Obama hand-picked obots where the term ‘Islamic terrorism’ now lost in America will be totally removed from the lexicon of the world.

No Extremists in Islam Douglas V. Gibbs | February 10, 2015
Jihad is not radical, and it is not extreme, to Muslims. Jihad is the tool through which Islam is working to dominate the world.

Yes, they were “randomly selected” Jews Diane Weber Bederman | February 10, 2015
History of anti-semitism in Algeria, The Muslims of Algerian descent are not new to Jew hatred. It is in their blood.

In light of the recent Brian Williams scandal about his credibility, here is an ironic exchange between Williams and Stewart

‘The Science Does Not Support It’

Stand and Be Counted Sarge | February 10, 2015
It’s only when we stand for what we believe do we stand in strength.

Up in arms about everything.

President Christie? Alan Caruba | February 10, 2015
The measure of a Christie run won’t be whether he can outtalk or outglitter his putative Republican primary competitors. It will come entirely down to whether he can outmatch them on substance.

Van Jones suddenly worried about 'racist' GOP's diverse and exciting 2016 bench

The victims of the attack on the Hypercacher supermarket weren’t attacked randomly. They were murdered by an Islamist killer because they were Jews, in a Jewish place

Vellacott urges use of “notwithstanding clause” News on the Net | February 10, 2015
Supreme Court allowing doctors to use lethal injection on their patients

How did the federal student loan program rack up such massive debt so quickly? Let's take a look at Obama's recent reform efforts and programs to help provide relief to student borrowers.

Media Amnesia about Walker’s “Amnesty” Arthur Christopher Schaper | February 10, 2015
Is Walker for amnesty? Based on his rhetoric and his record, the answer is no, yet the media still has an uncanny amnesia about Republican governors when their policies and proposals resonated with the Republican base and the country as a whole

Tallahassee Events Spring on Stage in 2015 News on the Net | February 10, 2015
Tallahassee’s cultural calendar

“It’s a badge of honor” that Cuban leadership wants to shut the Martís down, says Carlos García-Pérez.

Say Her Name: Vaccine Victim Hannah Poling Cliff Kincaid | February 10, 2015
Whatever the fate of Brian Williams, the credibility of the media will continue to nosedive

Beat the Media, Win the White House Daniel Greenfield | February 10, 2015
The media was Obama's messaging machine. It is becoming Hillary's spin system. If Republicans passively submit to it, then the media will define them and 2016 will become a rerun of 2012.


Canadian-based Saturn Minerals, President and CEO Stan Szary

The future of Israel and all of the middle-east are more important than the bruised ego of a entitled Marxist!

Agarwood; Aquilaria; Incense Tree; gaharu wood

Can We Rely Upon Wind in Cold Weather? Ask the UK Institute for Energy Research | February 9, 2015
Cold weather, electricity, UK, Wind

MLA Pension Reports Should Be Disclosed Canadian Taxpayers Federation | February 9, 2015
For most government employee pension plans, employees are required to put in a set amount of money each year and the government (taxpayers) matches it

Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace -- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!

The Strange Timing of the Brian Williams’ Affair Timothy Birdnow | February 9, 2015
Unusual chain of coincidences, a pathological liar finally getting his comeuppance. But Barack Obama is a pathological liar and nobody in the media is ever willing to call HIM on it. Strange that Brian Williams should fall now

Lies, damned lies & statistics Klaus Rohrich | February 9, 2015
There’s no question that this administration has lost all legitimacy and the stench of their numerous scandals is beginning to reach even the loftiest of America’s elites

Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt James Simpson | February 9, 2015
Cloward and Piven sought to rig the welfare system for failure to provoke that anger. Their apprentice was Wade Rathke, the founder of ACORN. ACORN’s proud protégé was Barack Hussein Obama.

UN Secretary General Tells Saudis What They Want to Hear Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | February 9, 2015
Secretary General told the Saudi leaders what they wanted to hear about their own commitment to human rights and counter-terrorism, rather than the cold hard truth about their abysmal record.
