
Edward Snowden’s Communist and Terrorist Friends Cliff Kincaid | November 11, 2013
Baader-Meinhof Gang, Red Army Faction, Anatoly Kucherena

Sacre bleu!

"The price of freedom is paid again."

Cruz a natural-born citizen Rolf Yungclas | November 11, 2013
A red herring issue

The Obama Administration needs to take its boot off of the neck of the energy industry and encourage all domestic energy—not just that belonging to his cronies

Australia Says ‘No’ To $100 Billion Climate Fund Guest Column | November 11, 2013
Funding Drought Threatens UN Climate Agreement

Rob Ford is not a joke—Toronto Council is Arthur Weinreb | November 11, 2013
Rob Ford is not a joke—the entire council is a joke. The mayor is merely the punch line

Do Teachers Really Know Best? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | November 11, 2013
Education tends to reward teachers who rave about other primitive cultures as superior while maligning, diminishing, or ignoring our own American culture

Paula Fletcher's Full-Fledged Commie Rant

The Case for Repeal

Why Our Veterans Fight Heritage Foundation | November 11, 2013
Today we thank all of our veterans who have fought and continue to fight for freedom around the world

The American homeland is now ruled by a military empire

Apologies from Utopia Daniel Greenfield | November 11, 2013
Obama, Hillary and Sebelius all recite formulaic admissions of responsibility without actually taking any

Social Liberalism Create Fiscal Profligacy Arthur Christopher Schaper | November 11, 2013
Social liberalism creates fiscal profligacy in the long run. The consequences of upending values about life and marriage end up costing the state and the taxpayer in the long run

Romeike family: Parents had no right to direct the education of their own children because that was a responsibility of the State

Grounds for Impeachment Alan Caruba | November 11, 2013
Obama's high crimes and misdemeanors

Palestine - Kerry Destined For Political Scrapheap David Singer | November 11, 2013
Kerry seems destined to join his failed predecessors

Five years ago millions of Americans refused to look beneath the wrapper and married their nation to damaged goods

The Chris Christie Circus! A.J. Cameron | November 11, 2013
Christie: A genuine Republican and someone you would trust, or just another fraud, bully puppet with a selfish, narcissistic agenda

The Mainstream Media, which is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, has already begun its less than subtle campaign to secure that position for Christie

Apparently, Samantha Power is a big fan of Hanoi Jane

Even the name ‘Affordable Care Act’ is a lie Herman Cain | November 11, 2013
Let's have a new health care bill that's based on truth

Can Conservatives Take Over the GOP? Nelson Hultberg | November 11, 2013
Can Freedom Be Saved

I Like Veteran News on the Net | November 11, 2013
A modern day good samaritan steps in to help

Support Canada Free Press


Doubling Down on Carbon or Invest in Mouse Traps Now Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | November 10, 2013
“Environmental Protection” is the new catch-all phrase that appears to enable the executive branches of various levels of government in the western world to do anything they ever dreamed of

238th Birthday of The United States Marine Corps News on the Net | November 10, 2013
No challenge we cannot overcome if we remain honorable and always faithful to our Nation, our Constitution, each other

Don’t Miss This Historic Day! Robert L. Rosebrock | November 10, 2013
238th Birthday of America's famed U.S. MARINE CORPS

So many questions

Rob Ford William Bedford | November 10, 2013
Beau James

Veterans Day: Saluting Soldiers of Faith
