
Global Warming-Energy-Environment

The Government’s decision to silently reapply green levy costs to bills is in itself a retrograde step and a mistake, but the misinformation in defence of this decision suggests a negligent lack of engagement with the reality of their own climate pol

Decarbonisation drive will be hit by high cost of renewables

The left loves to use terms like, clean, sustainable, and green, but there is nothing green, clean, or sustainable about any of this

Net Zero Futility Jack Dini | June 19, 2023
No amount of investment in the intermittent renewables is going to eliminate the need for ongoing investment in fossil fuel production, at least within a 30-year time frame

UK climate has changed very little. Long-term trends are dwarfed by the natural variability of weather. Nor is there any evidence that weather has become more extreme, or will become so in future.

Dave Walsh: The Trudeau Lies of Climate Change Bannon's War Room | June 14, 2023
Canadian Fires has nothing to do with Climate Change -- Number of Fires and Areas Burned

"The cancellation of the proposed £118 Hydrogen Tax on household energy bills is hugely welcome and I hope is the start of a common sense journey for the government on energy policy"

Wildfires and the Global Warming Tout Bob Hoye | June 13, 2023
They are blowing a lot of smoke, but more and more people are seeing through this fog of social warfare

None of it has anything to do with the climate, or "saving the planet", and everything to do with wielding totalitarian control over every aspect of your life

"This is a thoroughly entertaining romp through the details of a very serious problem for society. Briggs has deployed his wit and wisdom to great effect"

"Reasonable people will conclude that the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street has lost the plot, and will ask themselves whether this is why the inflation target has been so badly missed”

John Kerry: Climate Agitator Jack Dini | May 30, 2023
John Kerry has done nothing but fly his private jets around the world and preach his radical gospel for the climate cult

Biden Administration environmental injustices Paul Driessen | May 29, 2023
Federal agencies proclaim ‘climate justice’ to justify controlling every aspect of our lives

Chicken Little Has Gone Green Rev. Michael Bresciani | May 17, 2023
Climate Alarmism, Transing Children and Trashing Trump – Things America Is Not Buying

The clear exception to this rule is the UK, where financial data is freely available for all offshore windfarms and many large onshore ones (as well as a few solar parks).

UK Government is playing into Putin’s hands News on the Net | May 9, 2023
“The government are sacrificing everything on the altar of their Net Zero dogma: economic security and national security just don’t seem to matter to them any longer.”

The media's and particularly broadcast networks lack of coverage of this hypocrisy is inexcusable

Climate Hysteria

Government urged to prioritise national security over green virtue signalling

Watch and judge yourself. ABSORB the graph shown. THINK on it.

The Pause in Global Warming Jack Dini | April 28, 2023
Of course, the warming racket will either ignore the pause or attack the messenger. The cycle of fear mongering will go on

Stand up, governors, before your backbone dissolves to the point of allowing this administration to illegitimately withhold from us our own resources and lock us behind our own doors… again.

Ottawa’s Climate Plans “Irresponsible” Tom Harris | April 27, 2023
“Cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather, according to an international study analyzing over 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries.” Twenty times more people die from the cold than the heat!

Climate doomsayers and cancel culture work to justify counseling for bureaucrats’ climate grief: Employees can take as much paid time off as needed for DEI and “gay pride” programs and eco-anguish counseling.

Earth Day Betrays its Philosophical Founders Tom Harris | April 21, 2023
It is about time real environmentalists followed the advice of the philosophical founders of their movement and kicked climate activists off the stage

Germany’s Continuing Energy Fiasco Jack Dini | April 17, 2023
President Biden's net zero goal will result in higher electricity prices, instability to the grid and higher taxes to pay for the tax incentives renewable energy -- Sounds like he is doing his best to follow Germany's lead

Scientists, Seers, Fear Mongers, Jokesters, Fools Steve Rossiter | April 17, 2023
Human caused global climate change is the most successful absurdity of a scam ever perpetrated on humanity. Nothing less than fear mongering, eco-terrorism perpetrated by the green lobby with complicity of governments. Follow the money

Some East Palestine, Ohio residents say they tested positive for vinyl chloride and are suffering health problems months after the Norfolk Southern train derailment.

Next week, I will show pro-lifers how to refute climate alarmist claims that today’s weather is unusually extreme, which, like virtually everything else mainstream media tell us about climate change, is completely wrong as well!
