

ISIS Slaughters Christians “In Their Beds” Raymond Ibrahim | December 29, 2015
Muslim Persecution of Christians, October 2015

Obama couldn't have written it better.

Muslim Immigration is What ISIS Wants Daniel Greenfield | December 28, 2015
Trump isn’t a threat to national security. Muslim immigration is: Muslim immigration is the Islamic State’s only hope for victory over America

Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim | December 28, 2015
In light of all this, it is high time for Pakistan to be labeled a "Country of Particular Concern" by the U.S. Department of State. Otherwise, the crucial question persists: Why is it not?

There is little doubt that public disclosure of the raid did bring to the forefront the (obscure) possibility of criminal acts

And why I side with Falwell . . . and packing heat.

SAF Vows Appeal In Case Against Seattle Gun Tax Second Amendment Foundation | December 23, 2015
“This tax is a violation not only of state preemption but also the state tax laws

Completely voluntary of course.

Latest news on Paris Terror Attacks News on the Net | December 22, 2015
Afghan migrants set up homeless camp at the site of Paris terror attack memorial | Muslim scholar who posted YouTube speech condemning Paris atrocities reveals he has received death threats | Mystery of the third suicide bomber

Your prize will be your glory in the defeat of the other video-writing infidels whose writing ended in fiery death or something

The Islam Terror Truthers Daniel Greenfield | December 22, 2015
Islamic terrorism isn’t caused by a thousand different problems, conditions, conspiracies and excuses. It’s caused by Islam. Every attempt to distract from that is Denialism and Trutherism

There is more to Murphy, which has been alluded to, previously. Murphy had a wife and three daughters, according to sources

Barbeau Qued in Seattle – Domestic Terrorism Gary Hunt | December 18, 2015
If government was granted, by the people via the Constitution, the authority to do anything, it was because we, the People, had the authority to grant them theirs

ISIS isn’t the point Dr. Brad Lyles | December 18, 2015
The most important point is the increasing likelihood that Iran will ignite a 17kt warhead over Manhattan, vaporizing 100,000 New Yorkers in mere seconds, and destroying the heart of our nation’s largest city

Navigating Dark Waters John Thompson | December 18, 2015
Warfare is no longer the exclusive business of the state, and our weak and weary national governments are going to need all the help they can muster…but don’t expect them to rally to your defence against all the warriors who might be coming after you

“But ISIS Kills More Muslims Than Non-Muslims!” Raymond Ibrahim | December 18, 2015
Embrace the true faith, be subjugated, or die

Islamic Jihad — Symptom of a Western Cause Raymond Ibrahim | December 17, 2015
Celebrating multiculturalism and defeating the jihad is impossible.

New 35 country coalition to tackle today’s terrorist threats

Isn't this "giving in to fear"?

More Christians Die, More Western Leaders Lie Raymond Ibrahim | December 15, 2015
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015

Two Talks on Muslim Migration Daniel Greenfield | December 15, 2015

Barbeau Qued in Seattle -Terrorists at the Ranch Gary Hunt | December 14, 2015
When you are finished reading her account of this ordeal, you may want to consider, based upon the information above, just who the real terrorists are.

NYT/CBS Poll Shows Majority Rejects Gun Prohibition Agenda Second Amendment Foundation | December 14, 2015
In the days since the San Bernardino terrorist attack, hordes of people have bought firearms – many for the first time – and are filling out paperwork to carry firearms for personal protection

Apparently the optics of gunned-down people are less of a problem. Oh, and ban guns!

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Turn off the news, settle down with your loved ones, and turn on a Christmas movie that reinforces your faith in humanity

ISIS Sharia board: Kill babies with Down Syndrome Dan Calabrese | December 14, 2015
Oral fatwa.

Dining Out With the Terrorists David Solway | December 13, 2015
One wonders how the jihadists get away with their atrocities and from where they derive their power

CAIR Blames America for San Bernardino Massacre Raymond Ibrahim | December 12, 2015

“If I were a legally-armed resident of Pinellas County,” Gottlieb said, “this sheriff is the last guy I’d want showing up at a crime scene. His investigative approach sounds like a fatal error waiting to happen.

Earth to the President: ‘Ability to increase and expand outside of their operational controlled areas,’ does not resonate well with assertions, regardless of how well-meaning, that ISIS is JV or contained!
