

Turkish news editor prosecuted for blowing whistle on Turkey's alliance with ISIS

Gunman, described as wearing a long coat and armed with a rifle, had begun firing from inside the building

In Soviet Russia, horse ride you.

Time to Trade Turkey for Russia in NATO Sierra Rayne | November 24, 2015
The Islamists are far more of a civilizational threat to the West than the Soviets ever were

It is not fight against ISIS, it is fight against Islam as powerful religious-political doctrine. If you have own values against it, you are doomed

Everything’s Fine Until the Bombs Go Off Daniel Greenfield | November 24, 2015
The migrant crisis is an invasion

You can’t fight back if you don’t have the tools, and the only way to take a gunman out, as the chief suggested, is to shoot back. That’s pretty hard if you don’t have a gun.”

Abrogation Explanation for Islamic Conflagration Dr. Brad Lyles | November 23, 2015
When the doctrine of abrogation is applied to the dichotomous peace/violence content of the earlier/later Quranic verses, the non-Muslim can easily and immediately grasp 95% of the Islam pertinent to the non-Muslim

The Poor Murderers Daniel Greenfield | November 23, 2015
Sometimes upholding civilization is a difficult thing. It can mean being a soldier on the front lines or a police officer sitting in a car waiting for a terrorist to strike

Put “Refugees” in FEMA Camps Selwyn Duke | November 23, 2015
At best, criminal negligence--at worst, treason

Time for patriots to be their own Congress in ridding America of Obama

True irony in the green not the white David L. Hunter | November 22, 2015
Make no mistake here, the person who actually got the “deal” was not among the group the giddy shoppers—some locals, others who made a special trip from afar—to save a few greenbacks.

Fazliddin Kurbanov: Terrorist ‘Refugee’ Arnold Ahlert | November 20, 2015
A case study in Obama's refugee folly

ISIS Crisis Entices Dr. Brad Lyles | November 20, 2015
Our leaders must stop focusing upon ISIS! ISIS entices but it is not the crisis! A potential nuclear Iran is the crisis --here and now --today!

The new normal

The Real Source of ISIS Recruiting Strength Jim Yardley | November 20, 2015
After each successful attack that is not responded to forcefully, that reaction reinforces the view of the West that it is the weak horse

Radical Islam — The Invisible Enemy Caroline Glick | November 20, 2015
Radical Islam is an ideology that serves both as an organizing principle for civil societies and a military doctrine.

D.C. Refuses to Arm Persecuted Christians Fighting ISIS Raymond Ibrahim | November 20, 2015
Christians implored Obama administration to simply stop arming their persecutors. When that too fell on deaf ears, vastly outnumbered and underequipped Christians gathered to fight the Islamic State head on

Let’s Rein In Out–of–Control Gun Control Advocates Michael R. Shannon | November 19, 2015
Highlighting gun control, appealing to Democrats that are already going to vote, is only firing blanks if it motivates Republicans who may not have voted if they didn’t fear losing Second Amendment rights.

SYRIA: Additional Assyrian Christians Released! News on the Net | November 19, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Consequences and legacies.

If getting killed is what ISIS wants, let's give them what they want. Or rather, let's encourage the #-kicking French to give them what they want - since America won't do it

Why Muslim Migrants Always=Terrorism Selwyn Duke | November 18, 2015
If you want to destroy liberalism, though--both the suicidal modern ideology and the extant remnants of the classical variety--Islamization is a sure way to do it

G-20 Meetings: Strong measures against the epicenter of all the terrorism that has been haunting the entire globe from the early 1980s onward: the ayatollahs in Iran and all their affiliates wherever they may be

It appears that Hamas and the other armed Islamic organizations are aware of the possibility that they will be associated with the Islamic State

Paris—The Terrorist Prophecy Obie Usategui | November 17, 2015
Wage a global war exclusively aimed at wiping out ISIS and all radical jihadist Islamic Muslims from the face of the earth

Paris Attacks Push Technocracy Closer To Endgame Patrick Wood | November 17, 2015
Multiculturalism is the only viable path to implementing the UN's economic system of Sustainable Development

The Religion of Peace: Another Big Lie Jim ONeill | November 16, 2015
It all ties together when you connect the dots

...And people have the audacity to say this President isn't doing everything he possibly can to keep the U.S. safe. How dare they.

Nothing to see here.
