

“If I were a legally-armed resident of Pinellas County,” Gottlieb said, “this sheriff is the last guy I’d want showing up at a crime scene. His investigative approach sounds like a fatal error waiting to happen.

Earth to the President: ‘Ability to increase and expand outside of their operational controlled areas,’ does not resonate well with assertions, regardless of how well-meaning, that ISIS is JV or contained!

Obama set to implement gun control via executive order Dan Calabrese | December 11, 2015
Constitution? What Constitution?

The group, Koosha Las Vegas, includes members who clearly identify themselves as former Muslims turned Christians

Released GITMO Detainee Now an Al-Qaeda Leader! John Lillpop | December 10, 2015
The big question: Will Republicans ever grow the courage and strength to stop Obama’s treason?

Jihad in San Bernardino and CAIR’s Cover-Up Matthew Vadum | December 10, 2015
The standard deflections to hide Islamic terror. Americans are sick and tired of being lied to.

If a politician can't fill in those blanks, then that's precisely what he's shooting in the war against Muslim terrorism

Iran missile test violates two UN resolutions Dan Calabrese | December 9, 2015
And the U.S. just might, er, take appropriate action!

New Rasmussen Poll Shows Majority Okay With Armed Citizens Second Amendment Foundation | December 8, 2015
“This suggests that Democrats and liberals still don’t get it about self-defense,”

Solution? More like recipe for disaster.

ISIS is not the root cause. It is merely a horrible symptom of an age-old sickness.

The real story on who the Syrian “refugees” are? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 5, 2015
Witold Gadowski Interview about Refugees

On Facebook, just before the attack.

“I-594 is a trophy, a flimsy sham that has allowed anti-gunners to claim they did something about violent crime when in fact they haven’t accomplished anything.

Barack Obama mounts his "Bloody Pulpit" to spew self-righteous hatred against the 2nd Amendment

Political correctness kills. And for America to survive, it must die.

Putin’s “War on Terror” Could Backfire Cliff Kincaid | December 4, 2015
In the case of Turkey, Putin is facing a Muslim problem of his own making

San Bernardino Shooting: All About Islam Douglas V. Gibbs | December 3, 2015
It doesn't matter if the shooters were "radicalized." Islam is Islam. Being Muslim is radical enough of a reason to commit terrorism

“California has adopted nearly every so-called ‘common sense’ gun control law her ilk has supported, and none of those restrictive measures prevented this outrage.

Take a bow, Democrats.

Planned Parenthood Killer Was a Deranged Pothead Cliff Kincaid | December 3, 2015
Trigger psychotic thinking

“This is just one more example of how an extremist anti-gunner exploits a tragedy to demonize gun owners and advance the agenda of public disarmament,”


Israeli Jews – the invisible terror victims Barry Shaw | December 2, 2015
As long as Israeli Jews remain the invisible victims of terror, victims of an invisible malevolent Palestinian agenda, do not expect Israelis to offer gestures or concessions for peace.

The Logic of Islamic Intolerance Raymond Ibrahim | December 2, 2015
Such is the offspring of that unholy union between Islamic logic and Western fallacy.

In a campaign such as the one aimed at the Islamic State, which operates like an army of terrorilla embedded among and shielded by civilians, sophistication and innovation are a key

Revolutionary Guards Quds Force's notorious chief Qassem Suleimani severely injured in clashes south of Aleppo

Civilization Could Actually Lose This War Eddie Pedersen | December 1, 2015
If we get it wrong and elect Hillary, the rest of the world will be along for the ride. We mustn't let that happen because it's not just America but civilization that could actually lose in this war.

Syrians are a Terror Threat, Here are the Numbers Daniel Greenfield | November 30, 2015
Let's take in the real Christian and Yazidi refugees and let the fake Sunni Muslim refugees and terrorist supporters stay in their own countries

Islam’s modus operandi Frank Polacek | November 29, 2015
Our security and very survival demand that we restrict the Muslim population in the US to 1%. We better wake up before it's too late
