

Paris Attacks Push Technocracy Closer To Endgame Patrick Wood | November 17, 2015
Multiculturalism is the only viable path to implementing the UN's economic system of Sustainable Development

The Religion of Peace: Another Big Lie Jim ONeill | November 16, 2015
It all ties together when you connect the dots

...And people have the audacity to say this President isn't doing everything he possibly can to keep the U.S. safe. How dare they.

Nothing to see here.

Terror’s Progressive Accomplices Arnold Ahlert | November 16, 2015
Unfortunately, we are a nation as adrift as France, where "they all lie" has become one of the principal rationales for a congenital liar's continuing viability as the Democrat standard-bearer

Pray for Paris and the world Herman Cain | November 16, 2015
Let's pray for the USA and the rest of the world. Our worldwide fight against radical Islamic terrorists is going to be a long one

Why Islam is a Religion of War Daniel Greenfield | November 16, 2015
The problem of Islamic violence is the problem of Islam

The latest brief moment of clarity about evil Dan Calabrese | November 16, 2015
No, all Muslims are not terrorists, but jihad is the fruit of this false belief system and it's time we stopped being afraid to say so

PAKISTAN: Militants Threaten Victimized Christian Family News on the Net | November 15, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

It is now official—the world has gone crazy! Arthur Weinreb | November 15, 2015
Substantial changes to the US and Canada recently, and they are not for the better. If we continue in this way, ISIS may one day realize their worldwide caliphate

Shock: The Grand Lesson of the Paris Jihad Raymond Ibrahim | November 15, 2015
And that means many more such attacks and worse will continue. Count on it.

Obama vowed to work with France and other nations to bring the terrorists to justice and to “go after any terrorist networks that go after our people."

Horrific scene in Paris.

Will The Real Islam Please Stand Up Ray DiLorenzo | November 14, 2015
If Islam insists it is a religion of peace, then who’s understanding of ‘peace’ are we going to use? Will there be peace only if we submit or will there be peace when Islam learns to live side by side with the rest of the world?

Ted Hayes, legendary civil, human and homeless rights activist was cite for “displaying materials”


"This is the biggest sham they are trying to sell the American people."

The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim | November 12, 2015
The 'extremist' behavior one would expect of the Islamic State (ISIS) -- hating, attacking, and demolishing churches -- has apparently become the norm for the country once hailed as the face of 'moderate Islam'

Thus prisons have become microcosms of Islamic behavior vis-a-vis "infidels"--replete with a sense of violent Islamic supremacism on the one hand and craven political correctness on the other.

South Carolina’s military culture and the October flood Thomas S. Mullikin | November 10, 2015
Selfless service is engrained into the fiber of our great state

Abbas’ PLO terror will only escalate as long as he senses that he has the support of the White House. And as long as the White House continues to support him, the blood of his victims is on Obama’s hands

Obama Unleashes His Pro-Criminal Agenda Matthew Vadum | November 7, 2015
The president is freeing prisoners prematurely by the thousands -- and giving them special privileges

“We Did What We Learned: Attacking Christians” Raymond Ibrahim | November 7, 2015
Muslim Persecution of Christians, August 2015

"We'll work with Congress where we can, but . . ."

CHINA: Detainment of Christians in ‘Black Jails’ News on the Net | November 5, 2015
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Reports: A Bomb Destroyed Russian Airliner Matthew Vadum | November 5, 2015
Intelligence agencies say Islamic State may be telling the truth by claiming responsibility for the attack.

Violating the Muslim Status Quo Daniel Greenfield | November 5, 2015
"Don't Make the Muslims Angry" has become our highest law. The free world needs an intervention before we give up our rights, our identities and our future to live in this abusive relationship with Islam

Fidan also advised the Islamic State to set up a consulate or at least a political office in Istanbul to help it deal with the vast number of foreign jihadis trying to reach Syria

She just wants 'common sense' confiscation, taxation, and bans

The White House is conducting a full-court press to stop the releasing of emails between President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
