
A. Dru Kristenev

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes' College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net. ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry. Donate Here

Most Recent Articles by A. Dru Kristenev:

Covid-19 versus American resilience

Covid-19 versus American resilienceToo many Americans can see through the attempted government takeover on all levels that is being ushered in by the coronavirus “crisis.” As was done under the Obama administration, Congress is using the cover of an emergency to force through unnecessary regulations. The pandemic emergency doesn’t reach a fraction of the annual flu season numbers that has already contributed to the deaths of some 22,000 in the United States alone. And the CDC projects that up to 55,000 could succumb before the year is out.
- Thursday, March 26, 2020

Media stirs Covid19 panic; terror leaders vacillate if coronavirus is a curse or miracle

Media stirs Covid19 panic;Spreading alarm has become a sideline for the mainstream press. If it isn't inciting fear of Russians, Ukrainians or other assorted malefactors messing with our elections and supposedly recruiting republicans to carry out their misdeeds (democrats are never under suspicion by virtue of their party affiliation), then it's whipping up dread of disease.
- Monday, March 16, 2020

Popular conservatism

Popular conservatismConservatism is going through throes with a debatable outcome. Surging among millennials is an interest in politics--but a gap in their education raises the question of how well they understand the ideologies to which they are aligning themselves. Decades of transforming school curricula has turned out graduates lacking fundamental knowledge of history, enabled by teaching them revamped vocabulary littered with twisted definitions. Engineered education that instituted concepts taken directly from the Communist Manifesto1 has resulted in younger generations unable to identify true conservatism, though a growing number of millennials claim to be believers.
- Tuesday, March 3, 2020

USA "open for business" just as the Founders envisioned

USA open for business just as the Founders envisioned, TrumpReaction from the democrat (socialist) left to President Trump’s assertion that the United States is open for business has been strange, to say the least. As promised, the president has worked diligently to swing wide the doors of commerce for America, renegotiating trade deals and lowering the hurdles for domestic manufacturers, luring them back to native shores.
- Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Is it Virginia gun laws that would have no legal force?

Northam’s proposals to register and restrict the sale and ownership of certain firearmsVirginia’s switch to an all-democrat state government after the last election has ushered in a new era of megalomania among the state legislators. Following the usual pattern of wangling their way to power, the first thing liberals target is the Second Amendment and Virginia’s top officials have wasted no time in their pursuit of gun grabbing.
- Saturday, December 28, 2019

Communists use pols, polls, espionage and religion to crush America

Communists use pols, polls, espionage and religion to crush AmericaShots are being fired from every direction targeting the basic freedom that forms the foundation of American culture. Communist China interferes with out electoral process, steals our national defense secrets, undermines our economy and suppresses their own population; Pope Francis endorses sins against Earth; Congress ignores the Constitution; and deeply embedded agents in the U.S. Justice and Intelligence Departments are laboring to “initiate the destruction of the republic.”
- Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Speak truth to power, Democrats, The Resistance

Speak truth to power?The phrase “Speak truth to power” has cropped up numerous times this year, mostly from Democrats working with inordinate vigor to unseat President Trump. Overused by individuals and organizations promoting political and humanitarian causes, it has been diluted to the point of being meaningless.
- Friday, November 15, 2019

Power under restraint – defending the Trump presidency

Power under restraint – defending the Trump presidencyOutward appearances may seem to contradict the headline’s premise but, in fact, it is what the Trump presidency embodies, tweets and periodic bombast notwithstanding. Beginning with the biblical definition of meek, as used by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount when He said those demonstrating that quality would inherit the earth, it is misconstrued in that context to mean quiet, unassertive individuals.
- Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Did Hillary strike a nerve?

Did Hillary strike a nerve?

Exhausted as we may be by Hillary Clinton’s unending blame parade, she may have accidentally (purposefully?) shone a light on the sham that is Tulsi Gabbard. That Clinton didn’t actually name any presidential candidate other than it being a woman makes Gabbard’s response of interest.

- Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Redistributing misery... uh, creating "A Just Society"

Redistributing misery... uh, creating A Just SocietyFrom the Green New Deal meant to battle the nonexistent enemy of Climate Change, wild-eyed Dems have expanded their target to include the ever-popular gripe of income inequality. Repackaged as "A Just Society: The Uplift Our Workers Act," non-representative Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the face for a bill that institutionalizes government control over employers and labor. Unions become passé as far as the socialist wing of the democrat party is concerned as this giddy sounding legislation undermines worker-driven contract negotiations (corruption notwithstanding) and delivers it into the hands of an "executive agency."
- Monday, September 30, 2019

Tolerating religious persecution... or are we

Tolerating religious persecution in IndiaNot five days ago, a direct report came from India how government agencies have Christian organizations under constant telephone, internet and financial surveillance. The information was carefully divulged during a Facetime communication with a missionary in India who is a natural-born citizen of the country.
- Saturday, September 21, 2019

McLuhan's 'Media is the Message' Now 'Message of the Media

McLuhan's 'Media is the Message' Now 'Message of the MediaThe latest salvos in the war on America's heritage exploded last week, fired-off by major media, congressional actors and stage-managed youth. After 50 years of leftist academics and media rewriting history, the New York Times is going for broke. Re-imagined history (because the Times' 1619 Project is a figment of their imagination) was built into an emotional introspection peddled as a serious examination of this nation's founding.
- Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Refusing enemies entry to your home

Isn't it so racist that Israel won't let us in the country Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu closed the door when enemies came knocking, and not without good reason. History is a harsh teacher but a necessary one when it comes to self-preservation and Israel used common sense in refusing permission for Representatives Omar Ilhan and Rashida Tlaib to enter the country. Expect democrats and leftists around the globe to berate Israel with epithets of "racist" and claiming the Israeli government is denying free speech when the decision to shut-out these two members of Congress is a matter of wisdom.
- Friday, August 16, 2019

Racism didn't cause Texas and Ohio shootings

Racism didn't cause Texas and Ohio shootingsThe first claim has been thoroughly disproved and with the two horrific shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio the rhetoric against President Trump has switched gears despite the fact he had no more connection with the gunmen than he did with Russian election meddling. Not that the facts will stop the barrage of unwarranted blame flying from the mouths of virtually every democrat in office or seeking office.
- Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Islam, leftists hand-in-hand promoting "green" legislation

Islam, leftists hand-in-hand promoting green legislationWhen it comes to environmental justice what do muslims and liberals have in common? Most news readers would probably answer without a beat... "nothing." However, that isn't true. There's been a growing relationship between Islam and progressives for generations but it's only become apparent over the last few years.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Depopulate to repopulate--an ancient formula for control

Depopulate to repopulate--an ancient formula for controlProgressives, under the guise of Social Democrats and, now, the mainstream Democrat Party, have fully embraced the concept of depopulation, but they're no longer targeting people of color, certain ethnicities or sexual orientation. The bull's eye is boldly painted on the back (because cowards won't face their adversary) of anyone who still believes in God, family and country.
- Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Oregon farmers, truckers, loggers and senators rebel against Dems

Oregon farmers, truckers, loggers and senators rebel against DemsNational media has been quick to cover Oregon Governor Kate Brown's militaristic response to republican legislators who have cut senate sessions and left town. In an effort to save Oregon agriculture, transportation and natural resource industries from bearing the burden of a boundless cap and trade bill (Oregon HB 2020), 11 republican senators ditched the state capital to prevent a quorum in the chamber. It was a stand made to force the far-reaching plan into a referendum vote rather than allow a super-majority legislature, packed with politicians lacking business experience, to set policy.
- Saturday, July 6, 2019

Socialism: Humanity's terrible twos

Socialism: Humanity's terrible twos"Mine" and "no." Each toddler goes through the stage of identifying everything as belonging to them. They'll hold tightly to an item that is another child's and refuse to give it up, sometimes yelling "no" at the top of their lungs. They haven't grasped the concept of ownership beyond claiming as theirs what they see and want. Young children can't see past the expectation that their immediate desires are fulfilled without hesitation.
- Wednesday, June 12, 2019
