
Christopher Massie

Christopher Massie, BS, CS, Founder & Patriot of Drain The Swamp 2010, Critical Reading for the Conservative American

Most Recent Articles by Christopher Massie:

Isolationists: the latest breed of NEOs ~ Were the Barbary Pirates fairy tale characters?

“There’s no argument over the choice between peace and war. But there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace; and you can have it in the next second: surrender. Admittedly there’s a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson that history tells us [proves] that the greater risk lies in appeasement. And this is the specter our well-meaning Liberal friends refuse to face: that their policy of accommodation is appeasement; and it gives no choice between peace and war. [Would you] rather live on your knees than die on your feet?”
- Monday, February 21, 2011

14 and a half Dozen Deaf RINOs ~ Obama’s Ticket to Ride

138 Congressional Republicans voted, December 16, 2010 to pass the disastrous “New Tax Deal”; a deal with Obama and his team of progressives that will add $858 Billion in additional debt to the national deficit. There are no plusses so positive as to outweigh the multitude of negatives populating this Bill; a Bill now signed, sealed and delivered, having made its way onto Barack’s desk for approval. No amount of temporary extensions of Bush era tax relief efforts (for all brackets) should be considered worthy of the economy eviscerating spending this Bill allows; spending tacked on to this “Deal” by Obama and Co. as they held the nation hostage in the name of “compromise”.
- Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lame Duck Let-Downs keep rollin’ on!

As McConnell, Boehner and the rest of this current Lame-Duck GOP conglomerate muddle about, "compromising" day-in and day-out with the Progressives to the eternal detriment of the nation, one fact is becoming painfully clear: either the old boys on the hill to the "right" didn't receive the memo clearly blasted their way on November 2, or they've conveniently converted to reading by Braille.
- Friday, December 10, 2010

Lame-Duck Let-Downs ~ “We the People” didn’t vote for this!

"Lame-duck": what an interesting moniker for a period of time referring to the exiting of one ruling Congressional Party and the ushering in of another. Conjuring up visions of caricatures quacking about with their bill set askew by a rifleman's trusty shot, the term in reality is meant to refer to ducks being too weak or feeble to keep pace with their own flock, thus rendering themselves susceptible to attack by lurking prey.
- Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Peddling Articles or Promoting a move to Moderate? ~ Krauthammer’s latest gaffe

Over the past several months in particular Charles Krauthammer, M.D., a Harvard educated, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post, whose syndicated articles appear in magazines and papers across the country -- and who is also a frequent guest on Fox News -- has been on the minds of far right Conservatives.
- Wednesday, November 17, 2010

These are the times that try men’s souls!

Obama has spent the past week touring India, Indonesia, and beyond, in what promised (threatened) to be one of the most expensive tax-payer funded excursions yet embarked upon by the “King” of America. The mid-terms “shellacked” number 44 and his party, with the voice of the People clearly shouting from the pews that we had endured enough of the force feeding.
- Friday, November 12, 2010

Too many high sounding words ~ GOP top brass forget the Women who brought ‘em

From "John Adams ~ by David McCullough"
"You cannot be, I know, nor do I wish to see you, an inactive spectator.... We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them."
With these written words, one of America's most important First-Ladies to be ~ Abigail Adams ~ would address her husband John; expressing through one of her many letters to Adams her understanding and shared desire for his work towards the saving of the Republic known as America.
- Monday, November 8, 2010

Roll-call ~ New GOP House now in Session—First Order of Business: Cancel the Mumbai trip!

As this document is being drafted with the intent of being delivered via e*mail to Senator Jim DeMint, I shall attempt brevity. Dear Senator, congratulations! I have personally campaigned in my limited capacity for you, each of the members of your Senate Conservatives group as well as Governor Palin; and will continue in my quest to right our nation for so long as is necessary to see her restored to that place revered by countries throughout the world when the United States was its most proud ~ as in the days of Jefferson and Reagan.
- Friday, November 5, 2010

When Conservatives Converse ~ Peeling the Libertarian Onion Layer by Layer

The sheer thrill of discussing the Libertarian movement and all its current reptilian, cold-blooded, treacherousness has only been outdone these past days by the emotionally and intellectually electrifying banter with like-minded ~ yet surprisingly open-minded ~ Conservative colleagues I've long considered friends.
- Saturday, October 16, 2010

Christine O’Donnell: America’s Sweetheart

So let me see if I can wrap my head around THIS one. The secular-socialist Left is attacking Christine O’Donnell for joking around on an UN-aired episode of Politically Correct – a television program that was nominated for an Emmy for (now this is important) outstanding VARIETY, Music or COMEDY Series – all because O’Donnell continues to respectfully but firmly rebuke Bill Maher’s requests for her to appear on his CURRENT show: HBO | Real Time with Bill Maher.
- Monday, September 20, 2010

Vetting Sarah Palin—The Assignment of a Lifetime

Why this assignment; why now? With 45 days currently remaining until the November 2, 2010 general elections--unquestionably the single most important elections of a generation in which a president is NOT being chosen--America's future leaders are being clearly defined by voters across the nation.
- Sunday, September 19, 2010

Obama’s Obvious Obfuscation – Oxymoron?

As November rapidly approaches, with one politically charged issue after another unfolding before our eyes, now more than ever it’s imperative that issues relating to Barack Obama’s campaign promises are addressed. Battle lines are forming, sides are preparing for political war and as the country splits in two, millions will become complacent; satisfied to simply don the blindfolds of apathy.
- Friday, September 17, 2010

Jacob’s Seeds

I've been studying the Bible a LOT these past couple of days. These hours have been focused mainly on Jacob. Jacob, as we know, was the third of the Patriarchs--those men preceding the birth of Jesus Christ--to include Abraham, his son Isaac and Abraham's grandson--my subject of study today--Jacob (Israel). Certainly we may consider the Patriarchs between Adam and Abraham as well; my studies today, however, are focused on the Patriarchal period
- Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obama’s Threat to America

image“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” With these words, Barack Hussein Obama would hear the sound of cheering voices erupt from every corner of the room he was working. He stood before a podium that was dressed with the now famous banner carrying the moniker, “Change We Need.”
- Saturday, September 11, 2010
