
Joy Tiz

Joy Tiz,Joytiz.com, has been quoted by Ann Coulter, as heard on Lou Dobbs radio, The Rusty Humphries Show, Bill Cunningham, KSFO in San Francisco, WOR in New York, Premiere Radio Networks, Air America and other major shows.

Joy was born in Chicago, long enough ago to remember when many democrats were actually normal people who were just wrong about everything. Joy holds a M.Sc. in psychology and a JD in law. Joy hosts The Joy Tiz Show Wednesdays at 2 pm Pacific/5 pm Eastern.


Most Recent Articles by Joy Tiz:

Pelosi Vows to Ignore Will of the People

The GOP's top fundraiser, Nancy Pelosi, wasted no time announcing that she has no remorse for destroying her own party. Anyone else would be hiding out on the family estate, swilling the house Chablis and dodging the media.
- Monday, November 8, 2010

The Charlie Sheen Democrats

Just when you think they have finally hit bottom, they manage to dig a little deeper, wreaking unmitigated havoc until the public finally wearies of their antics and slaps the restraints on. It’s foolish to believe that either the Democrats or Charlie Sheen can be trusted. Every few years, we let the Democrats have too much power and it always results in mayhem.
- Monday, November 1, 2010

NPR:  Tip of the Soros Spear

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller’s firing of lone intellectually honest liberal, Juan Williams, was a faux pas of mammoth proportions in more ways than one. Schiller’s crusade for a government usurpation of the media was inadvertently exposed during the melee. Tara Servatius of Townhall.com explains that Schiller’s real passion is the creation of a government controlled national news network.
- Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama’s Boss Buys NPR

Just days after declaring himself “helpless” to stop the Republican avalanche coming next month, George Soros paid $1.8 million to purchase NPR. The money is supposed to be used to hire 1oo “news” reporters for his Impact of Government project. Soros’s OSI is using the project to target state governments, as he is doing with his nefarious SoS campaign. Obama’s boss is conniving to install regime-friendly operatives in Secretaries of State offices nationwide.
- Friday, October 22, 2010

Best Use of DNA Evidence Ever!

A judge has approved the collection of DNA samples from two Democrats in Troy, New York in a voter fraud scandal. Troy City Clerk, William A. McInerney and Councilman Michael LoPorto--both Democrats--are targets in a criminal investigation into forged absentee ballots for the Working Families Party, which calls itself New York's most "progressive" party. "Progressive" is Newspeak for "liberal.”
- Thursday, October 21, 2010

Larry Elder:  Time for Republicans to Man Up About Race

The struggle for civil rights is over. The good guys won. The battle now is against wrongheaded 'compassionate' policies. -Larry Elder Larry Elder goes after both wimpy Republicans, of which there are still far too many and state controlled indoctrination centers in IBD, warning that the monolithic, pro Democrat vote is a "clear and present danger to America."
- Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Miners Grateful Obama is Not Their President

It was like the Chilean miners, but he, being the man he is, rolled up his sleeves and said 'I am going to get us out of this hole. -Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) It’s good to see the future ex senator from Nevada relying on the winning strategy of lashing himself ever more firmly to Barack Obama. It’s foolish for a Democrat to invoke Obama’s name in any context that recalls the rescue of the Chilean miners.
- Monday, October 18, 2010

Son of Soros Toady Slams Obama

With the exception of core Obama Administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusions: the White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters. -Mark Halperin
- Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bocced Stimulus

Steve Pougnet, Palm Springs’ incompetent mayor, claims “stimulus” saved the city from a “major, major depression.”
- Thursday, October 7, 2010

PC Police Approve Jihadis at Nuke Plants

It’s like Fort Hood all over again. Sharif Mobley, a home grown al qaeda jihadi worked in American nuclear power plants and blathered about jihad. He referred to non Muslims as “infidels” and visited some “unusual” web sites. The one with the mushroom cloud might have concerned someone.
- Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Allred Indicts Own Client

She’s not an illegal alien—she’s not from another planet. -Gloria Allred The Al Sharpton of womanhood, Gloria Allred, publicly indicted her own “client”, Nicki Diaz, on criminal charges, including being in the United States unlawfully and social security card fraud. The always histrionic Allred gave Meg Whitman’s campaign for the California governorship a boost with a nonsensical press conference. Diaz, on the other hand, showed considerable acting chops and should be fielding solicitations from Hollywood agents.
- Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rauf Unplugged

The vetting of Flim Flam Imam and million dollar slumlord continues with no cooperation from the moribund mainstream media. Nonie Darwish, who escaped from Islam, has exhumed some off-the-record remarks by the Victory Mosque imam that will never find their way into dinosaur media reports.
- Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Flim Flam Imam

It would seem that the left has vetted their favorite religious figure with the same diligence they used on their presidential candidate.
- Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rino Rampage

Quick, pass the tranquilizer darts, the RINOs are spooked. Karl Rove stomped and pawed the ground in a menacing way with Sean Hannity after Christine O’Donnell’s primary win in Delaware. RINO hunting season is in full swing.
- Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just Read It!

We have in store for the unbelievers heavy fetters and a blazing fire, choking food and harrowing torment: on the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains, and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand. --Koran 73:12
- Monday, September 13, 2010

Don’t Make Me Behead You!

But if we don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world. If we don't do things correctly, this crisis could become much bigger than the Danish cartoon crisis [over images depicting the Prophet Mohammed], which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world. And we have a much bigger footprint in the Muslim world.
~Faisal Abdul Rauf
- Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pious Defiance

I’m having a tough time mustering the compulsory faux indignation over the impending Koran burning in Florida. Pastor Terry Jones is damning those who blame America for violent jihad. The pundit community is loudly castigating the pastor’s antics in the strongest of terms.
- Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Media “Becklash”

Only when liberals are in charge can terms like faith, hope, charity and sacred honor be classified as hate speech. Our ever increasing lexicon now includes “Becklash”; defined as an entirely irrational reaction to a TV and radio commentator’s well attended non-political Restoring Honor rally in Washington.
- Tuesday, August 31, 2010
