
Joseph A Olson, PE

The Strange Tale of Green House Gas Gang and Motive Force for All Climate Change are both posted at ClimateRealist.com along with a complete series of articles on the Geo-nuclear climate forcing theory.

Most Recent Articles by Joseph A Olson, PE:

Static Science is Stagnant Science

For science, the term ‘settled’ is synonymous with the words static and stagnant. All are the antithesis of the very meaning of science. Science can only advance a hypothesis to a theory with a substantial burden of proof. To become a Law of Science, a concept must never be violated. Acceptance and advancement through these levels is only by repeatable, empirical measurements.
- Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Unified Earth Science Theory

The Holy Grail of science for the almost a century is to find the ‘Unified Field Theory’ to explain the inconsistencies of three branches of science. Isaac Newton published his Principia de Mathematica in 1686 and his ‘theory’ was so accepted that it became ‘Law’ throughout the scientific world.
- Sunday, May 16, 2010

Green is GOOD….Carbon is BAD

It is hard to imagine that such a simplistic, abbreviated excuse for science could be expected to be even MORE remedial. In a complex world, those with any level of scientific training and the slightest objectivity were immediately tipped off to global warming as a possible fraud, STRICTLY DUE TO SIMPLICITY.
- Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Pinata Planet Syndrome

imageThankfully, humanity is emerging from the second Medieval Period. We are entering Le Renaissance Nouveau as the French would say. This maturation process will free us from adolescent games, to pursue more thoughtful and productive pastimes. When I was a child, I thought as a child. It is time to put away those childish things. No matter the complexity, there is always an analogy that can make the big into little, the complex into simple. We are witnessing a tectonic shift in human conscious and organization.
- Saturday, May 8, 2010

Real Toxin is Runaway Government

After six months of uninterrupted bad news, a logical person would seek compromise with their opponents. Not so the climate zealots. It has just been announced that a newly formed, Ivy League-led panel, will now publicly whitewash the IPCC for us. These disoriented warmists must be first pointed and then chased to the tall grass.
- Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer

Two Australian scientists, Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2005 for their pioneering cure of peptic ulcers. What is most revealing about ‘established science’ is that these gifted and dedicated doctors had made this discovery in 1982. Establish orthodoxy moves at a snail’s pace when confronted with unorthodoxy.
- Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Bang Rebuttal

imageSuperstition has exerted a powerful force on human psyche and history. Strengthened with a few facts, a superstition becomes accepted reality until new perceptions can reopen debate. That is an exciting possibility in today’s Nouveau Renaissance. Humanity’s new course needs a road sign: “Caution, Falling False Paradigms Ahead”. Climategate has shown that even the most well funded science can be wrong. All objective, science trained minds have left the Global Warming station. Well meaning scientists are already doing damage assessments and future hazard avoidance studies. It is now a perfect time to reassess another possibly defective theory on the origin of the universe.
- Thursday, April 22, 2010

Non Science Nonsense

The problem with insatiable greed is that it is….insatiable. There exist among us a group of mega-wealthy megalomaniacs, who have a lust for power that knows no bounds. The world is their monopoly game and their fellow humans are mere place chips to be pushed and shredded for their delight. These demonic demigods have been consolidating their power for centuries and have set their ‘carbon control trap’ to leverage their complete planetary domination.
- Friday, April 9, 2010

The Medina Massacres

On April 19, 1881 on a homestead just west of the Medina River, the Apaches had their last massacre in Texas history. The war party, initially of twenty braves, had previously attacked the 10th cavalry near Van Horn, killing 6 Buffalo Soldiers and a Pueblo scout.
- Friday, February 19, 2010

Debunk Da Bunk

The stunning Cinderella Scientific made her unexpected debut at the giant Earth Ball. She did this despite the desperate efforts by the gang of step people to leave her home all alone. The rebranded, twenty-first century evil step-mother is now the matron Royal Elitist. It was Elitist offspring, the ugly step-sisters, Hadley Hider-Jones, Penny Stick-Mann and the smutty Pompy Pachauri, who together, ripped up Cindy’s gown and left her covered with bunk.
- Friday, February 12, 2010

Hockey Stickery Doc

The mouse ran over the clock on his way to an urgent inquiry hearing with fellow mice in a back room at Penn State University. Turns out, that the rats piloting the IPCC liner, had misguided the vessel into a collision with the iceberg of truth in the dark of night. The liner, laded with a cargo of taxation by misrepresentation from the carbon cabal, appeared doomed. The mice were charged with producing enough whitewash to prevent the rats from being forced from the ship.
- Sunday, February 7, 2010

Truth or Con Science

Consciousness is the basis of humanity and society. Our awareness of our mortality, of our interdependence, of our need for mutual respect and trust are the limits of our humanity. These limits control what we can provide to society and what we can expect in return. Society is the great force multiplier which gives each of us far more than it demands.
- Thursday, February 4, 2010

No Loophole for Your Soul

The British Freedom of Information Act requires filing criminal charges with six months of a request being denied. This time the ‘deniers’ are those who did not comply with requests for their data and math models. This was publicly funded research which was required to be public information. Withholding requested material was a criminal act.
- Saturday, January 30, 2010

Overcoming Climate Inertia

Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion is that a body in motion stays in motion unless acted on by another force. This law seems to apply to more than just the physical world for it seems to apply to society as well. It appears to apply to divisions of society, like the Royal Society.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nullius in Verba

The Latin phrase for “Take no man’s word for it” is the motto of The Royal Society of London, which is a shortened and less meaningful change from the original name. Loosely organized in 1660 by the greatest minds in the history of science, they petitioned King Charles II and were granted a Royal Charter in 1662. The name this distinguished group chose was the “Royal Society for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge by Experiment”.
- Wednesday, December 30, 2009

East Anglia Event Horizon

We still do not know the back story to today’s greatest headline. The whistleblower and/or hacker who dropped the CRU email pebble may not have even realized the magnitude of the resulting tsunami. We must pray that this act of heroism goes unpunished. By threatening the current annual carbon exchanges of $125 billion, which were expected to rise to a trillion, there are plenty of upset money changers turned scalp hunters in the temple.
- Monday, December 28, 2009

High Noon on Main Street

Here we are, more than two weeks into the worst scandal in the history of science and not a peep from our omnipotent protectors of freedom, the stonewalling, Main Stream Media. These great proponents of the ‘fairness doctrine’ seem very selective in their self imposed enforcement. What is becoming apparent is the blatant hypocrisy than defines this information backwater. The longer they linger, the lamer they look.
- Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hadley CRU Morphs In To The Ouija Board of Science

We have crossed the threshold of a new epic in human history. It is impossible to overstate the significance of the blessed Hadley hacking event. It is hilarious to witness the clumsy damage control attempts of the band playing on the stern of the bottom bound IPCC liner.
- Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Recusant Picadores Circle the IPCC

Occasionally scientific enquiry leads to an elegantly simplistic solution. However, most often, simple solutions are simply stupid. And such was the case of the Goreian Climate Model. Nothing is more simplistic than the superstition that a single, naturally occurring, mandatory for life, atmospheric molecule can control the Earth’s climate.
- Monday, November 30, 2009

Nothing Up This Sleeve

We all attend magic shows with the intention of catching the magician's trick and failing to do so we convince ourselves that we have witnessed magic. While this is an interesting form of entertainment is not what we expect from our government and yet this is what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently gave us.
- Monday, October 19, 2009
