
William Kevin Stoos

Copyright © 2020 William Kevin Stoos William Kevin Stoos (aka Hugh Betcha) is a writer, book reviewer, and attorney, whose feature and cover articles have appeared in the Liguorian, Carmelite Digest, Catholic Digest, Catholic Medical Association Ethics Journal, Nature Conservancy Magazine, Liberty Magazine, Social Justice Review, Wall Street Journal Online and other secular and religious publications. He is a regular contributing author for The Bread of Life Magazine in Canada. His review of Shadow World, by COL. Robert Chandler, propelled that book to best seller status. His book, The Woodcarver (]And Other Stories of Faith and Inspiration) © 2009, William Kevin Stoos (Strategic Publishing Company)—a collection of feature and cover stories on matters of faith—was released in July of 2009. It can be purchased though many internet booksellers including Amazon, Tower, Barnes and Noble and others. Royalties from his writings go to support the Carmelites. He resides in Wynstone, South Dakota.

“His newest book, The Wind and the Spirit (Stories of Faith and Inspiration)” was released in 2011 with all the author’s royalties go to support the Carmelite sisters.”

Most Recent Articles by William Kevin Stoos:

With Thunderous Applause

So this is how liberty dies--with thunderous applause.” Padme Amidala, Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith
- Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bittersweet Woods

imageWild plants are treasures—not simply for their beauty alone, but also for the memories they bring. Sometimes they remind us of who we are, where we have been and of wonderful times past. Some of my fondest childhood memories were of late fall Sunday afternoon trips to the country. We packed into the family car with our buckets and sacks and drove to the country in search of hickory nuts, walnuts and bittersweet vine. I loved the drives down dusty gravel roads on those golden late fall days. The sun shone brightly against the clear azure sky, and the treetops were ablaze with red, yellow and orange leaves. The air was crisp, the colors vivid, and the weather perfect—cool, frosty mornings and warm afternoons, with just a hint of winter in the air.
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Geeze, I Miss Hillary

While I never thought I would utter this sentiment, I really do miss Hillary. I am sorry to see her go. I am sorry that Obama dissed her and the women who worked hard for her are left with one more all-male ticket for the Democrats. I am sorry she was not given a moment’s consideration by the Obama camp for the Veep slot.
- Monday, November 3, 2008

The Hard Left Turn

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” -- John F. Kennedy “What can the government give you?” -- Barack H. Obama The candidate was a man of great courage. A decorated war hero, he was nearly killed in combat. He risked life and limb to save his comrades and never left their side. He was a true patriot in every sense of the word. After his military service, he devoted his life to public service. He stood for strong national defense, a vigorous economy, and promotion of free enterprise. He vowed to fight socialism and believed with all his heart in the principles of freedom and capitalist democracy—which made the United States the most powerful country on earth. He knew how to salute the flag—you know, with the hand over the heart.
- Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sisters of Silence

image“God hears most readily the cry of the soul that loves him.” There are many ways to serve God. Some preach from ornate cathedrals. Others conduct worldwide ministries, travel with entourages and ride in limousines. Some preach in glass palaces to affluent congregations and broadcast their services to millions. Others give homilies in modest churches and tend to the needs of their local parishes. Then there are those who serve silently—without fanfare or recognition—denying self and material things. There are humble, gentle women who spend their lives praying for those they do not even know. Countless people have been blessed by the prayers of reclusive strangers far away, and do not even know it. They are selfless, serene souls who ask nothing for themselves and pray only for the good of others. Of all God’s servants, few are more selfless and deserving of our praise than the Carmelite sisters. They are truly special. The world needs to know that there are such women.
- Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Do The Democrats Have Against Women?

Do the Democrats fear strong willed women? Does Obama fear them? Why does the party that pretends to be so attuned to women’s rights and equality of the sexes, that pretends to be so open-minded and tolerant of all races, religions, sexual orientations and gender-related issues field the same old tired all-male ticket when there appear to be so many talented, experienced and strong willed women more qualified than Obama himself to lead or second chair the ticket? God only knows.
- Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hooks and Pincers

There are times in your life when you feel depressed and sorry for yourself. Then God sends you a special person to remind you that, really, you have never had a bad day at all.
- Friday, October 31, 2008

Herr Obama: “Koennen Sie Deutsch?”

Earlier this year the Presumptive President of America and First Citizen of the World, Barack the Magnificent lectured Americans on how embarrassing it was that they only spoke English. To paraphrase The Presumptive President: “When Europeans come here, they speak many languages, but we go over there and we [dumb Americans] can only say ‘Merci beau coup’.” And, “Instead of worrying about whether immigrants who come here learn English, you should make sure your child learns Spanish.” When Hussein the Learned lectured us on how narrow-minded we were and how the country was simply not urbane like our European counterparts, I, for one, felt ashamed. I am certain all of us did.
- Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dangerous Illusions—Shadow World by Robert Chandler

“This is the way the country ends…not with a bang but a whimper.” Had T.S. Eliot read Shadow World, he might well have written this tag line for Robert Chandler’s comprehensive, thought-provoking expose of the three major threats facing the American Republic which Chandler so masterfully documents.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

President Obama To Order Pelvic Salute

image“I am all about change,” Democratic hopeful Barack Hussein Obama told reporters recently, “and above all, I like to be hip.” Questioned about his well-known disrespect for the flag and repeated failure to place his hand over his heart—as suggested by federal statute (1)--Obama bristled at the suggestion that it was somehow unpatriotic to hold his crotch during the national anthem.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ObaManiacs and the Cult of Obama

ObaManiacs are everywhere it seems. And ObaMania has taken many forms. The rise of the Cult of Obama would be funny if its implications for America were not so frightening. Democrats have indulged in a collective personality worship unprecedented in American politics. It is one thing to support a candidate; it is quite another to worship him. Or, to censor anyone who dares to criticize him.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ObamAbortion, Abomination

As hard as they try to pander to Middle America, act like they really like this country and are “just plain folks” like the rest of us, with good ole Kansas values, the Obamas are anything but mainstream. They do not share the values of most of us in Middle America. Senator Obama was influenced by “Uncle Frank” a well-known organizer for the communist party in Hawaii, groomed by the left-wing socialist Chicago political establishment, and preached to by black liberation theologian/hate monger “Reverend” Jeremiah “AmeriKKKa” Wright for twenty years, although he never heard any of Wright’s sermons.
- Monday, October 27, 2008

If Babies Had Feathers We Would Not Kill Them

“Don't fail to rescue those who are doomed to die. Don't say, "I didn't know it!" God can read your mind. He watches each of us and knows our thoughts. And God will pay us back for what we do.” (Proverbs 24:11-12--Contemporary English Version)
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ebenezer Biden and Trickle Down Charity

For reasons I do not understand, of all the columns I have written, “Ebenezer Obama and Trickle Down Charity (The Rather Uncharitable Obamas)” has generated more interest than anything other. I did not understand why, until a friend reminded me of a central truth about the public—which I had forgotten: You may lie, cheat, or steal, and the public may forgive you in time. But when you talk one way and live another, watch out. The public hates hypocrisy above all else.
- Friday, October 24, 2008

Ebenezer Obama and Trickle Down Charity

Barack, Michelle ObamaWhenever Obama starts talking about charity, helping the poor, and tax breaks for the wealthy that “never trickle down to the poor,” hold on to your wallet. If the poor had to rely upon the charity of the Obamas, the poor would starve. See: Ebenezer Biden and Trickle Down Charity In a speech earlier this year in Oregon, Obama railed against tax breaks for the wealthy and benefits that never “trickle down” to middle and low income taxpayers. He stated that, in essence, the wealthy cannot be counted on to help the poor. He knows whereof he speaks. What else does not trickle down to the poor? Obama’s personal income. When it comes to charity, he and his wife are, to put it charitably, amazingly uncharitable.
- Friday, October 24, 2008

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is Still a Wolf

imageStoos Views The wolf plays a prominent role in socialist thought. V.I. Lenin once said “When you live among wolves you must howl like a wolf,” meaning, of course, that if political necessity requires you to act like a capitalist or live among capitalists while you organize and work for socialist causes, you must act like those among whom you live. This is simply a matter of expediency. Likewise, Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U. once said: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
- Thursday, October 23, 2008
