
Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Laurie Roth:

Are we to apologize for Christmas?

Winter is here and Christmas is coming. Thus prepare yourself for those pesky manger scenes, crosses and references to Jesus birth. Thankfully, the ACLU and other concerned communist groups have sued to erase our nation's history, get rid of those hideous memorial crosses and fossilize displays of the 10 commandments from shore to shore.
- Friday, December 5, 2008

The monster awakens.  More attacks by Islamic radicals on the way!

India is experiencing their own 9/11 as Islamic Muslims, using the named of Deccan Musahedeen have orchestrated a very well timed and planned attack at 10 major hotels including a Jewish center. The death count is still unfolding but it is nearly at 120 now with hundreds injured. British, Americans and Jews have been targeted.
- Saturday, November 29, 2008

Your country depends on you more than ever! Don’t give up!

As I reflect during this Thanksgiving season about our country and what to be thankful for, I am awe struck when I look at the real story and sacrifice of the pilgrims that first Thanksgiving with the local Indians. Instead of the big fancy Turkey and pumpkin pie meals we have today they had a bunch of Deer meat and venison.
- Friday, November 28, 2008

Where is the Pardon for Agent Ramos and Compean?

Agent Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean have been in prison for 2 ½ years now for shooting a very bad, serial drug runner in the butt. They didn’t even know they had shot the bad guy because he kept running and they thought they were shooting in self-defense.
- Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bail me out.  I’m suffering.  While you write another check, pour me another glass of wine ple

“If you don’t give us billions, we will all go under.” “The suffering is enormous with this economy and we will disappear without major help.” We heard the colorful and desperate “we’re dying” speeches in front of congressional leaders this week by our big automakers. An asteroid is about ready to strike Chrysler, GM and Ford. The world may come to an end! Help! Help! Help!!!
- Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama wants FOCA voted in.  Babies be gone!

Just when you think you have survived the capsized boat and are almost to shore, you find out there are more sharks nibbling at your ankles. We are getting used to the headline now that Obama won, higher taxes are coming, redistribution of our hard earned income will happen, the fairness doctrine will be pushed and talk radio threatened.
- Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The People have spoken, now empty your wallets!

The people have spoken. We want change and to be loved by the world again. We want a king and we got a king. Not that I would dare dampen the loving throng of adoring fans but has anything like this ever happened to a country before?
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To socialism,  moral downfall,  exposure and danger to our enemies and economic ruin!

Oh good! Now we see millions paid for Obama’s 30-minute infomercial plastered everywhere on national TV accept Fox. What a shock he denied Fox of the privilege of his presence. It was choreographed, smooth, a literal, acted out movie designed to continue and enhance the national seduction. Don’t you dare look at the man behind the curtain, the hideous voting record, the ongoing and lied about associations with former unrepentant terrorists, anti Semitic racists, Muslim extremists, communists and racist preachers. Just notice the timed rhetoric, cool clothes and hair and his hypnotic mantra about change from Bush.
- Friday, October 31, 2008

Is the U.S. planning to commit national Suicide!

Someday are we going to have to apologize to Hitler for being so rough on him for murdering and wiping out millions of people? Sometimes I wonder when we seem more and more confused about our entrances and exits and definition of life!
- Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our Enemies can’t wait until their hero Obama gets elected!

Islamo Fascism continues to be pushed, preached and detonated worldwide. Of course, not all Muslims are into this BUT, a major core of many leaders and Imams are in several countries! The guts of their foundation is really the extension of the Nazi party. If understanding is to be pushed with this democratic congress we have then let us study and understand the worldview, writings, talks and philosophy of Hitler then we will UNDERSTAND the intention and passion behind the terrorists.
- Friday, October 24, 2008

Is America and her freedom worth fighting for this election?

We are continuing to look at or is it avoid national priorities? It’s the endless obsession with personalities running for the Presidential Peyton Place. Obama, McCain…..will the real globalist and liberal please stand up? When I think of our heritage, our heart and core as Americans I think of radical, original thinkers, first thought of as traitors to the crown and Queen.
- Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama is not the Messiah, savior or answer for the U.S.

I fear for my country! Just like with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, rhetoric and words were designed to sedate, comfort, and meet the manipulated needs of the masses. If the masses wounds, fatigue, hunger and fear were poked and prodded enough (meaning find blame then usher in the Government solution) the dictator comfortably would set up shop!
- Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Banking and lending has become a losing game of Dominos in Vegas

Since when did common sense economics turn into a losing game of dominos on steroids? We know that Banks loan and leverage out 10 to 1. So when you come to a Bank and pencil a mortgage, they loan, gamble and leverage up to ten times on that loan, splitting, dissecting, creating new products out of pieces of the loan and continuing. Are you dizzy yet?
- Friday, October 3, 2008

Congress is ready to vote on a national heist not rescue

We were told this weekend that an agreement has been reached for the 700 billion bail out. As of Sunday nothing had been signed but Pelosi tells us that the deal is coming. If this is happening as is being represented in the News, this will be the biggest heist in the history of the world! Barney Frank says the bill is getting a vote on the House floor on Monday.
- Monday, September 29, 2008

Social Security for bankers who fail and are frauds. Isn’t that precious?

President Bush wants to push the largest financial bail out in history. Does it make sense to you to have a 700 Billion dollar plan to unfreeze the markets and to buy at 10 cents on the dollar the bad debt of so many huge lending banks? The President and congress are on a full court press to get this done. We are told if they don’t we will face a way bigger hell that will affect us all.
- Thursday, September 25, 2008

Christian Groups have hosted Ahmadinejad in America.  Have we lost our minds?

Wow! Light the candles and set off the fireworks. Pour the drinks and start the band playing. We have celebrating to do. Ahmadinejad is in the U.S. again to talk to the very important U.N. and enlighten New York and its dignitaries. Naturally as respect and the generous American Spirit would do, several of our Religious organizations and leaders are formally welcoming him, The American Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Quaker United Nations Office, Religions for Peace and the World Council of Churches. Did I say just welcoming him……no, they are actually HOSTING the event held in New York on Sept. 25th. Isn’t that Precious?
- Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We need McCain and Palin to win!

When is the leftist media and Obama camp going to jump into Governor Sarah Palin’s underwear drawer? The smear machine on the Obama/Media left has all but gone for that. Its just a matter of time before they demand that information. Lets see, her private email has been hacked, her daughter maligned, her quality record poked into then lied about, her prenatal choices attacked, she’s a racist, an extreme evangelical Christian, has too little experience, on and on
- Friday, September 19, 2008
