
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

The Street Theatre of the Democrat Socialists’ paid Anti-Kavanaugh Activists Plays On

The Street Theatre of the Democrat Socialists’ paid Anti-Kavanaugh Activists Plays On This is the most embarrassing and dangerous time that I can remember for my country. The Soros-paid Democrats are coming out from every conceivable rock, in order to bring down the highly righteous Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Judge Kavanaugh has spent his lifetime building a sterling reputation for honesty, kindness, service and legal brilliance is being destroyed by a group of Luciferian Left elected Democrats whose members have said they will do anything to stop the good judge’s confirmation to the highest court in our land.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Turkey Vultures Were Circling in Helsinki

The Turkey Vultures Were Circling in Helsinki The vultures—or buzzards…take your pick—were circling wildly in search of a corpse yesterday, in Helsinki. They smelled blood and thought it came from the dead and decaying body of President Donald J. Trump.
- Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Are Mueller, Rosenstein et al now Trying to Cover up their own Crimes?

Are Mueller, Rosenstein et al now Trying to Cover up their own Crimes? It is beginning to appear that free-wheeling ‘Special Counsel’ Robert Mueller and his leftist team of Clinton sycophant lawyers may have no evidence on, virtually, anyone connected with the Trump Team. It is also becoming increasingly clear to many that Mueller’s intent is to so thoroughly destroy—financially, physically, emotionally—and intimidate anyone who helped now-President Trump achieve the presidency that no one will ever try to bring down the Stalinist Deep State government…that now rules we-the-peasants.
- Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mueller ends Attorney-Client Privilege and US Justice under the Law?

Mueller ends Attorney-Client Privilege and US Justice under the Law? We have now reached the crisis point in the United States of America. No longer will attorney-client privilege be recognized by the US government if one is not a member of the Deep State. What was once used only against the most despicable of drug lords and other organized crime groups is now being liberally used against those who support the president of the United States…and now the president himself.
- Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How is Conducting an Investigation Based upon Fake Evidence Legal?

How is Conducting an Investigation Based upon Fake Evidence Legal? With regards to the Mueller ‘investigation’ of President Trump, I have been asking the title’s question (from many) for quite awhile: “How is conducting an investigation based upon fake evidence legal?” Thus far, I haven’t received even a mediocre reply or one that resembles a modicum of logic. Others merely try to change the subject.
- Tuesday, March 20, 2018

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players Over the past several months—with particular emphasis on these last two weeks of the Florida high school shooting—the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has had many of its scurrilous secrets, corruption and lies exposed to the public. The contemptuously blasé behavior patterns of its upper management or "the 7th Floor" have left such an odious stench that its headquarters may need to be completely gutted.
- Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mueller Probe Based on Contrived Document with Fake Info Continues

Mueller Probe Based on Contrived Document with Fake Info Continues Nunes’ 4-page “FISA Memo” released 2 February 2018, is based upon this 99-page document, which is verifiable and can be viewed online (see below). Of note is that the 99-page document not only identified the FBI but, also, the DOJ, CIA and NSA. The document was prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (aka FISA court) and the Nunes’ Report is based upon FISC’s conclusions. At the end of Item 4 of the Nunes’ Report, it is clearly stated--and with no ambiguity: “[FBI] Deputy Director McCabe testified before the committee December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”
- Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Left Unsuccessful in Stopping Trump Tornado

Left Unsuccessful in Stopping Trump Tornado In order to complete and be successful in their plans to turn the USA into a country (and world) run by authoritarian global elites, President Donald J. Trump must be eliminated as POTUS. Thus far, everything the Luciferian Left has intensely attempted to bring about—in order to force this extraordinary man to his knees—has had the opposite effect.
- Wednesday, January 10, 2018

USA's End of the Road Carefully Crafted for Decades

The takeover of the USA had been carefully crafted for many years. When, then, 57-year-old George Washington was to take office on 30 April 1789, no one in the just-formed government of the United States knew what to call their newly elected leader. Some were even suggesting Monarchical titles. With all thanks to God, those on the side of the still-being-formed Republic chose the title President of the United States.
- Friday, October 6, 2017

Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy”

There are no longer any doubts that the D.C. Swamp and its attendant muddied creatures are working their hardest to take down legally-elected (by the citizens of the United States of America) President Donald J. Trump and throw him out of his position as President.
- Monday, August 7, 2017

Time to Shut Down the Partisan Witch Hunt against Trump

We-the-People already know—and have known for almost a year—that the faux “Russian-collaboration investigation” into now-President Trump and his team is just that…false. Despite the continued Deep State’s attempts to try to have something stick to our president—think lying James Clapper and John Brennan as well as pretend non-partisan former FBI Chief Mueller and his discredited BFF (and student) former FBI Chief James Comey--it has been a partisan witch-hunt from its inception.
- Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Finally, one of the Chief Swamp Creatures—Fired!

James Comey was one of the Albatrosses and land mines Obama had left for President Trump. Former FBI Director Comey appears to have become unstable in his position, as he began to usurp more and more power for himself; even to the point of making decisions for Obama AG Lorretta Lynch. Most recently, he seemed to be attempting to even commandeer the power of the United States presidency. President Trump promised to drain the D.C. swamp and one of its chief creatures has now been given his walking papers.
- Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Why is Anyone Going along with the 9th Circuit COA's Illegal Ruling?

Why are we going along with decisions made by judges that are--legally--not within their purview? Why are we continuing to follow rulings from rogue courts in our country that are illegal on their very face? Are judges a part of the "special' class that was once reserved for corrupt politicians who operate beyond the law and get away with it? In this instance, NO judge has the authority to overturn the decision made by the President of the United States...not one.
- Saturday, February 11, 2017

Waning Intelligence as the Leftist Mean Kiddies Still Fight to Control the USA

The Democrat Party and RINOs are placing all of us in jeopardy due to their lack of intelligence…or lack of any care for humanity other than themselves. No…not security, top-secret or cyber intelligence. It’s simply basic human intelligence to which I’m referring. Over the last eight years, it seems to have completely vanished off the face of the Earth.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How dare Mr. Trump win the election!

With acknowledgement and thanks for the musical Evita: “Oh, what a circus…oh, what a show! The Leftists have gone to town over the [political] death of a woman called Hillary Clinton. They’ve all gone crazy…protesting at night crying all of the way and falling all over themselves to end Trump’s Inaugural Day!” How arrogant of Donald J. Trump to have run against this woman…and won!
- Tuesday, January 10, 2017
