
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Amtrak accidents

I guess if we could figure out how to keep vehicles off railroad tracks when a train is coming and how to keep trains traveling at the posted speeds, the numbers might improve. But 2 Amtrak accidents in one week should, at a minimum, cause some serious concern. Both were the results of vehicles on the tracks. Obviously, we have a malfunction at the junction. Do we need the barriers to be further away from the tracks? Do they need to be stronger? Perhaps double sets on each side, or triple? The assumption being that a driver would get the point after 2 or 3? Is the problem speed? Is it safe to have large vehicles speeding across the paths of autos and trucks? Has our need for speed put a lot of people in danger? These accidents are costly in life, limb and dollars. This is not rocket science. It is train science. We are only a few years from the 200th anniversary of the first train. Surely there are some statistics available that might point to the root problem. With that solutions could be devised. I can't help but wonder how our government run rail system stacks up against other countries and private systems.
- Monday, February 5, 2018

Emotional support Gorilla

Can I take my emotional support Gorilla on a plane or train? I feel much safer as nobody picks on the little guy who has a pet Gorilla. The recent refusal of an airline to allow a peacock as an emotional support animal has highlighted the use of animals to aid humans.
- Monday, February 5, 2018

Do we really want to know?

There have been a number of articles recently relating to medical testing. The positive is the development of memory test to help indicate Alzheimer’s years earlier whereas the negative is the reluctance of men to have prostate cancer testing. However the question that many ask is do we want to know?
- Monday, February 5, 2018

Two completely different sets of rules in our country

If you don't believe there are two completely different sets of rules in our country, consider this: There was barely a murmur from the press when President Obama, before his second term, whispered to Russian President Medvedev, that he would have more latitude after the election. Yet, when President elect Trump tries to defuse the damage done by Obama and the United Nations with Israel, the press applies a different set of standard. Seems in the media, Obama can do nothing wrong and Trump can do nothing right. As I said, two sets of rules.
- Thursday, February 1, 2018

Governors of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey suing the Federal Government over the allowable Federal deduction for State taxes paid

It's actually pretty funny if you think about it, the Governors of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey suing the Federal Government over the allowable Federal deduction for State taxes paid. I'm pretty sure there is no law that requires the federal government to write tax laws with individual states in mind. In fact, I'd bet money that to do so would be illegal.
- Thursday, February 1, 2018

Our country is dealing with the long time failure of our government to do its job

Our country is dealing with the long time failure of our government to do its job. We are faced with the results of an immigration policy that has been ignored for years. We have within our borders people who do not belong here, yet we recognize that many have been here for years, perhaps their entire lives, and only know this country.
- Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Americans want their politics straight up, no entertainers, entertainment shows, sports figures or sporting events, no social commentary

The evidence is clear, Americans want their politics straight up, no entertainers, entertainment shows, sports figures or sporting events, no social commentary. We go to, or watch on TV, concerts and games to be entertained, not preached at. And certainly, not to have someone else's politics shoved down our throats. Awards shows and NFL games have suffered ratings declines over just this issue. We are weary of the constant barrage of black dresses, pink hats, and people kneeling. Enough already. There is a time and place for everything. If you are trying to wear us down to change our minds, be careful of unintended consequences.
- Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Regardless of Cher's personal feelings on appropriate dress

In case you haven't been following the inane and celebrity driven daily news and if you even remember Cher, you may not be aware of the latest set back for women's rights and empowerment. Cher tweeted out that Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be told not to dress like a "sister wife", implying a dowdiness of Sanders wardrobe. Regardless of Cher's personal feelings on appropriate dress, which I find to be at odds with most women, publicly denigrating other women is uncalled for. Sanders is smart and well spoken while she does one of the hardest jobs on the planet. She, not Cher, is a wonderful example to young women. It is sad that these sorts of ill conceived comments are only causing the divide to deepen. How can we possibly have peace when there are mean spirited people, like Cher?
- Sunday, January 28, 2018

Let the worlds of fiction and fun speak the unspoken truths

The players of TV fiction were prominent at the recent Golden Globes telling of the world of harassment and abuse, previously perversely referred to as the casting couch. This was not new but only now were so many brave enough to speak up.
- Wednesday, January 24, 2018

-- Michael Chandler

I just don't get why it is so difficult. Secure the border, enforce immigration laws starting today. Deport alien criminals. Stop chain migration. Protect the so called Dreamers. With that we would then be a nation with borders and laws.
- Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Let the best lead the rest.

The US Senate has passed a short-term funding bill that will put a stop to the government shutdown or at least until February 8th. It was always likely to be resolved or put on hold within a few days but what does this really mean on the global scale?
- Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Florida Power and Light is no longer seeking a rate increase to cover hurricane losses

Florida Power and Light is no longer seeking a rate increase to cover hurricane losses. Why? Because the new tax plan will save them enough money that a rate increase won't be necessary. As a result, the average homeowner, Democrats and Republicans, will be spared the approximately $4 a month increase and businesses large and small will likely be spared even more pain.
- Thursday, January 18, 2018

Nancy Pelosi has no idea how the average American lives

We always knew that Nancy Pelosi has no idea how the average American lives. In her protected, coddled, wealthy world she doesn't have to worry about paying her bills, finding money to repair her car, getting access to healthcare, or funding any of the myriad of little drains on the pocketbook.
- Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sooner or later it will be impossible to dismiss the positive impact President Trump has had on our country

Who is benefitting from job growth and lower numbers of undocumented immigrants? Black people, that's who. Black unemployment is at a 45 year low. Some fantastic news for those who have gained employment and for the country as a whole. It is yet another sign of a healthy economy that is improving by leaps and bounds. Sooner or later it will be impossible to dismiss the positive impact President Trump has had on our country. So hate his mannerisms if you must but don't discount the results. Usually a scrapper gets more done than a dandy, it is just not as pretty a package.I think Americans can live with that, eventually, even the "Never Trumpers" will have to recognize that he knows what he is doing.
- Saturday, January 6, 2018

Follow the donation trail. People don't donate to causes they don't believe in

Nov. 2017, as reported by CNN, the Democratic National Committee had 6.3 million in its coffers, the Republican National Committee has 39.8 million. That tells the story, not the media, not the talking heads, not the Hollywood elite, but real people donating hard earned money and businesses who believe in President Trump's policies. If you wonder who the public supports, follow the donation trail. People don't donate to causes they don't believe in.
- Wednesday, January 3, 2018
