
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Let the worlds of fiction and fun speak the unspoken truths

The players of TV fiction were prominent at the recent Golden Globes telling of the world of harassment and abuse, previously perversely referred to as the casting couch. This was not new but only now were so many brave enough to speak up.
- Wednesday, January 24, 2018

-- Michael Chandler

I just don't get why it is so difficult. Secure the border, enforce immigration laws starting today. Deport alien criminals. Stop chain migration. Protect the so called Dreamers. With that we would then be a nation with borders and laws.
- Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Let the best lead the rest.

The US Senate has passed a short-term funding bill that will put a stop to the government shutdown or at least until February 8th. It was always likely to be resolved or put on hold within a few days but what does this really mean on the global scale?
- Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Florida Power and Light is no longer seeking a rate increase to cover hurricane losses

Florida Power and Light is no longer seeking a rate increase to cover hurricane losses. Why? Because the new tax plan will save them enough money that a rate increase won't be necessary. As a result, the average homeowner, Democrats and Republicans, will be spared the approximately $4 a month increase and businesses large and small will likely be spared even more pain.
- Thursday, January 18, 2018

Nancy Pelosi has no idea how the average American lives

We always knew that Nancy Pelosi has no idea how the average American lives. In her protected, coddled, wealthy world she doesn't have to worry about paying her bills, finding money to repair her car, getting access to healthcare, or funding any of the myriad of little drains on the pocketbook.
- Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sooner or later it will be impossible to dismiss the positive impact President Trump has had on our country

Who is benefitting from job growth and lower numbers of undocumented immigrants? Black people, that's who. Black unemployment is at a 45 year low. Some fantastic news for those who have gained employment and for the country as a whole. It is yet another sign of a healthy economy that is improving by leaps and bounds. Sooner or later it will be impossible to dismiss the positive impact President Trump has had on our country. So hate his mannerisms if you must but don't discount the results. Usually a scrapper gets more done than a dandy, it is just not as pretty a package.I think Americans can live with that, eventually, even the "Never Trumpers" will have to recognize that he knows what he is doing.
- Saturday, January 6, 2018

Follow the donation trail. People don't donate to causes they don't believe in

Nov. 2017, as reported by CNN, the Democratic National Committee had 6.3 million in its coffers, the Republican National Committee has 39.8 million. That tells the story, not the media, not the talking heads, not the Hollywood elite, but real people donating hard earned money and businesses who believe in President Trump's policies. If you wonder who the public supports, follow the donation trail. People don't donate to causes they don't believe in.
- Wednesday, January 3, 2018

California recreational marijuana law

In another example of trapping people in poverty and of increasing welfare recipients, The new California recreational marijuana law will join Washington State in imposing up to 50% total tax on sales, including medical marijuana. While I am opposed to the sale of recreational marijuana, it seems obvious to me that the legalization was more about increasing revenue than anything else. The extremely high tax rate has the potential to take food off the table of children and will plunge families into welfare or hold them there. And get this, if you are a pot smoker, you may forfeit your right to be a gun owner. Since alcohol and prescription drug use do not prevent you from owning a gun, I would contend that the law is also being used as gun control. I guess the theory is that users will choose pot over their constitutional rights. When you look at the total picture, the marijuana law feeds right in to the liberal agenda.
- Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The effort to encourage, cajole, or downright force people to take actions to protect our environment are laudable

The effort to encourage, cajole, or downright force people to take actions to protect our environment are laudable. It is probably an area where, had it been handled correctly, we could have stood on common ground. Where the effort started meeting resistance was when it was accompanied by ridiculous claims and scare tactics. The whole "climate change" movement was seriously undermined by the obvious mishandling of the money thrown at the perceived problem. Had the free market seen a desire for solar and wind generated electricity and electric cars, it would have done what it always does-produce the product. By the government subsidizing those manufacturers, it has created a mess, as usual. A lot of taxpayer money went down the tubes as companies took the subsidies and then went belly up. There is no way to measure how this would have played out had it been handled differently. You have to give both sides a little credit. The climate change proponents are genuinely concerned. The skeptics have been soured by the manipulation of data, the hypocrisy of some of the players (Al Gore), the poor management of taxpayer money. We need a do over.
- Monday, January 1, 2018

I wish the #Me Too group would explain to me their silence on Bill Clinton

I'm not being snarky or oppositional when I say, sincerely, that I wish the #Me Too group would explain to me their silence on Bill Clinton, then and now. No one had any higher office, nor wielded more power than Pres. Clinton. Few, in the face of overwhelming evidence, have lied any more passionately. And, none have been granted the pass that he has been granted. Even now, emboldened by the many who are speaking out, it is rare to hear anyone include Bill Clinton in a list of sexual harrassers. Yet, that is where he belongs. Is the silence fear? Is it political? What is it that cloaks the former President in invisible armor? I'd ask about the Kennedys too but they are dead, honest talk about their dalliances can't hurt them. Those who are rabid about women's rights and women's obligation to speak out should probably be willing to paint all abusers with the same brush. Picking and choosing really waters down the effectiveness of the message.
- Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Federal prisons: 1 in 5 people were born outside the country and 64% of those were illegals

In Federal prisons across the United States, 1 in 5 people were born outside the country and 64% of those were illegals. 37,557 Federal prisoners shouldn't even be in the country. If one can assume the state prisons and local jails reflect the same numbers, there is a lot of money and resources being burned that could and should be used to solve other law enforcement problems. These figures were released by the Department of Justice as required by President Trump. These are not good, hardworking, people, yearning to be free. These are criminals who did crimes serious enough to land them in federal lockup. It's easy to be a bleeding heart until you lose a loved one to illegal drugs, drive by shootings or random acts of terrorism. Towns across this country are struggling with overdoses in alarming numbers, children are left without a parent or sometimes both. Sadly, this is a trend within our power to curb and reverse. But we can't do that unless we agree on the obvious points. There is no rational argument for allowing people into our country who do not follow the lawful procedure, who cannot be identified, that we do not know where they live, who cannot support themselves and their families, and who have criminal backgrounds. Yes, we are a country of immigrants, just not these sorts.
- Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My New Year's resolution is to not add to the division

2017 is in the final days. It has been a difficult year. Locally we dodged a bullet named Irma, but not without some bruises. We have seen changes to our once quiet fishing town. We have lost friends, and made some new ones. We have seen increased traffic and with it more accidents or near accidents. Our winter friends are returning. We are so glad to see them. We understand their value to our overall quality of life. Hopefully they understand that we cannot run all things based on "season" because our reality for the other 9 months is entirely different. Nationally, division seems to be the name of the game out there, old vs. young. white vs. black, annual vs. seasonal, kneelers vs. standers, and so it goes. My New Year's resolution is to not add to the division. We can only control ourselves and our responses. I believe that kindness, patience, cheerfulness, graciousness and tolerance will make my heart happier and will set the tone for others. Won't you join me? Let's lead by example.
- Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What a bunch of sabre rattling, amounting to nothing

What a bunch of sabre rattling, amounting to nothing. The United Nations passed a resolution to nullify Pres. Trump's decision on Jerusalem. Say what? Fortunately, Nikki Haley has no lack of backbone. She said, (I paraphrase) Israel can put its capital wherever it choses. And the United States can locate its embassies wherever IT choses. That should not need to be stated. We are both sovereign countries. The United Nations once again has over stepped its authority. Finally, we are putting them in their place.
- Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Time, to start systematically auditing all federal agencies for fraud, corruption, collusion, waste

It is time, beyond time, to start systematically auditing all federal agencies for fraud, corruption, collusion, waste, and abuse. If you can name a federal agency that you really and truly trust you are lucky or delusional. Most agencies fall under the executive branch and are funded by congress. That is how our government was set up. If any agency is failing to meet their goals or is not being responsible with taxpayer money, Congress can and should refuse to give them more money until the problem is fixed. We are focusing too much attention on the Presidency and not enough on the real problem-Congress. The President is doing what he can to rein in some agencies and to give them responsible leadership. Congress, on the other hand, is completely dysfunctional. They are not even able to do the simplest of tasks, create a budget. He or she represents you. Hold them responsible for doing their job.
- Thursday, December 14, 2017

We are spiraling out of control and people are dying because of it

We need to get a grip in this country. We are spiraling out of control and people are dying because of it. The suicide Kentucky State Rep., Dan Johnson is a case in point though probably not the only one. Johnson, who suffered from PTSD was accused of sexual impropriety. The accused is dead as a result of the accusation and untreated PTSD. It appears from investigative reporting that there is something to the complaint but Rep. Johnson never had the benefit of due process. I do not in any way negate the right and responsibility of those who were honestly harmed. At the same time, we must aggressively protect those who are falsely accused. Once an allegation is made publiclly, the damage is done regardless of the truth of the matter. We need to step away from the bandwagon on this and give serious thought as to how we go forward. The trend threatens to change the work environment, counselling and treatment facilities, education, and any other circumstance where men and women occupy the same space.
- Thursday, December 14, 2017
