
Kelly O'Connell

Kelly O'Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Most Recent Articles by Kelly O'Connell:

Sources of American Federalism: Founders, Reformers & Ancient Hebrews

Federalism, as understood today, began in America, intuited by James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and other Founders. Yet, despite its spectacular success, the development of federal political theory is not widely understood. Its growth from covenant and federal theology traces an unbroken line from the Reformation, then back to ancient Jewish federal covenant systems.
- Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Dog in the Manger Presidency

imageIs it possible to base an entire presidency on venal acts of jealousy and illicit confiscation ? This essay argues such is currently the case. If one accepts that Obama has socialist/Marxist values, then he seeks, by definition, an economy based upon a shattering of the 10th Commandment... "Thous Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's House...." But the Greek pagan moralist writer Aesop had Obama's character pegged in his Dog in the Manger fable 2,500 years ago.
- Sunday, June 20, 2010

America’s Constitutional Foundation of Biblical Covenant

imageOutlined in this essay is a brief description of how the biblical concept of covenant became the foundation for America's Constitution. While this history is now an almost unknown, sub rosa embarrassment to modern eyes, yet the development of American political theory was once highly regarded by most of the world. Seminal colonial American historian Donald Lutz, in his Origin of American Constitutionalism, explains the importance of the Bible's covenant concept to our Pilgrim and Puritan forbears.
- Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eleven More Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

imageAs a study of political fallacies, part two, this article continues an examination of defective examples of speech and debate, employed here by leftist supporters of the current Obama administration. Now are added eleven more fallacies to the ten previously outlined. A fallacy is a badly structured argument, a faux point. Fallacies are common and recognizable errors of logic which regularly pop up in human interactions. Some use fallacies by accident, whereas others do so in an effort to take advantage of simple minded folks. Politicians, being veteran communicators, tend to use fallacies on purpose, tricking listeners into agreeing with them on false grounds.
- Sunday, May 30, 2010

Modern Liberalism & Islam: An Uncanny Resemblance

Both Neo-Liberalism and traditional Islam present unmistakable hallmarks of Fundamentalist thought. (Neo-Liberalism defined here as the early 20th century attempt to hide socialism behind the term “liberalism.”) Arguably, the main fixation behind both ideologies is controlling others, seeing to it they obey all the rules. In other words, both have a predilection towards totalitarianism. This is clearly seen in regimes like Saudi Arabia, China, Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. Both socialists and Islamic fundamentalists assume a judgmental, condescending tone when preaching. Such doctrinaire attitudes result from accepting a false fundamentalist world view.
- Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ten Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

We live in times of rank, unchallenged errors of thought forcefully expressed in print and spoken word. Political movements, in particular, traffic in purposeful verbal trickery.
- Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saluting Obama, Our Demagogue in Chief

Is the central purpose of communication to persuade an audience, or to tell them the truth? Of course, a combination of both is the goal of effective and ethical speaking. But has this question ever sprung to Barack Obama's mind when rising to pontificate? Contra, it appears Obama's entire approach to communication is simply using words to service political goals.
- Sunday, May 9, 2010

Modern Leftism and Magical Thinking

In midst of one of the most amazing displays of irrationality in modern Western history, Americans are left to ponder: What the devil has happened to the USA? Arguably, roots of America's current confusion are traceable to an infection of leftist Magical Thinking.
- Sunday, May 2, 2010

Obama, Liberalism & the Bottom-Line Analysis

Is it possible the Obama Administration is playing an elaborate joke purposely resurrecting every failed Liberal idea from the last century, just for laughs? Finally, a conspiracy theory with a punchline!
- Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is Socialism Christian?

imageAs Washington has lately moved to create massive socializing measures, such as the recent vote for Obamacare, a spiritual wrench has now been tossed into the debate. This might be titled, "Christ v. Communism." Many liberals insist socialism is the most caring economic system ever conceived, an antidote to poverty, and the only true foundation for an equitable society. A number of leftists even boast socialism is how God's Kingdom would operate if Jesus came back as King. Yet, to the contrary, many conservatives warn socialism presents the triumph of the exact opposite of paradise. Of course, it doesn't help liberalism's reputation that Karl Marx is the greatest name in socialist history, and Lenin, Stalin and Mao his chief acolytes. But who is correct on this question?
- Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Sacrifices of the Religion of Liberalism

Why is it that leftist regimes always demand the same type of illogical and damned-to-fail policies? Most people see socialist programs as “goal oriented” in terms of outcomes, and of course this is how they are sold to the public. But, at a deeper level and given their ill-fated nature, there must be a unifying theme connecting all the different leftist plans. In fact, what is proposed here is a schemata tying together all the socialist, Marxist and leftist notions.
- Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Bumper Sticker Presidency

imageIs there any experience more delightful than being stuck in a traffic jam, choking on exhaust fumes behind a hybrid car festooned with leftist slogans? Actually, yes! This would be living in America, circa 2010, scarfing down Chairman Barack's toothsome and intellectually nutritious daily ration of brilliant policies, ultimately derived from liberal bumper stickers. Is it not the most obvious fact on the planet that all of Obama's ideas are merely implemented leftist slogans? And, fortunately so! Isn't a no-growth, pro-socialism, imperialist-free, anti-Global Warming, non-interventionist, USA-criticizing platform unusual for an American president? Happily, pie-in-the-sky, anti-capitalism, collectivist slogans for creating a Marxist utopia are great fodder for the world's smartest leader, and he knows it.
- Sunday, April 4, 2010

The War of Two Kingdoms

Energized leftist partisans have now established a significant beachhead in the health-care imbroglio, but have yet to triumph in a War of Two Kingdoms, pitting "New Liberalism," aka socialism, against the classic Western world view. While shocking, we must quickly plan on how to roll back government health care, even if it takes years and much painful labor to achieve. So the main posture we should assume is, after the requisite period of mourning, back to the trenches. As Churchill stated in his famed "Never Give In" speech1, we ought nonetheless to be grateful for the opportunity to live in a momentous time. He said,
- Sunday, March 28, 2010

If Barack Forces Passage of Health Care “Reform” – Should He Be Impeached?

Would a straightforward, unbiased analysis of the presidential actions of Barack Obama through March 2010, lead to a demand for his immediate impeachment and removal from office? Yes, for a most transparent reason: Obama is purposely undermining the US Constitution. In doing so, his actions make unstable every institution and office below the presidency, since the Constitution is the foundation of every government power and official decision. In fomenting institutional unrest across the US, he threatens the safety of every American man, woman and child, and all our citizens abroad.
- Sunday, March 21, 2010

Does Obama Employ the Marxist Doctrine of Creative Destruction?

imageHaving watched Barack Obama's sole economic recovery strategy of spending hand-over-fist to “heal” our economic malaise and rampant deficits, we must ask if his theory is a cipher for the mythic phoenix? Is Barack a classical Marxist seeking to fix a broken society via torching our economy to ashes, confident it will arise again, healed by socialism and communism? During a turbulently reckless period he seeks a massive government-directed health care bill. Obama now demands wild expenditures on top of record deficits, in the midst of a prolonged recession, against record unemployment. So, what other motivation does such illogical decision making suggest?
- Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obama & Authority – Or, How to Analyze Barack’s Theory of Power

In the midst of our nonstop Obamacare passage marathon, whose cyclical return resembles the plot of the film Groundhog Day more than anything else, it's time to ask: Upon what does Barack Obama's theory of government rest? The answer here will, more than that to any other question, help predict what the next three-years of his term will resemble. So far, Obama's administration and public policy doesn't seem like any other President's in US history. But why is this? Does he seek to repudiate our supposed recent failures? Or is his aim much broader, to obliterate our entire way of life, replacing it with something more exotic or sinister?
- Sunday, March 7, 2010

Obama Believed He’d Reign Like Julius Caesar, But Will He End as Nero?

imageLike a troop of soap opera actors convinced they are perennially on the verge of real stardom, modern leftists seem persuaded liberalism lacks only an unblocked opportunity to show the world it is an unrivaled theory of sheer genius. Yet conservatives argue it has been the very lack of a chance to fully implement pure liberalism – until now – that gave liberals their cover, helping obscure certain, unmitigated failure behind a vain mirage of gold-foil triumph.
- Sunday, February 28, 2010

President Barack Obama: Professional Hothouse Flower

As regards defining personality traits, Barack Obama's chief attribute will undoubtedly go down as pathological narcissism. But it also doesn't help his cause that he has a glass chin the size of Beijing's Bird's Nest Stadium.
- Sunday, February 21, 2010

Obama Believes He Has the Secret Blueprint to the Universe

There must be a simple explanation for President Obama's stubborn refusal to admit mistakes or change his failed far-left policies. Perhaps Barack stumbled upon a secret blueprint to the cosmos which guides his every decision, fallen from the lap of the gods? This could explain making many disastrous choices, yet still carrying on happily in the midst of relentless failure.
- Sunday, February 14, 2010
