
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Immigration crisis in America

Let's say you want to remove a visitor who has overstayed his or her welcome in your home, how would you approach the situation? Assume for the sake of argument this is a family down on its luck with young children and that you live on a limited income. First, a few gentle hints. Then, perhaps, a frank discussion. If that yielded no result, you probably would seek the help of law enforcement. But what if they refused to help? What options would you have? You could turn off water, electric, refuse to buy food but if reasonable negotiations failed, would you resort to force? The situation described above is exactly what we face as a nation. The trouble is that the vast majority of individuals are not personally, directly impacted by the immigration crisis. We are physically removed and emotionally manipulated to believe the liberal talking points. There is no mistaking the fact that what we are tolerating as a country is only due to the lack of enforcement of existing laws and Congressional gridlock. And most Americans are blissfully unaware of the truth about the situation thanks to selective reporting by the media. What a shame that a childish grudge is doing irreparable damage to our great country.
- Monday, June 10, 2019

In the abortion debate, all the "rights" are given to the woman and none are given to the child

In the abortion debate, all the "rights" are given to the woman and none are given to the child. The only thing that can be gleaned from this fact is that an unborn child is not a human being. If it was considered a living human, abortion would be considered what it is, murder. Isn't it hypocritical to charge the murderer of a pregnant mother as a double homicide? I guess you can have it both ways. Pro choice advocates talk about a woman's right to choose. Nobody will state the obvious, a woman does have a right to choose. She can choose to prevent the pregnancy (except in the cases of rape or incest). The need for most abortions stems from the lack of personal responsibility. Part of being a woman, like it or not, is that you can conceive, carry and give birth to another human being. Yes, another human being. So your choice to have an abortion deprives that other person of their future choices. It is good to bring this issue to the public forum. Now may be the time to make some changes to Roe v. Wade and to decide when a fetus becomes a person. Roe v Wade was born of a sexual revolution and it is questionable if it was designed or intended to go to the extremes we see today.
- Tuesday, June 4, 2019

People are so interesting and predictable

People are so interesting and predictable. Florida Governor DeSantis and the people of Florida, south Florida especially, are in a twist over illegal immigrants possibly being sent to their neck of the woods. Now would be a good time, better late than never, to contact Marco Rubio and give him an ear full. Remember, that after previously supporting the wall, in March he voted against the emergency declaration on the southern border. This is the only result that we could have when we are invaded and our government refuses to stop the invasion and refuses to return the people to their own country. This is on Congress 100%. What the heck did we expect? Time will tell the full story. Will gang and criminal activity rise? Will social services be overwhelmed? Will school districts have additional burdens? Will diseases thought eradicated start showing up? And, will we ever know? Do you trust that those details will be reported? If there had been truthful coverage on the border all along, Americans would have anticipated this and probably would have been speaking out.
- Monday, May 20, 2019

We are in a trade war with China. Why?

We are in a trade war with China. Why? Because for years and years we allowed the Chinese to have an advantage over this country and its businesses. We never called them out for cheating. President Trump inherited many poorly negotiated or outdated deals and is trying to fix them. China isn't happy, it rather liked the status quo. It seems that most experts feel Trump should stay the course. Interestingly, China has stated that the Chinese people are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. I wonder if the American people have the same ability to make short term sacrifices for long term gains. Sadly, I have no confidence that they do. I expect the first time the price of eggs inches upward there will be liberal commentators and members of the public who will wring their hands and blame the President rather than standing behind him. It's a good thing they live in 2019 because they couldn't have dealt with the rationing of WWII.
- Tuesday, May 14, 2019

$180 million are earmarked for Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

$180 million United States dollars are earmarked in FY 2019 for humanitarian aid and economic development for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Yet, hordes of people from those same countries are allegedly fleeing poverty and crime. A CBS's 60 Minutes report says that coyotes are paid around $9,000 for every man, woman and child brought into our country. How does a family of 4, fleeing poverty, come up with $36,000 to get safe passage? It just doesn't add up. Someone is financing those migrants. Who? Why? Both are questions that need answering. President Trump is 100% right, we need to stop aid to those countries until we are able to insure that it will be used as intended. It is painfully obvious that our money is not reaching the people in need. The bottom line is that our current strategy is not working. We send money to make their lives better and they still flood into our country.
- Monday, April 29, 2019

Does anyone think that the CEO of a business would be fired if he or she improved the work place environment

Does anyone think that the CEO of a business would be fired if he or she improved the work place environment, raised the income level of the company, worked out better deals for selling their product, improved buildings and equipment and raised wages. Of course not. The CEO would get a raise and probably some shares of company stock. In the real world results matter. That CEO might get hired on his resume' but if he didn't perform as expected he'd be out the door. This is the world our President understands. We the people looked at his resume' and hired him for the job of President of the United States. So far we are pleased with his performance and prepared to offer him another 4 year contract. There are no other candidates with his credentials.
- Saturday, April 27, 2019

Prayers for Pro-Life MP Mark Warawa

Prayers for Pro-Life MP Mark WarawaThis is the message sent out by Canada’s Pro-Life Mark Warawa: "My dear friends, I am very sick in the hospital and need your prayers for a miracle. You can see how yellow my skin is. The doctors believe I have pancreatic cancer. I have procedures tomorrow morning and some additional tests over the next few days to see if cancer has spread to other organs. If it is just in the pancreas, I will need surgery and 6 months of chemotherapy. If cancer has spread to other organs, there isn't anything medically to do and life could be short.
- Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Netanyahu Razor-Thin Win Moves Israel Right

Netanyahu Razor-Thin Win Moves Israel RightWith 97% of the vote counted, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-of-center Likud party has sustained a razor-thin win, defeating Benny Gantz’s left-leaning Blue and White party, receiving 37 seats to Gantz’s 36, but the victory is actually much greater than it appears.
- Wednesday, April 10, 2019


The complexion of politics would be different if people applied logic, instead of emotion, when evaluating their differences. One case in point is the plight of unfortunates gathered in caravans, to crash our southern borders illegally, for a better life. The problem lies within their country of origin, not with our dilemma for securing our borders within archaic immigration laws. Using asylum as a means to enter the country is a scam and doesn't cut it.
- Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank if Re-elected

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank if Re-electedIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just pledged to annex Jewish settlements in the West Bank if re-elected, which is essentially throwing red meat to his conservative base. With elections in Israel set for Tuesday, April 9, final polls show Benny Gantz running slightly ahead of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Will this last-minute policy shift be enough to put Bibi over the top? Let's consider 6 key questions with my some quick answers:
- Monday, April 8, 2019

Charge of inappropriate contact and/or sexual harassment

We have a new weapon in our country and it is impossible to see, impossible to protect ourselves from and the wounds inflicted never heal. It won't kill you but it might prevent employment, break up families and cause severe emotional scars. That weapon is the charge of inappropriate contact and/or sexual harassment. Every single adult and many teens are armed and dangerous. I am not a fan of Joe Biden, but the timing of his accusers sure makes me think these accusations have an ulterior motive. Just like those thrown at Bret Kavanaugh and others. I have heard Kamala Harris call VP Mike Pence "Ridiculous" for not meeting alone with any woman. To that I say, Mr. Pence is very smart not to put himself in a position where it is he said, she said because the public will nearly always believe the woman. As for Ms. Harris, she is clearly out of touch with what is happening. Which is quite amusing considering how her career got its start- an affair with a married man.
- Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I get up in the morning to see Al Roker (NBC) in the Arctic

I get up in the morning to see Al Roker (NBC) in the Arctic, drilled down into the ice to get samples because they are finding that the earth is warming deeper into the earth. Then I read, not an hour later, that NASA is reporting growth in one of Greenland's key glaciers. Climate change proponents want us to buy into the notion climate change is man made and that the science is settled. Given all that I read and hear, I cannot buy that the issue is settled. Experience tells me this: coffee is bad, now it is OK. Eggs are bad, no good, now bad again. There are too many examples of science changing as more is learned. Just look how our understanding of our galaxy and beyond has changed as we learn more. I think we can all agree that we should take care of Mother Earth. The tactic that the Al Gore followers have embraced- being alarmists, being unreceptive to real concerns, and setting up an "us or them" situation has only caused some of us to wonder, what is the real goal? We find it disingenuous that people who live in McMansions are preaching to the rest of us about our carbon footprint. I have no problem giving up plastic straws but I do want a straw (paper is fine). I don't want to drink off the rim of a glass that has been handled by multiple people before it gets to me. All I'm saying is--it isn't settled, stop being unbending, listen to the other people. We might actually reach a meeting of the minds.
- Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Release of the Mueller Report into Russian collusion

Almost simultaneously with the release of the Mueller Report into Russian collusion surrounding the 2016 election, the usual suspects started questioning the results and vowing more investigations. At that point I realized, this will never be over. We have spent somewhere north of $25 million dollars over almost 2 years. It has consumed our news programs and caused a deeper division in the country. The Dems had a melt down back when they feared Pres. Trump would fire Mueller. They asserted that he was the person to get to the truth. I guess that was until they didn't like his truth. He indicted or charged 34 people, that sounds pretty thorough to me. The bottom line is that a fake dossier created by Democratic players didn't stop his election, a long and expensive investigation hasn't resulted in any charges. It is time to get back to business. That is what the majority of people want and need. There are important challenges facing our country, Congress needs to start acting like adults and do their job. And the media needs to take it off the news. It isn't news it is a witch hunt instigated by Democrats and fueled by the liberal media.
- Sunday, March 31, 2019

Here is my issue regarding the Judge Jeanine, Fox news controversy

Here is my issue regarding the Judge Jeanine, Fox news controversy. I listened to the monolog, and, yes, she was asking some tough questions but I thought they were fair. We are in 2 camps on this. There are those who believe that the Muslim people are peace loving, refugees, anxious to start a new life in our country and that they are willing to live by our laws. There are those who believe that at least some Muslims in this country will never live by our laws, will never assimilate, and in their heart of hearts, wish us ill. It is not that we are different. We are used to differences. What we have trouble with is the establishment of "No go zones" where we are prohibited from enforcing the laws of our land. Or the special exceptions afforded to Muslims such as changing the dress code in Congress. Or the lack of censure of a Muslim for behavior that would have landed a Christian in boiling water. Or special airport screening rules. All of these things point to a group that is unwilling to adapt to our culture and laws. When you couple that with the extreme teachings of the Quran, only a fool would not be at least a little concerned. Then, there is the most troubling aspect of all, silencing the voices that ask the hard questions.
- Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Doug Ford has turned his back on rural Ontario

Doug Ford has turned his back on rural Ontario so I would encourage rural Ontario to turn their back on premier Ford. MPP Randy Hillier was elected by his constituents as their representative at Queens Park not to be Ford’s puppet. Randy has served his riding with great dignity and loyalty to the people. Due to Ford's bad judgment on kicking Randy Hillier out of the party, I can longer support the provincial Conservative party and have torn my party membership up. I urge others to do the same and stop all donations to the party and to stop volunteering for the party. The Province of Ontario should not be run by a dictator and a bunch of yes people to please Ford. Our MPPs must be able to speak freely to attain better results.
- Sunday, March 17, 2019

A couple engages in consensual sex. She gets pregnant. She gets to decide to keep or abort

A couple engages in consensual sex. She gets pregnant. She gets to decide to keep or abort. He has no say. But, if she carries the baby to term, he is responsible to support the baby. She has all the power, he has all the responsibility. If she decides to abort, he has zero options. If she opts for adoption, he is consulted. What a screwed up system. We talk a lot about family values yet we marginalize fatherhood in so many ways. A child has 2 parents. Those parents should have an equal place at the parenting table. If not, you are saying a father is nothing but a sperm donor and check. They are so much more. It is time to recognize that fact.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019

We can add babysitting to Speaker of the House, Pelosi's responsibilities in this new Congress

We can add babysitting to Speaker of the House, Pelosi's responsibilities in this new Congress and it may prove to be the hardest job she has. Under her wings are a flock of freshmen representatives who are drunk on power, are inexperienced and each with a special axe to grind. It is actually fun to watch the matriarch try to control and excuse them as they become more outlandish everyday. Her latest tactic with Ihan Omar is to say that she doesn't understand the weight of her words. Awesome. I hope she is never in a position to speak to a foreign leader, be involved in a committee negotiation, or represent us at an event. Then there is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her New Green Deal. Taking on her is to also take on her puppet master because there is no way she came up with that document without help. Then there is Rashida Tlaib's potty mouth. Well, you get the idea. Call it Karma or sweet justice, Nancy isn't going to have an easy year.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I agree with President Trump on this-no free speech, no taxpayer money

What a novel idea, the notion that those who feed at the trough of taxpayer funds should abide by the Constitution by respecting the rights embedded within. For too long American History and civics have been left out of Elementary and High School education. At the same time liberal, progressive, and even socialist doctrine have reigned over college campuses. All the while, education on all levels is supported by people who don't believe in the curriculum. If we are going to fund higher education with taxpayer dollars, then taxpayers or our representatives should have a say in what goes on. Free speech being the most basic. I agree with President Trump on this-no free speech, no taxpayer money.
- Friday, March 8, 2019

Democratic Primary participants are refusing Fox news a place at the table

It is completely astounding to me that, if reports are correct, Democratic Primary participants are refusing Fox news a place at the table. Seriously? Remember under Pres. Obama CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Shapiro both had siblings that worked under Obama at the National Security Council. Can you say Benghazi coverup? White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was married to ABC new contributor Claire Shipman. CNN President Virginia Moseley was married to Clinton Deputy Secretary Tom Nides. And the list goes on. Apparently, conflict of interest doesn't cause Dems any concerns when it is on their side, only when it can be conveniently used to slant a debate result. They must be so proud. Look what we did, we stopped all the hard questions, quelled unfriendly voices, flexed our muscle again. No. No you didn't. You are coming off as scared, confused bullies whose only hope of winning is to play dirty. I'm quite certain the President, Fox News and the RNC are all doing a happy dance right now. If this is you "going high" can't wait to see what comes next.
- Friday, March 8, 2019
