
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Congress has passed 7 amnesty acts since 1986

Congress has passed 7 amnesty acts since 1986. Under President Reagan the 1st included provisions to strengthen enforcement and border control. 6 more amnesties were granted 1994, 1997, 1998 (2), and 2000 (2). After this there were 2 failed attempts by Congress thanks to a massive push back by the American people. Then in 2014, Pres. Obama took matters into his own hands, unilaterally granting amnesty to about 5 million more people. It against this backdrop that compromise becomes difficult if not Impossible. If we did not have the trail of broken promises and track record of repeated amnesties, we might be able to agree. But, you see, we don't trust that this will be the end, that borders will be secure and immigration laws enforced. We would be foolish to think that what is being offered will be done. This breach of faith must be addressed. It must be acknowledged.
- Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Few people understand sacrifice better than triple amputee and purple heart recipient Brian Kolfage

Few people understand sacrifice better than triple amputee and purple heart recipient Brian Kolfage. He also understands the need for enforcing our laws and protecting free speech. Brian has taken on another battle-to do what Congress refuses to do,raise the money to secure our southern border. But, instead of being ashamed of their gutless response to the American people, the liberal elite are trashing Brian and his family. Who the heck do they think they are? They are the worst sort of people who cannot compete on the field of ideas and beliefs so they resort to threats and name calling. Typical school yard bullies. But guess what, a lot of Americans believe Brian is on the right track. They are sending their money and signing their names. Jimmy Kimmel says those people are dopey meth users. There are so many things I would like to say to Mr. Kimmel. None are fit to print. Suffice it to say that I believe we need more Brian Kolfages and less Jimmy Kimmels in our world.
- Monday, December 24, 2018

Germany's green transition has hit a brick wall

Germany's green transition has hit a brick wallMore people are finally beginning to realize that supplying the world with sufficient, stable energy solely from sun and wind power will be impossible. Germany took on that challenge, to show the world how to build a society based entirely on “green, renewable” energy.
- Thursday, December 20, 2018

Unfortunately, you and I will be collateral damage

The press have not been able to do it. The Hollywood elite haven't been able to do it. Rumors and accusations haven't been able to do it.Now the Federal Reserve is taking a crack at bringing our President down. No doubt a crash or even slowing of the economy can do him a lot of harm. Unfortunately, you and I will be collateral damage. Because the truth is, a healthy economy makes for happy voters. The Supreme Court nominees, renegotiated trade deals, a more stable Korean peninsula,lifting of onerous regulations, and the return of jobs to our soil are very important. But for working families, more jobs, and less taxes have fueled a boom in consumer confidence. And Trump haters can't stand it. Too much monkeying by the fed might just send us back to the Obama economy.
- Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Our President is trying to negotiate with people who don't care if a deal is reached or not. They have no skin in the game

When 2 business people sit down to hammer out a deal, both have something to win and something to lose. They weigh the gains against the loses. Ideally, both sides come away feeling like winners. This is the world President Trump understands. This is the way he has been successful. It is also the way rational people expect their Congress to function. We expect them to sit across from each other and stay there until a problem is solved. We want them to do the hard work. In doing so, they will learn about the motivation of the other side and they will gain respect. That's why business people often say they like one another. Here's the problem. Our President is trying to negotiate with people who don't care if a deal is reached or not. They have no skin in the game. Of the 12 wealthiest Senators only 3 are Republican. Taking an unyielding position on anything from immigration to gun control has no impact on these people. They fly in private jets, have drivers, have multiple homes, domestic help, the finest of healthcare, clothing and food. They give no thought to having money for food, utilities, insurance, or anything else. What would motivate them to compromise? Not a darn thing. They can grind things to a halt with no pain to themselves. That is why we are deadlock in this country.
- Monday, December 17, 2018

Baby it's Cold Outside

This entire time wasting, headline grabbing, pure nonsense faux indignation about the song, "Baby it's Cold Outside" has got to stop. And any other ridiculous things like banning Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Regarding the aforementioned song, talk to me when you are done cleaning up and banning the disgusting filth, by Eminem and many others, that passes for rap music these days. I tried to find some that could illustrate my point. None were printable.
- Saturday, December 8, 2018

Dr. Willie Soon versus the Climate Apocalypse

Dr. Willie Soon versus the Climate Apocalypse “What can I do to correct these crazy, super wrong errors?” Willie Soon asked plaintively in a recent e-chat. “What errors, Willie?” I asked. “Errors in Total Solar Irradiance,” he replied. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change keeps using the wrong numbers! It’s making me feel sick to keep seeing this error. I keep telling them – but they keep ignoringtheir mistake.”
- Saturday, December 1, 2018

America controls our oil industry - SHAME!

News confirms that Big Business in USA is manipulating the resistance to Canada’s pipeline to devalue and control Canada’s oil resource. We all know that Canada is losing billions of revenue each week due to the cancellation of pipelines to outside markets. These projects were critical to get our oil to other markets other than the USA. Reports confirming that cheap Canadian oil is subsidizing the American public is sickening. It is time for our PM to get both east and west pipelines going ‘as a national ‘ issue. IS our country so meek that we let outside interests stop our industries from making a decent profit? Do Canadians not ‘get’ that money from oil is needed to develop new technology by funding ‘research and development’ of sustainable energy? Although I am NOT an NDP supporter but I am also tired of people blaming Notely for this mess. It is clearly our Federal government that has not “ponied’ up to the reality that it is CANADA that is being hoodwinked by American businesses. If that is not enough to stoke some NATIONAL action and get those pipelines done, I don’t know what will.
- Wednesday, November 14, 2018

President Trump "setting the tone" for our nation

I hear and read a lot about President Trump "setting the tone" for our nation. But I wonder, since we are a nation of, by and for the people, should we not set the tone and then demand it from our leaders? President Trump was elected by an angry and determined middle class that had been used, abused and forgotten. We wanted and needed a fighter, someone who liked and respected us and who knew how to fix things. We chose him, understanding his imperfections as well as his strengths. We are the backbone of America. The early to rise, late to bed, hardworking, family people. We take care of our own business and often suffer in silence. For the first time in many years we saw a leader who would represent us. There is enough incivility to go around and it didn't start, nor will it end with one person or one party. Both sides can point a finger at numerous examples of poorly chosen or downright nasty remarks. You and I can only control ourselves, so that is what we should do. Don't rise to the bait at email postings. Don't engage in arguments, political or otherwise with family and friends. Listen to others. Listening doesn't constitute agreement and often is all that is needed. We can also exercise our vote to bring people on board who play well with others. United we stand, divided we fall. Those are not just words, they are a philosophy to which we should all aspire.
- Monday, November 5, 2018

Bernie Sanders opened the door that empowered people to embrace socialism

I am a grandparent who had an epiphany today when reading a piece about how Bernie Sanders open the door that empowered people to embrace socialism. My awaking was a sucker punch to the gut-this is my fault and that of many grandparents. Let me explain. As a child, I knew without a doubt that money didn't grow on trees and that anything but food and shelter was a luxury. Charity and sharing were part of our everyday life but we knew it was limited by our income and would require sacrifice. I knew that the only way to have food and shelter was to work hard. Things like dental braces, name brand clothing, and college were not part of our necessities. I wanted better for my children. I wanted them to be free of financial worries in their youth. I wanted them to have an easier life. As a result their children have no concept of how the bicycle, school pictures, extravagant birthday parties, baseball equipment, or annual vacation are paid for. They take them for granted. So the idea of socialism has no meaning to young people who have no understanding of the rewards of work, saving, sacrificing and budgeting. How many would be sold on the notion if they knew that it would mean a lower standard of living for them? Even those of us who get it and who could deal with going without really don't want to anymore. It isn't glamorous. But much of this generation has no idea in the world how to live without frills, much less actual necessities. We have to do better.
- Monday, November 5, 2018

Maga Bomber

Here in the states, many of us are not buying the story that this was of his doing and by himself.. Other things are, how is it someone like him knew the personal address of Soros or Clintons? That isn't public info. Or how did he hand deliver these pkgs to some of these victims, in NY state like Soros, while he was still in FL? Or reported that he was broke and living in his van, yet, had the means and money to send these pkgs, without so much as a USPO cancellation on such? Which adds to your report pristine decals on a van? These don’t look like ordinary decals, more like a custom job. Nope. Whole thing smells fishy. Sounds like an inside job from the Democrats. Maybe Hillary had her groupies make these party favors and deliver them personally. She is Soros neighbor! This smells like another false attempt by the Democrats to play the victim card, by finding a nobody who wants to be somebody and take the rap. As you know latest, accusers on Kavanagh have now confessed to lying...No surprise there! Hope you keep reporting on this big lie, as it unravels it will lead back to the deep state people still hiding in the FBI and Clintons and Soros, not to mention some Senators that need to be held accountable also. Hope we see them in orange jumpsuits in Gitmo someday... A Montana Resident
- Monday, November 5, 2018

I don't care, and I doubt few Americans do care, what Senator Elizabeth Warren's ethnicity is

I don't care, and I doubt few Americans do care, what Senator Elizabeth Warren's ethnicity is. But I do care and am troubled by her rabid need to be Native American. Why is this so important to her that she would make the outrageous claims she has made? It has been often noted that probably most Americans have a drop or two of American Indian blood. Even a cursory knowledge of American history would lend credibility to that claim. Tribal registration requires proof that one has at least 25% blood of that tribe. No less. So while Ms. Warren may have a drop of Native American blood, big deal. Is that all she has on which to hang her political future? Being a true member of an native tribe holds special significance that should not be belittled or diminished. We have taken everything they had. Do we really need to steal their heritage? That feels to me like the final insult.
- Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cast your vote accordingly. It will have a long term effect.

Typically, midterm elections are low turn out and give an edge to the party that is out of power. Presidential elections draw many more people. This November that may not be true. The deep philosophical differences and the success of the Trump administration coupled with the rancor over the Kavanaugh decision seems to have fired up voters on both sides. In Florida, the voting is also spurred by ecological and natural disasters. Participation is good. Ill informed, party line participation is not. In our Governor's race, look at who has a record of accomplishment, who has demonstrated an ability to work well with others, who has a plan of how to solve problems going forward, and who has an understanding of the challenges facing the people of Florida. Ron DeSantis doesn't believe that socialism solves problem, Gillum does. Cast your vote accordingly. It will have a long term effect.
- Tuesday, October 16, 2018

CNN Claims Mob Harassment is First Amendment Right

Re today's GOPSUSA article “CNN Claims Mob Harassment is First Amendment Right”, check this out from the Daily Signal's J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department lawyer, asserting that the threats and interruptions of Senate business amount to a federal crime. “These are not protesters. It’s a crime to disrupt the U.S. Senate,” Adams told The Daily Signal. “The U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Jessie Liu, needs to start enforcing criminal law.” “If the law isn’t enforced, it’s going to keep happening and get worse. It won’t stop at the Senate; they’ll disrupt the Supreme Court, too,” Adams said. Such behavior is punishable upon conviction by a maximum of six months in prison, he said. Adams referred to U.S. Code 4, Section 5104, which says in part:
Violent entry and disorderly conduct.—An individual or group of individuals may not willfully and knowingly … enter or remain in the gallery of either House of Congress in violation of rules governing admission to the gallery adopted by that House or pursuant to an authorization given by that House … with the intent to disrupt the orderly conduct of official business … utter loud, threatening, or abusive language, or engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress[.]
- Thursday, October 11, 2018

"Civility can start again when Democrats take control of the House and/or Senate" says Hillary Clinton

"Civility can start again when Democrats take control of the House and/or Senate" says Hillary Clinton .That leaves me wondering what sort of a party the Dems have become. I guess a party that will be civil only if the get their way, like a petulant 3 year old. In the meantime, they can disrupt Senate hearings, storm the steps of the Supreme Court, lay down in the street with tape over their mouths, accost government members or employees when they are in public, suggest violence, and the list goes on. Civility is one of the foundations of our nation. It should not and must not be a tool to only be used to gain something. It should be used routinely, as a matter of common conduct and courtesy. To suggest that one will only be civil if one has power is very troubling. It sounds like blackmail. I'll be nice if you let me win? Is this what Democrats really believe? If not, maybe it is time to speak out against the behavior of some of your leaders.
- Thursday, October 11, 2018

I am troubled by the way we, as a country, are viewing Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski

I am troubled by the way we, as a country, are viewing Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski. Democrats decry Manchin and applaud Murkowski while Republicans do just the opposite. I'm a conservative who was very pleased that Joe Manchin voted yes on the Kavanaugh nomination. I was also disappointed with Murkowski. But in all fairness, they both were doing the same thing, voting their conscience. It will be up to the voters of West Virginia and Alaska to decide the political futures of these two individuals. What I hate seeing is the chest pounding and bloviations of some high profile Conservatives threatening to cost Murkowski her career. I don't think she is a good Republican. I doubt her vote represented her constituents. I think she relishes the attention that being the deciding vote affords her. But, she doesn't represent me. She represents the people of Alaska. Her reelection rests on them. Will I support her opponent? It depends on who it is. Sometimes the devil you know is better that the one you do not. I am an advocate of taking the high road. I hope Conservative leaders and pundits will not abandon the high road in this instance. We have too much more to accomplish.
- Monday, October 8, 2018

It is time to collectively take a deep breath and calm down.

It is time to collectively take a deep breath and calm down. It is over. The seat on the Supreme Court is filled. Time to move on to other pressing issues. If there was ever an example of a tempest in a teapot this confirmation process was it. It really stinks to lose. And Democrats are still licking their wounds from the loss of Merrick Garland as a Justice. Republicans are celebrating the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh. Frankly, filling that seat was a driving issue in the 2016 election. We will probably never know and never agree on the Blasey- Ford allegations. That is all they were. But guess what, when these two men served together on the US Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, they joined together on opinions 93% of the time. 93%. So, can we look at this rationally and realize things will be OK? And can we acknowledge that some behaviors were really silly? Whipped up frenzy without a solid basis. We should learn from this ugly mess.
- Monday, October 8, 2018

The Brett Kavanaugh story is a symptom of a sad disease that is infecting our country

The Brett Kavanaugh story is a symptom of a sad disease that is infecting our country. The emasculation and disrespect of our men - our fathers, brothers, husbands, sons and even military and law enforcement. We have allowed them to be put in the untenable position that all allegations of sexual impropriety are believed. We have done this as a reaction to the horrible treatment of women victims in the past.
- Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Cool heads will always prevail

Growing up, and later in the workforce, it was impressed on me that raising my voice gave the other guy the upper hand. It was an indication that I had lost control of the situation. Cool heads will always prevail. Judging for the behavior of protesters in the Kavanaugh hearings they either weren't taught this life lesson, they were out of control, or they subscribe to the Alinsky rules for radicals-or all three. It was an embarrassment to watch important hearings to select someone who will have a serious and major impact on our country for years to come turn into a media circus. If there was evidence that this sort of disruptive protesting yielded results it would be easier to understand. If the cameras were to ignore anything but the exchange between the questioner and the person being interviewed, I'll bet the incidences of protest would drop. These are people who don't have a clue as to how to effect change without behaving badly. Don't give them there 15 seconds of fame.
- Tuesday, September 11, 2018

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven Dear Admiral McRaven: Your recent OPED, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.
- Wednesday, August 22, 2018
