
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Nate Silver: Despite massively outspending Trump, Clinton's odds of victory collapsing

Prior to September, Hillary had already tried everything she could think of. She introduced herself, she re-introduced herself, she had a soft reboot, she re-re-introduced herself, and she still hadn't managed to seal the deal with the American people. That meant there was only one thing left to do. When you're a trainwreck candidate that no one wanted in the first place, you have no choice but to enact "The Jeb! Doctrine."
- Wednesday, September 21, 2016

NY/NJ bomber's father warned police in 2014 that his son was a terrorist

Man. This is getting really old. Continuing a pattern we've seen play out again and again, it appears that law enforcement had Ahmad Khan Rahami on their radar a full two years befrore he carried out last week's New York and New Jersey bombings. Maybe, just maybe, when someone tells you "hey my son's a radical Islamist terrorist," we should start taking that seriously.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Report: Trump (narrowly) exceeding expectations among Hispanic voters

According to Hillary-friendly media, Hispanic voters are about to hand the 2016 election to Bill Clinton's wife. We've heard over and over that Trump's immigration stance has decimated the GOP's already-meager support among Latinos, and this has doomed his electoral chances.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

'Good guy with gun' who stopped Crossroads Mall terrorist is NRA-certified firearms instructor

If there's one thing the left has taught us, it's that the NRA is an evil organization that panders to gun nuts, craves violence, wants children to die, and works for the destruction of all that is good and decent in America. While they like claim otherwise, people with guns never stop mass-casualty attacks, guns are pretty much never used in self-defense, and carrying one in public is a recipe for disaster.
- Monday, September 19, 2016

Josh Earnest: The war against ISIS is 'in some ways just a war of narratives'

By now, you've seen a thousand examples of the White House's desperate desire to downplay the realities of radical Islam. We listened to Obama's "legitimate grievances" line during the apology tour. We stood agape at the insipid "J.V. Team" proclamations during the formation and strengthening of ISIS. We've endured their penchant for shouting "racist" at anyone would actually dare label our enemies. We stand by as, after each and every attack, they deflect, diminish, and deny.
- Monday, September 19, 2016

Gallup poll shows trust in media plunging to an all-time low

It doesn't matter who you are. If you're awake, if you're paying attention to what's going on in the world around you, there's a good chance you don't trust the press. Considering the inarguable fact that most mainstream media outlets are little more than regurgitators for Democrat talking points, this is hardly surprising. If they ever really existed, the days of non-partisan journalistic curiosity and integrity are long gone. We know this, and we cite examples every day.
- Thursday, September 15, 2016

UK Police officers may be allowed to wear burkas while on duty

If you asked a liberal, they'd probably tell you that the planet's number one symbol of oppression was the Confederate Flag. Oh sure, they'd be tempted to go with the Bald Eagle, the Presidential Seal, or the National Anthem, but in the end, political correctness would probably win out.
- Friday, September 9, 2016

Dear Penn State students, you can have a brief personal chat with Chelsea Clinton for just $2,700.00

If there's one truism about college students, it's that they're awash in near-endless piles of cash. Oh wait. Hang on. That's not it. It's that they're perpetually broke, eating fifty-cent Ramen Noodles in their dorm rooms or scraping by in ramshackle shared housing just south of fraternity row. Once you factor in books, beer, gas and tuition it's hardly surprising that they don't normally have any expendable funds.
- Friday, September 9, 2016
