
Tom Harris

Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition at [url=http://www.icsc-climate.com]http://www.icsc-climate.com[/url].

Most Recent Articles by Tom Harris:

Conservative Leaders Need a Plan to Kill the Climate Scare Before it Destroys our Nation

Many conservatives in Canada, either on purpose, or unintentionally, support the unscientific, costly climate scare. Rather than simply tell the truth about climate change, namely that there is no climate emergency and efforts to control the climate will leave us bankrupt, hungry and freezing in the dark for no environmental benefit, the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) brass, and indeed many GOP politicians in the U.S., attempt to finesse the issue so as to expand the tent of voters who may support the party.

- Monday, May 6, 2024

“Cosmoclimatology” May Explain the Real Drivers of Climate Change

Changes in solar output, not humanity’s carbon dioxide emissions, is likely the primary driver of climate change over at least the past few centuries.

Scientists have long observed a noticeable relationship between solar activity, as indicated by sunspot numbers, and so-called “global temperatures” for centuries. It was in 1613 when Galileo Galilei, the father of modern astronomy, used the newly invented telescope to begin recording darker areas, some far larger than the Earth, on the surface of the Sun.

- Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Cosmic Climate Mystery is Solved!

Scientists have known for a long time that solar activity correlates well with climatic conditions on Earth. This should surprise no one since our home star is an enormous source of energy, only a tiny fraction of which is intercepted by the Earth. Yet that is enough to raise the temperature of our planet from near absolute zero to the relatively comfortable 15o C we enjoy today.

- Sunday, March 3, 2024

Geological Discovery Upends Politically Correct Climate Science

Over the past few decades, one of the greatest mystery stories in the history of science has played out—trying to understand why changes in the output of the Sun, not human emissions of greenhouse gases, appears to be the primary driver of climate change on Earth.

- Saturday, February 24, 2024


Imagine if every time your doctor gave you advice or wrote you a prescription, it turned out to be dramatically wrong. Indeed so wrong that, had you followed his or her advice, and took the medication prescribed, you would now be sicker still or perhaps even dead. No one could fault you for trying to find another doctor.

- Saturday, February 17, 2024

Its High Time to Stand Up to Climate Change Bullies

What do car manufacturers, farmers, ranchers, coal, oil and natural gas companies, electricity providers, cement companies, bird lovers, everyday consumers and pro-life activists have in common? They are all victims of the irrational and unscientific idea that humanity is causing dangerous climate change by our so-called greenhouse gas emissions. Yet virtually none of these groups contest the climate scare. Indeed, many support it, like hostages who identify with the goals of their captors in what has become known as the Stockholm syndrome.

- Sunday, February 4, 2024

In 2023, We Became Lost in Neverland on Climate Change

This year, the UN, governments and even some scientists lost their collective minds on climate change.

In July, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said:

“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning. Children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames (and) workers collapsing in scorching heat.”

- Sunday, December 24, 2023

Asteroid Impact Model the Best Approach to Climate Change Policy

For two weeks starting on November 30th, we will be inundated with the avalanche of climate change alarmism that always accompanies the annual United Nations Climate Change Conferences. This year the event, officially called the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will be held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

- Sunday, November 19, 2023

Climate Scare Blown Up By Geology

Apollo astronauts, several of whom condemned the climate scare as bogus, take part in geology training

We rarely see geologists interviewed in the press about climate change. Sure, we often hear from excited meteorologists, biologists, chemists, sometimes physicists and of course the ubiquitous climate modelers (who pretend to know what the climate will be in 100 years) on TV and in newspapers, when the media bothers to interview scientists at all. But almost never do we see interviews with scientists who study what actually happened in the real world when carbon dioxide (CO2) was many times higher than today.

- Monday, September 18, 2023

Let’s End the Climate Scare Promoting Abortion

Pro-lifers should be seriously concerned that the abortion industry is now allying itself with the powerful and heavily funded climate alarmist movement that has hijacked institutions across the western world. The Virginia-based Population Research Institute tells us about this sinister connection in their important video, “Climate Change is an Excuse for Abortion.” They warn:

“Climate crisis advocates blame human activity as the leading cause for climate change. So why not push for global access to abortion and contraception under the guise of climate activism to address the source of all climate change – humanity? This is precisely what the abortion industry has attempted to do. …”

- Saturday, September 9, 2023

Fighting the Climate Scare to Defend Life

As I described in “Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion,” climate alarmists are pushing increased access to abortion to supposedly help “stop climate change.” Equally concerning for pro-lifers, the abortion industry has jumped on the climate change bandwagon to promote their agenda as well.

This is why the pro-life movement needs to present solid arguments to show that the climate scare is not based on sound science.

In “How Pro-Lifers Can Fight the Climate Scare Threatening Their Movement,” I explained how to contest the mistaken idea that the rise in so-called “global average temperature” is of concern. Next, let’s consider the supposed increase in extreme weather than climate activists are always wailing about.

- Sunday, August 27, 2023

Ottawa’s Reliance On Batteries To Back Up Wind And Solar Power

As demonstrated in the report issued by the International Climate Science Coalition - Canada, the City of Ottawa’s Climate Change Master Plan is costly, infeasible and ultimately dangerous to the public. Arguably its most insane element is the plan to introduce batteries to backup wind and solar power for windless periods or when it is cloudy (or at night). In its all-encompassing and nonsensical plan to ‘stop global warming,’ the City has adopted short, mid, and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets based on 2012 levels. The brain trust at the city actually think they can, and will, reduce Community emissions by 100 per cent by 2050, and city operations emissions by 100% by 2040. All this in a city of one million souls with temperatures often down to minus 30 degrees Celsius.

- Saturday, July 29, 2023

Polar Bears an Extraordinary Success Story

It really is getting tiresome that so much is falsely blamed on climate change. The most blatantly wrong example is the supposed pending demise of polar bears that, activists claim, will soon occur due to human caused climate change. Any increases in their populations that we currently see are surely insignificant in light of their prospective extinction.

For example, a 2020 press release of Polar Bear Range States asserts:

- Monday, July 17, 2023

Ottawa’s Climate Plans “Irresponsible”

Testimony of ICSC-Canada’s Tom Harris before the City of Ottawa Environment and Climate Change Committee – 18/04/23 (video of testimony may be see here). Note the logically fallacious attack from Councillor Sean Devine after Mr. Harris’ testimony and Mr. Harris’ response.

Thank you Chair. I’m Tom Harris, Executive Director of International Climate Science Coalition – Canada. I am a resident of Councillor Devine’s ward.

I would like to congratulate those of you who were on Council when the Climate Change Master Plan was passed for your inclusion of adaptation to climate change.

- Thursday, April 27, 2023

Earth Day Betrays its Philosophical Founders

The real founders of Earth Day were not the politicians who rode the wave of environmental consciousness that swept the public in the late 60s and early 70s to establish the logistics of the organization. Nor was it the United Nations or peace and environmental activists who jumped on board the train when it became apparent that people across the world were demanding action to solve the environmental problems of the day.

- Friday, April 21, 2023

How Pro-lifers Can Fight the Climate Scare Threatening their Movement

In “Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion,“ my March 21st America Out Loud article, I described how climate alarmists are promoting abortion to lessen our population to supposedly help stop climate change. I also showed that the abortion industry is now citing climate change concerns to promote their agenda as well.

But both of these arguments utterly fail if pro-life activists demonstrate clearly that there is no climate emergency—not now, nor at any time in the foreseeable future. And that is exactly the case.

- Monday, April 10, 2023

Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to speak to Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa about climate change and the potential threat that climate alarmism poses to the objectives of pro-lifers. The title of the event is “Why global warming alarmism is a threat to unborn children… and the pro-life movement.”

In preparation for the event, I researched whether climate activist groups had anything to say about abortion and were surprised to see they do indeed. While their position is usually cloaked in supposed respect for woman’s rights, many of these groups strongly support abortion, and it is clear that their drive for de-population is a major reason for it. For example, in his Feb 6, 2017 interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Michael Brune, then Sierra Club Executive Director, was asked:

- Friday, March 24, 2023

“Bankrupt, Hungry and Freezing in the Dark”

Testimony of ICSC-Canada’s Tom Harris before the City of Ottawa Environment and Climate Change Committee – 21/02/23 (video of testimony may be seen here):

My name is Tom Harris. I am Executive Director of The International Climate Science Coalition – Canada. I have bachelor and masters degrees in mechanical engineering with a specialization in thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. I worked as an engineer for the National Research Council, other government departments, and in the high-tech sector. As a lecturer at Carleton University, I taught climate change [science] to about 1500 students.

- Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The City of Ottawa municipal election has been poisoned with corruption, censorship and intimidation

The City of Ottawa municipal election has been poisoned with corruption, censorship and intimidationCorruption: the first four mayoral candidates debates were organized by climate activists. Not surprisingly, they made the debates about "climate justice" and eliminated from the 4th and most important climate debate, Mike Maguire, the candidate who most seriously opposed the City’s energy plans. Also eliminated, even though he accepted, in writing, a written commitment from the organizers that he would participate in the 4th debate, was candidate Ade Olumide, who has registered a formal complaint. But then Olumide had criticized candidate and current councillor Catherine McKenney, a favourite of climate activists, on several issues. He especially condemned McKenney’s wild plan to boost Ottawa’s cycling budget (for bike paths) by 1,250% to $250 million while, as Olumide put it in his October 5 press release, “people [are] dying due to the waitlist to enter a drug treatment program and the lack of supportive housing.”
- Monday, October 24, 2022
