
Nadra Enzi

"Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black is a contributor to Canada Free Press, a security writer on touchy topics; security advisor/founder of Borrow A Brother volunteer safety escorts for female friends concerned about carjackings robbery and sexual assault. $realbrocap on Cash App."

Most Recent Articles by Nadra Enzi:

NOPD Under Political Arrest

New Orleans hostages and honest policy makers should look to British police privatization-with apologies to PANO (the Police Association of New Orleans)-and American citizen on patrol models like Detroit Street Watchers and the Guardian Angels for relief from shrinking NOPD staff and growing violent crime. Outsourced police services and dedicated citizens on patrol can take the pressure off of the few officers left on the force- at least until the current mayor leaves office.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stop Slave Museum Ship Sellout!

"Just like some Africans colluded with willing Arabs and Europeans to sell their brethren, so New Orleans majority Black city council plots with White tourism brokers to profit off the slave trade. To say this is OBSCENE is being kind. This Slave Museum Ship Sellout proves how un-liberal and un-liberating modern liberalism has become! In the spirit of the Africans, American Blacks and righteous Whites who opposed slavery, I must now oppose this obscene plan to profit from human misery. " Cap Black, Anti Crime Activist.
- Saturday, May 23, 2015

Self Policing Isn't Being Anti-Police

Policing ourselves is the sane response to state-mandated mass hypnosis that a handful of government employees are the only ones keeping society safe. This isn't a combative statement in the least. It's an affirmation that the public must do its considerable part to secure itself and not hand all power over to the state.
- Sunday, May 17, 2015

Louisiana State Police Unite Brothers & Badges

Yesterday, I was the sole non-pastor invitee at what I call a brothers & badges together meeting held by Mike Edmunson, the Louisiana State Police Superintendent.
- Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ayanna Taplette & New Orleans Anti Self Defense Bias

If a woman, alone except for minor children, can't defend herself from an unknown male jumping out of her closet- what's the point of Louisiana self-defense law applying here in the war zone named New Orleans? Single Black mothers can't afford off duty police nor private security patrols to be on call in their neighborhoods. They don't have the status to have a priority assigned to their besieged communities. They don't have lobbyists and polished spokes people to plead their case in city hall or courtrooms.
- Monday, May 11, 2015

The Color of Justice In Baltimore

As an American (my picture clearly proclaims pigmentation) the Baltimore case of Freddie Gray and officers involved in his arrest has been an ordeal.
- Saturday, May 2, 2015

No Tears For WMDs

I have no tears for those I term, WMDs, "Weapons of Municipal Destruction." New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu shed symbolic ones in local media over a 21 year old armed robbery suspect killed by police Tuesday after robbing a supermarket. The mayor even said, "As a city and as a community, we have to do a better job of helping these young guys turn away from the bad decisions that they make."
- Thursday, April 30, 2015

Street Nazis Are T.h.u.g.s.!

In response to politically correct concerns about calling Baltimore rioters, " thugs, " I offer the following acronym,T.H.U.G. TH.U.G. stands for Threatening-Harmful-Unruly-Goons, a protectively correct definition from a Black man sick and tired of these kids' street nazi rampages!
- Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Essence of Being Obsidian Right

Conservatism isn't being a pet for scared White troglodytes, if the conservative in question happens to be Black.
- Monday, April 20, 2015

You Don't Flee To Use A Taser!

I've awaited inevitable defenses to emerge regarding the SC police shooting of Walter Scott. The trending defense is Scott was running away from the now-former officer in order to tase him??? I would laugh except that this is a deadly serious matter.
- Thursday, April 16, 2015

Religious Freedom Isn't Hateful

The flap over Indiana's recently inked Religious Freedom Restoration Act raises a valuable question: is religion discriminatory?
- Monday, March 30, 2015

Give Pizza Drivers A Safety Gift!

Greetings fellow hostages! I just received a pizza delivery and gave the driver a tip AND a free can of pepper spray- in honor of Michael Price, the recently slain Dominos driver here in New Orleans.
- Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Cap Black Police Reform Suggestion

Somewhere, beyond police unions, cop blockers and mutual mistrust is a common ground where public safety and civil liberties can not only complement, but also strengthen each other.
- Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Josie Wells, RIP

A 27-year-old man named Josie Wells was recently murdered in Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana. He was a deputy United States Marshal. He was also a young Black man who routinely risked life and limb capturing dangerous fugitives, like the one wounded in this case.
- Friday, March 13, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson Is Nobody's Extremist!

Calling Dr. Ben Carson an extremist is proof the poverty in the title, Southern Poverty Law Center, is a gross lack of common sense. It also indicates the Left considers the good doctor, follower of the Good Shepherd of biblical fame, a serious threat.
- Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Free Security On Nolas Canal St.

My free security activism found itself on New Orleans world famous Canal St., within a year of arrival.
- Monday, February 9, 2015

Opportunities To Provide Free Security

My background as an urban security person combined with anti crime activism to provide a hybrid humanitarianism I call “free security.”
- Tuesday, February 3, 2015
